ID, Storage_name, Name_of_product, Quantity_used, Date_Used
ID Storage_name Name_of_Product Quantity used Date_used
1 st1 pro1 2 11/1/2011
2 st2 pro2 5 11/2/2011
1 st1 pro1 3 11/2/2011
4 st1 pro3 5 11/4/2011
ID Storage_name Name_of_Product Quantity used
1 st1 pro1 7
4 st1 pro3 5
由于 P.S我知道我不必在输出文件中使用列storage_name。无论哪种方式都没问题。
Dim quantity as long
storageName= selectWarehouse.Value ' from combo box
quantity = 0
With Worksheets("Reports")
lastrow = .Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).row + 1
End With
row = 2
While (row < lastrow)
If CStr((Worksheets("Reports").Cells(row, 2))) = storageName Then
name = CStr((Worksheets("Reports").Cells(row, 3)))
quantity = quantity + CLng(Worksheets("Reports").Cells(row, 4))
End If
row = row + 1
答案 0 :(得分:2)
If range = storageName then
if within the date range then
If not dictionary.exists(storageName) then dictionary.add storageName
dictionary(storageName) = dictionary(storageName) + quantity
答案 1 :(得分:1)
Dim cn As Object
Dim rs As Object
Dim strFile As String
Dim strCon As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim s As String
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
''This is not the best way to refer to the workbook
''you want, but it is very convenient for notes
''It is probably best to use the name of the workbook.
strFile = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
''Note that if HDR=No, F1,F2 etc are used for column names,
''if HDR=Yes, the names in the first row of the range
''can be used.
''This is the Jet 4 connection string, you can get more
''here : http://www.connectionstrings.com/excel
strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strFile _
& ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"";"
''Late binding, so no reference is needed
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cn.Open strCon
''Some rough notes on input
sName = [A1]
dteStart = [A2]
dteEnd = [A3]
''Jet / ACE SQL
strSQL = "SELECT ID, Storage_name, Name_of_Product, Sum([Quantity used]) " _
& "FROM [Report$] a " _
& "WHERE Storage_name ='" & sName _
& "' AND Date_Used Between #" & Format(dteStart, "yyyy/mm/dd") _
& "# And #" & Format(dteEnd, "yyyy/mm/dd") _
& "# GROUP BY ID, Storage_name, Name_of_Product"
rs.Open strSQL, cn, 3, 3
''Pick a suitable empty worksheet for the results
For i = 0 To rs.Field.Count
.Cells(1, i+1) = rs.Fields(i).Name
.Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset rs
End With
''Tidy up
Set rs=Nothing
Set cn=Nothing
答案 2 :(得分:0)
我没有测试下面的代码,但是这样的东西应该适合你。另外,我有一个dictionary object
Public Sub FilterTest(ByVal sStorageName As String, ByVal dDate1 As Double, ByVal dDate2 As Double)
Dim dicItems As Dictionary
Dim i As Long, lRowEnd As Long, lItem As Long
Dim rData As Range, rResults As Range
Dim saResults() As String
Dim vData As Variant
Dim wks As Worksheet, wksTarget As Worksheet
'Get worksheet object, last row in column A, data
Set wksTarget = Worksheets("Target")
Set wks = Worksheets("Reports")
lRowEnd = wks.Range(Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set rData = wks.Range(wks.Cells(1, 1), wks.Cells(lRowEnd, ColumnNames.ColumnEnd))
'Place data in 2D array
vData = rData
'Loop through data and gather correct data in dictionary
Set dicItems = New Dictionary
ReDim saResults(1 To 10, 1 To 4)
For i = 1 To lRowEnd
If vData(i, ColumnNames.Storage_name + 1) = sStorageName Then
If vData(i, ColumnNames.Date_used + 1) >= dDate1 And vData(i, ColumnNames.Date_used + 1) <= dDate2 Then
If dicItems.Exists(vData(i, ColumnNames.Name_of_Product + 1)) Then
'Determin location in array
lItem = dicItems(vData(i, ColumnNames.Name_of_Product + 1))
'Add new value to array
saResults(dicItems.Count + 1, 4) = CStr(CDbl(saResults(dicItems.Count + 1, 4)) + CDbl(vData(i, ColumnNames.Quantity_used + 1)))
'If new add new item to results string array
saResults(dicItems.Count + 1, 1) = CStr(vData(i, ColumnNames.ID + 1))
saResults(dicItems.Count + 1, 2) = CStr(vData(i, ColumnNames.Storage_name + 1))
saResults(dicItems.Count + 1, 3) = CStr(vData(i, ColumnNames.Name_of_Product + 1))
saResults(dicItems.Count + 1, 4) = CStr(vData(i, ColumnNames.Quantity_used + 1))
'Add location in array
dicItems.Add vData(i, ColumnNames.Name_of_Product + 1), dicItems.Count + 1
End If
End If
End If
Next i
ReDim Preserve saResults(1 To dicItems.Count, 1 To 4)
'Print Results to target worksheet
With wksTarget
Set rResults = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(dicItems.Count, 4))
rResults = saResults
End With
End Sub