在WPF中,我在MainWindow.xaml.cs的定义中有一个静态的“Customer”对象。此客户具有可公开访问的字符串Name属性。在表达式混合4中,单击要与客户名称绑定的TextBox的“Text”属性旁边的“高级选项”框。然后我点击“数据绑定...” - > “元素属性” - > “场景元素”下的“窗口” - >单击“ActiveCustomer”旁边的展开箭头 - >然后点击“名称” - > “好”。绑定是一个只读的TextBox,因此单向绑定可以作为默认值。但是当我运行我的应用程序时,它不显示客户的名字。有什么建议吗?
<TextBox x:Name="AIAHNameTextBox" Height="26" Canvas.Left="90" TextWrapping="Wrap" Canvas.Top="8" Width="100" IsReadOnly="True" VerticalContentAlignment="Center" Text="{Binding ActiveCustomer.Name, ElementName=window, Mode=OneWay}" />
namespace WPFBankingSystem
public enum CustomerStatus
{ Open, Closed }
public enum TransferType
{ CheckingToSaving, SavingToChecking }
public class Customer
private string address;
private Checking chkAcc;
private string name;
private int pin;
private Saving savAcc;
private string ssn;
private AccountStatus status;
private string tel;
public string Address
get { return address; }
set { address = value; }
public Checking ChkAcc
get { return chkAcc; }
set { chkAcc = value; }
public string Name
{ get { return name; } }
public int Pin
get { return pin; }
set { pin = value; }
public Saving SavAcc
get { return savAcc; }
set { savAcc = value; }
public string Ssn
{ get { return ssn; } }
public AccountStatus Status
get { return status; }
set { status = value; }
public string Tel
get { return tel; }
set { tel = value; }
public void create(string Name, string Address, string TelephoneNumber, string SSN, int PIN)
this.address = Address;
this.name = Name;
this.pin = PIN;
this.ssn = SSN;
this.status = AccountStatus.Open;
this.tel = TelephoneNumber;
public void delete()
if (this.chkAcc != null)
{ chkAcc.close(); }
if (this.savAcc != null)
{ savAcc.close(); }
public bool hasChkAcc()
{ return (this.chkAcc != null) ? true : false; }
public bool hasSavAcc()
{ return (this.savAcc != null) ? true : false; }
public void show()
{ }
public void transfer(double Amount, TransferType Type)
if(this.hasChkAcc() && this.hasSavAcc())
case TransferType.CheckingToSaving:
this.chkAcc.Balance -= Amount;
this.savAcc.Balance += Amount;
case TransferType.SavingToChecking:
this.savAcc.Balance -= Amount;
this.chkAcc.Balance += Amount;
{ throw new Exception("You do not have both a checking account and a saving account."); }
public Customer()
{ }
{ this.delete(); }
public Customer ActiveCustomer
{ get; set; }