使用wxpython的DragAndDrop,是否有办法获取文本被删除然后执行函数? (我正在寻找类似绑定的东西)。似乎没有任何在线示例如何做到这一点。
通过调用SetDataObject将wxDataObject绑定到放置目标。您 还希望在drop中保留指向wxDataObject的指针 目标实例,以便您可以在其中调用wxDataObject.GetData() OnData方法。
__author__ = 'David Woods, Wisconsin Center for Education Research <dwoods@wcer.wisc.edu>'
# Import wx.Python
import wx
# Declare GUI Constants
DRAG_SOURCE = wx.NewId()
# Define Text Drop Target class
class TextDropTarget(wx.TextDropTarget):
""" This object implements Drop Target functionality for Text """
def __init__(self, obj):
""" Initialize the Drop Target, passing in the Object Reference to
indicate what should receive the dropped text """
# Initialize the wx.TextDropTarget Object
# Store the Object Reference for dropped text
self.obj = obj
def OnDropText(self, x, y, data):
""" Implement Text Drop """
# When text is dropped, write it into the object specified
self.obj.WriteText(data + '\n\n')
# Define File Drop Target class
class FileDropTarget(wx.FileDropTarget):
""" This object implements Drop Target functionality for Files """
def __init__(self, obj):
""" Initialize the Drop Target, passing in the Object Reference to
indicate what should receive the dropped files """
# Initialize the wxFileDropTarget Object
# Store the Object Reference for dropped files
self.obj = obj
def OnDropFiles(self, x, y, filenames):
""" Implement File Drop """
# For Demo purposes, this function appends a list of the files dropped at the end of the widget's text
# Move Insertion Point to the end of the widget's text
# append a list of the file names dropped
self.obj.WriteText("%d file(s) dropped at %d, %d:\n" % (len(filenames), x, y))
for file in filenames:
self.obj.WriteText(file + '\n')
class MainWindow(wx.Frame):
""" This window displays the GUI Widgets. """
def __init__(self,parent,id,title):
wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,-4, title, size = (800,600), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE)
# Menu Bar
# Create a MenuBar
menuBar = wx.MenuBar()
# Build a Menu Object to go into the Menu Bar
menu1 = wx.Menu()
menu1.Append(MENU_FILE_EXIT, "E&xit", "Quit Application")
# Place the Menu Item in the Menu Bar
menuBar.Append(menu1, "&File")
# Place the Menu Bar on the ap
#Define Events for the Menu Items
wx.EVT_MENU(self, MENU_FILE_EXIT, self.CloseWindow)
# GUI Widgets
# Define a Text Control from which Text can be dragged for dropping
# Label the control
wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Text Drag Source (left-click to select, right-click to drag)", (10, 1))
# Create a Text Control
self.text = wx.TextCtrl(self, DRAG_SOURCE, "", pos=(10,15), size=(350,500), style = wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.HSCROLL)
# Make this control a Text Drop Target
# Create a Text Drop Target object
dt1 = TextDropTarget(self.text)
# Link the Drop Target Object to the Text Control
# Put some text in the control as a starting place to have something to copy
for x in range(20):
self.text.WriteText("This is line %d of some text to drag.\n" % x)
# Define Right-Click as start of Drag
wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(self.text, self.OnDragInit)
# Define a Text Control to recieve Dropped Text
# Label the control
wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Text Drop Target", (370, 1))
# Create a read-only Text Control
self.text2 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", pos=(370,15), size=(410,235), style = wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.HSCROLL|wx.TE_READONLY)
# Make this control a Text Drop Target
# Create a Text Drop Target object
dt2 = TextDropTarget(self.text2)
# Link the Drop Target Object to the Text Control
# Define a Text Control to recieve Dropped Files
# Label the control
wx.StaticText(self, -1, "File Drop Target (from off application only)", (370, 261))
# Create a read-only Text Control
self.text3 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", pos=(370,275), size=(410,235), style = wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.HSCROLL|wx.TE_READONLY)
# Make this control a File Drop Target
# Create a File Drop Target object
dt3 = FileDropTarget(self.text3)
# Link the Drop Target Object to the Text Control
# Display the Window
def CloseWindow(self, event):
""" Close the Window """
def OnDragInit(self, event):
""" Begin a Drag Operation """
# Create a Text Data Object, which holds the text that is to be dragged
tdo = wx.PyTextDataObject(self.text.GetStringSelection())
# Create a Drop Source Object, which enables the Drag operation
tds = wx.DropSource(self.text)
# Associate the Data to be dragged with the Drop Source Object
# Intiate the Drag Operation
class MyApp(wx.App):
""" Define the Drag and Drop Example Application """
def OnInit(self):
""" Initialize the Application """
# Declare the Main Application Window
frame = MainWindow(None, -1, "Drag and Drop Example")
# Show the Application as the top window
return True
# Declare the Application and start the Main Loop
app = MyApp(0)
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