在CentOS 5.4上运行PHP 5.3 - 致命错误未找到类'PDO'

时间:2011-12-23 17:26:22

标签: php pdo centos

在CentOS 5.4上启动和运行PHP 5.3的最佳方法是什么? 我的机器说我安装了PHP 5.3但遇到了我的脚本问题 致命错误:第45行/var/www/html/lib/rb.php中未找到“PDO”类 它无法尝试在RedbeanPHP 3.0库中新建一个PDO类。


我试着按照这些说明操作: 来自http://www.computingunplugged.com/issues/issue201102/00002619002

rpm -Uhv http://apt.sw.be/redhat/el5/en/i386/rpmforge/RPMS/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm  
rpm -Uvh http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm  
rpm -Uvh http://dl.iuscommunity.org/pub/ius/stable/Redhat/5/i386/ius-release-1.0-6.ius.el5.noarch.rpm  

yum erase php php-pear php-mysql php-cli php-common  

yum install php53u php53u-pear php53u-cli php53u-common php53u-gd  
yum install php53u-mbstring php53u-mcrypt php53u-mysql php53u-soap  
yum install php53u-xml php53u-xmlrpc php53u-bcmath  

有人删除了他们的答案。这很好。我准确地把它放回去了。 首先我不得不安装php53u-devel



sudo pecl install pdo
  sudo pecl install pdo_mysql

延长= pdo.so
延长= pdo_mysql.so

现在我在尝试运行sudo pecl install pdo_mysql时得到一个mysql_query_missing 并且不确定如何通过这个。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


编辑:也许这也有帮助:How do I enable PDO using CentOS?

答案 1 :(得分:1)

我已成功在CentOS 5.4 Linux上安装PHP-5.3。我需要这个能够成功安装和运行Drupal 7 - 这对我来说也很有用。以下是详细信息:








我想在CentOS 5.4机器上运行Drupal 7。所以我需要5.3版本的PHP。

以下是截至2012年5月24日使用工作存储库升级到PHP 5.3的完整工作步骤(我提供的评论以#开头 - 您不需要这些,只是为了您的信息)

# Comment: sites like http://www.computingunplugged.com/issues/issue201102/00002619001
# provide a good start for remedying the problem whereby we need 5.3 on CentOS 5.4 to run Drupal 7. But although their packages worked at the time, the links are now outdated, and updates to these are below.

# comment: (as of May 2012 - the following work, the reason for failures was use of 1) older packages no longer on the server and 2) change of address of one of the servers to dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel (credit to: http://osdir.com/ml/centos/2012-03/msg00057.html )

rpm -Uhv http://apt.sw.be/redhat/el5/en/i386/rpmforge/RPMS/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
rpm -Uvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh http://dl.iuscommunity.org/pub/ius/stable/Redhat/5/i386/ius-release-1.0-10.ius.el5.noarch.rpm  

yum erase php php-pear php-mysql php-cli php-common  

yum install php53u php53u-pear php53u-cli php53u-common php53u-gd  
yum install php53u-mbstring php53u-mcrypt php53u-mysql php53u-soap  
yum install php53u-xml php53u-xmlrpc php53u-bcmath 

# After doing the above, php -v shows 5.3.x But on attempting to install Drupal 7 you may get complaint of something "Your PHP installation is too old 5.1.6 Drupal requires at least PHP 5.2.4. See the system requirements page for more information." and php.info shows the same

# The remedy is to simply restart your apache server

service httpd restart

# credit to following for suggesting service httpd restart :-
# https://serverfault.com/a/207806/29205
# https://serverfault.com/questions/207762/centos-updating-php-via-yum-doesnt-change-the-version-apache-uses

# Drupal 7 install on CentOS 5.4 worked after applying the above steps

# If your MySQL server is not running (check by ps -ef | grep mysql ) then you can run:


# ...to start it, and to make sure it starts when the machine is restarted or cold booted:

chkconfig mysqld on