答案 0 :(得分:8)
删除文件夹中30,000多个文件的唯一方法是使用选择性同步下载它们。 Web界面将提供“太多文件请使用桌面应用程序”错误。它是自动化的,因此唯一需要的是时间(以及足够的硬盘空间)。如果没有足够的空间,请插入外部驱动器并在那里重新指定Dropbox目录,让它下载,然后删除。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
仍然无法从网络界面删除那么多文件,但是如果你不介意潜入Dropbox API这至少可以自动化,你不必使用自己的存储(我在下面使用Python SDK执行了此操作,但还有其他语言选项)。文件限制仍然适用,但可以计算每个目录中的文件数,以确定删除它们的正确方法,而不会遇到问题。像这样:
以下脚本将您的唯一Dropbox API密钥和Dropbox目录列表(deleteDirList
(我使用Anaconda,所以conda install dropbox
import dropbox
##### USER INPUT #####
appToken = r'DROPBOX APIv2 TOKEN'
deleteDirList = ['/directoryToDelete1/','/directoryToDelete2/'] # list of Dropbox paths in UNIX format (where Dropbox root is specified as '/') within which all contents will be deleted. The script will go through these one at a time. These need to be separate directories; subdirectories will deleted in the loop and will throw an exception if listed here.
dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(appToken)
modifyLimit = 10000
# Loop through each path in deleteDirList
for deleteStartDir in deleteDirList:
deleteStartDir = deleteStartDir.lower()
# Initialize pathList. This is the variable that records all directories down each path tree so that each directory is traversed, files counted, then deleted
pathList = [deleteStartDir]
# Deletion loop
while 1:
# Determine if there is a subdirectory in the current directory. If not, set nextDir=False
nextDir = next((x.path_lower for x in dbx.files_list_folder(pathList[-1]).entries if isinstance(x,dropbox.files.FolderMetadata)),False)
if not not nextDir: # if nextDir has a value, append the subdirectory to pathList
else: # otherwise, delete the current directory
if len(pathList)<=1: # if this is the root deletion directory (specified in deleteDirList), delete all files and keep folder
fileList = [x.path_lower for x in dbx.files_list_folder(pathList[-1]).entries]
print('Cannot delete start directory; removing final',len(fileList),'file(s)')
for filepath in fileList:
raise EOFError() # deletion script is complete
# Count the number of files. If fileCnt>=modifyLimit, remove files until fileCnt<modifyLimit, then delete the remainder of the directory
fileCnt = len(dbx.files_list_folder(pathList[-1]).entries)
if fileCnt<modifyLimit:
print('Deleting "{path}" and'.format(path=pathList[-1]),fileCnt,'file(s) within\n')
print('Too many files to delete directory. Deleting',fileCnt-(modifyLimit+1),'file(s) to reduce count, then removing',pathList[-1],'\n')
fileList = [x.path_lower for x in dbx.files_list_folder(pathList[-1]).entries]
for filepath in fileList[-modifyLimit:]:
del pathList[-1]
except EOFError:
print('Deleted all relevant files and directories from "{}"'.format(deleteStartDir))