无法在Facebook页面PHP SDK Graph API上标记用户

时间:2011-12-08 03:03:53

标签: facebook-graph-api upload tags tagging facebook-page



通过添加标签,一切都很有效。我收到错误: 致命错误:未捕获OAuthException:发生了未知错误。在第1039行的/home/public_html/include/api/facebook.3.0.1/base_facebook.php中引用


require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/include/api/facebook.3.0.1/facebook.php");

//Name of album you want to create
$album_name = "December 4, 2011";

// Create our application instance
// (replace this with your appId and secret).
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
        'appId' => 'APP_ID_INSERT_HERE',
        'secret' => 'APP_SECRET_INSERT_HERE',


// Get User ID
$user = $facebook->getUser();

// We may or may not have this data based 
// on whether the user is logged in.
// If we have a $user id here, it means we know 
// the user is logged into
// Facebook, but we don’t know if the access token is valid. An access
// token is invalid if the user logged out of Facebook.

if ($user) {
    try {
        // Proceed knowing you have a logged in user who's authenticated.
        $user_profile = $facebook->api('/me');
    } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
        $user = null;

if ($user) {

// Get access token for Facebook Page
$page_id = '170367249680012';
$page_info = $facebook->api("/$page_id?fields=access_token");

if (!empty($page_info['access_token'])) {

    $param = array(
        'method' => 'fql.query',
        'query' => 'SELECT object_id FROM album WHERE owner="FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID_INSERT_HERE" AND name="' . $album_name . '"'
    //Check if album exists
    $album = $facebook->api($param);

    if (isset($album[0]['object_id'])) {
        // If album exists store id in the variable $album_uid
        $album_uid = $album[0]['object_id'];
    } else {

        // ELSE Create album
        $album_details = array(
            'access_token' => $page_info['access_token'],
            'message' => 'Album desc',
            'name' => $album_name

        $create_album = $facebook->api('/me/albums', 'post', $album_details);

        //Get album ID of the album you've just created
        $album_uid = $create_album['id'];

    //Photo Details

    $file = 'test.jpg'; //Example image file
    $photo_details['image'] = '@' . realpath($file);

    //Upload a photo to album

    $args = array(
        'access_token' => $page_info['access_token'],
        'image' => '@' . realpath($file),
        'message' => "test"

    $upload_photo = $facebook->api('/' . $album_uid . '/photos', 'post', $args);

    //Get id of photo uploaded
    $photo_id = $upload_photo['id'];

    echo "<br/>" . $photo_id . "<br/>";


    $argstag = array('to' => $user);
    $argstag['x'] = 40;
    $argstag['y'] = 40;
    $datatag = $facebook->api('/' . $photo_id . '/tags', 'post', $argstag);

// Login or logout url will be needed depending on current user state.
if ($user) {
    $logoutUrl = $facebook->getLogoutUrl();
} else {
    $loginUrl = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array('scope' => 'status_update,publish_stream,user_photos,offline_access,manage_pages'));

<!doctype html>
<html xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml">
      body {
        font-family: 'Lucida Grande', Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
      h1 a {
        text-decoration: none;
        color: #3b5998;
      h1 a:hover {
        text-decoration: underline;

    <?php if ($user): ?>
      <a href="<?php echo $logoutUrl; ?>">Logout</a>
    <?php else: ?>
        Login using OAuth 2.0 handled by the PHP SDK:
        <a href="<?php echo $loginUrl; ?>">Login with Facebook</a>
    <?php endif ?>



对于那些想要执行此操作的人,请删除以下两行代码     'access_token'=&gt; $ page_info [ 'ACCESS_TOKEN'],

改变 $ upload_photo = $ facebook-&gt; api('/'。$ album_uid。'/ photos','post',$ args);

要 $ upload_photo = $ facebook-&gt; api('/ me / photos','POST',$ args);





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检查您的页面设置。有一个设置允许粉丝在照片中标记自己。确保已启用并重试。在Tagging Ability下查找Manage Permissions设置。