我找到了simple progressbar dialog class并尝试在我的应用中使用它。
class LibWrap //containing the LONG process with dll
public bool cancelThisBoringProcess;
public int currentPecentage;
public delegate void pfnCallback(int progress, out bool cancel);
public void showProgress(int progress, out bool cancel)
cancel = cancelThisBoringProcess;
currentPecentage = progress;
[DllImport("Lib.DLL", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public unsafe static extern byte* bufferOp(byte* data,pfnCallback del);
public unsafe BitmapFrame engine(BitmapFrame incomingFrame)
fixed (byte* inBuf = incoming)
var callback = new pfnCallback(showProgress);
byte* outBuf = bufferOp(inBuf, callback);//this is DLL function with callback to get out percentage //and pass cancel
class Main
void OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ProgressDialog dlg = new ProgressDialog("");
LibWrap lwrap = new LibWrap();
DoWorkEventHandler handler = delegate { BitmapFrame bf = lwrap.engine(img)); };
dlg.AutoIncrementInterval = 100;
dlg.IsCancellingEnabled = true;
dlg.Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow;