
时间:2011-12-20 16:45:31

标签: c# database text-files


104500 4783
104501 8930
104502 21794
104503 21927
104505 5746
104506 9968
104509 5867
104510 46353
104511 7767
104512 4903


104500 4783
104501 8930
104502 21794
104503 21927
104504 21927 --
104505 5746
104506 9968
104507 9968 --
104508 9968 --
104509 5867
104510 46353
104511 7767
104512 4903

我不希望结果中出现“ - ”,我只是把那些放在那里标记添加的行。到目前为止,我已经尝试使用StreamReader和StreamWriter来实现这一点,但似乎他们不会得到我想要的东西。我是新手程序员和C#的新手,所以如果你能指出我正确的方向,那就太好了。我真的只是想知道在C#中是否可以做到这一点......我花了很多时间在MSDN上,在这里寻找解决方案,但到目前为止还没有找到任何解决方案。


8 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


  1. 逐行阅读文件:请参阅此处:Reading a Text File One Line at a Time
  2. 逐行编写文件:StreamWriter.WriteLine
  3. 跟踪最后一条读取线。 (只需在你读取行的while循环中使用变量)
  4. 检查是否有差距。也许通过使用string.Split解析第一列(TimeSpan.Parse)。如果存在间隙,则写入最后一条读取行,增加时间跨度。

答案 1 :(得分:3)


public void InjectMissingData()
    DataLine lastDataLine = null;
    using (var writer = new StreamWriter(File.Create("c:\\temp\\out.txt")))
        using (var reader = new StreamReader("c:\\temp\\in.txt"))
            while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                var dataLine = DataLine.Parse(reader.ReadLine());

                while (lastDataLine != null && dataLine.Occurence - lastDataLine.Occurence > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))
                    lastDataLine = new DataLine(lastDataLine.Occurence + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), lastDataLine.Data);


                lastDataLine = dataLine;

public class DataLine
    public static DataLine Parse(string line)
        var timeString = string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", line.Substring(0, 2), line.Substring(2, 2),
                                       line.Substring(4, 2));

        return new DataLine(TimeSpan.Parse(timeString), long.Parse(line.Substring(7, line.Length - 7).Trim()));

    public DataLine(TimeSpan occurence, long data)
        Occurence = occurence;
        Data = data;

    public TimeSpan Occurence { get; private set; }
    public long Data { get; private set; }

    public string Line
        get { return string.Format("{0}{1}{2} {3}", 
            Occurence.Hours.ToString().PadLeft(2, Char.Parse("0")), 
            Occurence.Minutes.ToString().PadLeft(2, Char.Parse("0")), 
            Occurence.Seconds.ToString().PadLeft(2, Char.Parse("0")),
            Data); }

答案 2 :(得分:3)


这是 not performance 改进,但内存改进定义为。

答案 3 :(得分:1)




答案 4 :(得分:1)

String prevTime;
String prevData;

while(String line = myStreamReader.ReadLine())
    String[] parts = line.Split(new Char[] { ' ' });
    String time = parts[0];
    String data = parts[1];

    Int32 iPrevTime = Int32.Parse(prevTime);
    Int32 iCurrentTime = Int32.Parse(time);

    // May need to loop here if you're missing more than one second
    if(iCurrentTime > iPrevTime + 1)   
          AddData((iPrevTime + 1).ToString(), prevData);

    AddData(time, data);
    prevTime = time;
    prevData = data;


答案 5 :(得分:1)

这假设时间永远不会超过一秒。如果这个假设是错误的,那么修改下面的内容很容易,所以它会在每个缺失的第二个循环中写入lastValue。 更新我在你的例子中错过了它实际上可能会错过多秒。我改变了下面的例子来解决这个问题。

using (StreamReader reader = OpenYourInputFile())
using (StreamWriter writer = OpenYourOutputFile())
   TimeSpan? lastTime;
   TimeSpan currentTime, maxDiff = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
   string lastValue, currentline, currentValue, format = "{0:hhmmss} {1}";

   while( (currentLine = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
      string[] s = currentLine.Split(' ');
      currentTime = DateTime.ParseExact("hhmmss", s[0] CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).TimeOfDay;
      currentValue = s[1];

      if (lastTime.HasValue && currentTime - lastTime.Value > maxDiff) 
        for(int x = 1; x <= (currentTime - lastTime).Seconds; x++) writer.WriteLine(string.Format(format, DateTime.Today.Add(lastTime).AddSeconds(x), lastValue);

      writer.WriteLine(string.Format(format, DateTime.Today.Add(currentTime), currentValue);

      lastTime = currentTime;
      lastValue = currentValue;


答案 6 :(得分:1)


        DateTime lastTime;
        string lastValue = null;
        StreamReader reader = File.OpenText("path");
        StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite("newPath"));

        while (!reader.EndOfStream)
            string[] lineData = reader.ReadLine().Split(' ');
            DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Parse(lineData[0]);
            string value = lineData[1];

            if (lastValue != null)
                while (lastTime < currentTime.AddSeconds(-1))
                    lastTime = lastTime.AddSeconds(1);
                    writer.WriteLine("{0} {1}", lastTime, lastValue);
            writer.WriteLine("{0} {1}", currentTime, value);
            lastTime = currentTime;
            lastValue = value;

答案 7 :(得分:1)

        string line;//The line that is read.
        string previousLine = "0 0";
        int prevTime = 0;

        //These "using"'s are so that the resources they use will be freed when the block ( i.e. {} ) is finished.
        using (System.IO.StreamReader originalFile = new System.IO.StreamReader("c:\\users\\Me\\t.txt"))
        using (System.IO.StreamWriter newFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter("c:\\users\\Me\\t2.txt"))
            while ((line = originalFile.ReadLine()) != null)
                //"Split" changes the words in "line" (- that are separated by a space) to an array. 
                //"Parse" takes the first in that array (by using "[0]") and changes it into an integer.
                int time = int.Parse(line.Split(' ')[0]);
                while (prevTime != 0 && time > ++prevTime) newFile.WriteLine(prevTime.ToString() + " " + previousLine.Split(' ')[1]);

                previousLine = line;
                prevTime = time;