需要在SQL Server中进行调整

时间:2011-11-20 01:51:56

标签: sql sql-server tsql

Tbl 1

ID Name Email
1  A    a@b.c
2  B    b@c.d


ID Related_ID Value Name
1  1          Z     Name1
2  1          Y     Name2
3  2          X     Name1
4  2          W     Name2
5  2          G     Name3


ID Name Email Value1
1  A    a@b.c Z
1  A    a@b.c Y   


ID Name Email Value1 Value2
1  A    a@b.c Z      Y
2  B    b@c.d X      W

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

可以使用PIVOT声明来完成 以下是您可以查看的几个链接 http://blog.sqlauthority.com/2008/06/07/sql-server-pivot-and-unpivot-table-examples/

答案 1 :(得分:0)



create table #tmp (ID int, Related_ID int, Value nvarchar(50), Name nvarchar(50), rn int)
delete #tmp

create table #tmp2 (ID int, Name nvarchar(50), Email nvarchar(50))
delete #tmp2

;with test(ID, Related_ID, Value, Name)
select 1,  1,          'Z',     'Name1'
union all
select 2,  1,          'Y',     'Name2'
union all
select 3,  2,          'X',     'Name1'
union all
select 4,  2,          'W',     'Name2'
union all
select 5,  2,          'G',     'Name3'

insert into #tmp
select *, row_number() OVER (partition by Related_ID order by ID) as rn
from test

insert into #tmp2
select 1,  'A',    'a@b.c'
union all
select 2,  'B',    'b@c.d'

declare @d nvarchar(MAX)
        ,@e nvarchar(MAX)

SET     @d = 'select a.ID, a.Name, a.Email '
SET     @e =   ',min(case b.rn when >rn< then Value else null end) as [Value>rn<]'

select  @d = @d + (
select t from(
select  distinct replace(@e,'>rn<', b.rn) as [text()]
from    #tmp b
for xml path('')) c(t)

set     @d = @d + '
from    #tmp2 a
join    #tmp b
    on  a.ID = b.Related_ID
  group by a.ID, a.Name, a.Email'

exec sp_executesql @d

drop table #tmp
drop table #tmp2

答案 2 :(得分:0)

declare @t1 table(id int, name varchar(20), email varchar(32)) 
declare @t2 table(id int, related_id int, value varchar(10), name varchar(10))

insert @t1 values(1,'A', 'a@b.c')
insert @t1 values(2,'B', 'b@c.d')

insert @t2 values(1, 1, 'Z', 'Name1')
insert @t2 values(2, 1, 'Y', 'Name2')
insert @t2 values(3, 2, 'X', 'Name1')
insert @t2 values(4, 2, 'W', 'Name2')
insert @t2 values(5, 2, 'G', 'Name3')

;with a as
select value, related_id, ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION BY related_id order by value desc) rn
from @t2
), b as
select value, related_id, rn from a where rn in (1,2)
select t5.ID, t5.Name, t5.Email, t3.value Value1,  t4.value Value2 
from @t1 t5
join b t3
on t3.related_id = t5.id and t3.rn = 1
join b t4
on t4.related_id = t5.id and t4.rn = 2


ID     Name       Email  Value1   Value2
------ ------ ---------- -------- ----------
1      A      a@b.c      Z        Y
2      B      b@c.d      X        W