
时间:2011-12-21 18:30:42

标签: c pthreads





为什么 pthread_cond_wait虚假地返回?为什么它不能保证它只是在它被正确发出信号后醒来?任何人都能解释其虚假行为的原因吗?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:93)


  • pthread_cond_wait中被阻止的线程可以从通话中返回,即使在此情况下没有呼叫信号或广播。
  • 由于对信号或广播的调用,在pthread_cond_wait中被阻止的线程返回,但是在重新获取互斥锁之后,发现基础谓词不再成立。


  • 线程1刚刚将一个元素队列化并释放了互斥锁,队列现在为空。该线程正在对它在某些CPU上获取的元素执行任何操作。
  • 线程2尝试使某个元素出列,但在互斥锁下检查时调用队列为空,调用pthread_cond_wait,并在等待信号/广播的呼叫中阻塞。
  • 线程3获取互斥锁,将新元素插入队列,通知条件变量,并释放锁定。
  • 为响应来自主题3的通知,正在等待条件的线程2计划运行。
  • 但是,在线程2设法进入CPU并获取队列锁之前,线程1完成其当前任务,并返回队列以进行更多工作。它获取队列锁,检查谓词,并发现队列中有工作。它继续将线程3插入的项目出列,释放锁定,并对线程3排队的项目执行任何操作。
  • 线程2现在进入CPU并获得锁定,但是当它检查谓词时,它发现队列为空。线程1'偷走'该项目,因此唤醒似乎是虚假的。线程2需要再次等待条件。


答案 1 :(得分:74)

David R. Butenhof在"Programming with POSIX Threads"(第80页)中给出了以下解释:



在下面的comp.programming.threads discussion中,他扩展了设计背后的思想:

Patrick Doyle wrote: 
> In article , Tom Payne   wrote: 
> >Kaz Kylheku  wrote: 
> >: It is so because implementations can sometimes not avoid inserting 
> >: these spurious wakeups; it might be costly to prevent them. 

> >But why?  Why is this so difficult?  For example, are we talking about 
> >situations where a wait times out just as a signal arrives? 

> You know, I wonder if the designers of pthreads used logic like this: 
> users of condition variables have to check the condition on exit anyway, 
> so we will not be placing any additional burden on them if we allow 
> spurious wakeups; and since it is conceivable that allowing spurious 
> wakeups could make an implementation faster, it can only help if we 
> allow them. 

> They may not have had any particular implementation in mind. 

You're actually not far off at all, except you didn't push it far enough. 

The intent was to force correct/robust code by requiring predicate loops. This was 
driven by the provably correct academic contingent among the "core threadies" in 
the working group, though I don't think anyone really disagreed with the intent 
once they understood what it meant. 

We followed that intent with several levels of justification. The first was that 
"religiously" using a loop protects the application against its own imperfect 
coding practices. The second was that it wasn't difficult to abstractly imagine 
machines and implementation code that could exploit this requirement to improve 
the performance of average condition wait operations through optimizing the 
synchronization mechanisms. 
/------------------[ David.Buten...@compaq.com ]------------------\ 
| Compaq Computer Corporation              POSIX Thread Architect | 
|     My book: http://www.awl.com/cseng/titles/0-201-63392-2/     | 
\-----[ http://home.earthlink.net/~anneart/family/dave.html ]-----/ 

答案 2 :(得分:7)


答案 3 :(得分:3)


