
时间:2009-05-01 18:59:12

标签: ruby internet-explorer winapi watir win32ole

如何将此功能从AutoIt的IE.au3 UDF转换为Ruby?意图是将Watir与Internet Explorer浏览器一起使用(嵌入在另一个应用程序中)。

AutoIt功能正常但我更喜欢Watir(这是Ruby)。我可以使用ControlGetHandle()来获取嵌入式浏览器的句柄,这是AutoIt dll无法提供的。


; Function Name:    __IEControlGetObjFromHWND()
; Description:      Returns a COM Object Window reference to an embebedded Webbrowser control
; Parameter(s):     $hWin       - HWND of a Internet Explorer_Server1 control obtained for example:
;                   $hwnd = ControlGetHandle("MyApp","","Internet Explorer_Server1")
; Requirement(s):   Windows XP, Windows 2003 or higher.
;                   Windows 2000; Windows 98; Windows ME; Windows NT may install the
;                   Microsoft Active Accessibility 2.0 Redistributable:
;                   http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=9B14F6E1-888A-4F1D-B1A1-DA08EE4077DF&displaylang=en
; Return Value(s):  On Success  - Returns DOM Window object
;                   On Failure  - 0  and sets @ERROR = 1
; Author(s):        Larry with thanks to Valik

Func __IEControlGetObjFromHWND(ByRef $hWin)
    DllCall("ole32.dll", "int", "CoInitialize", "ptr", 0)
    Local Const $WM_HTML_GETOBJECT = __IERegisterWindowMessage("WM_HTML_GETOBJECT")
    Local Const $SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG = 0x0002
    Local $lResult, $typUUID, $aRet, $oIE
MsgBox(0, "msg", $WM_HTML_GETOBJECT)

    __IESendMessageTimeout($hWin, $WM_HTML_GETOBJECT, 0, 0, $SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1000, $lResult)

    $typUUID = DllStructCreate("int;short;short;byte[8]")
    DllStructSetData($typUUID, 1, 0x626FC520)
    DllStructSetData($typUUID, 2, 0xA41E)
    DllStructSetData($typUUID, 3, 0x11CF)
    DllStructSetData($typUUID, 4, 0xA7, 1)
    DllStructSetData($typUUID, 4, 0x31, 2)
    DllStructSetData($typUUID, 4, 0x0, 3)
    DllStructSetData($typUUID, 4, 0xA0, 4)
    DllStructSetData($typUUID, 4, 0xC9, 5)
    DllStructSetData($typUUID, 4, 0x8, 6)
    DllStructSetData($typUUID, 4, 0x26, 7)
    DllStructSetData($typUUID, 4, 0x37, 8)

    MsgBox(0, "lResult", $lResult)

    $aRet = DllCall("oleacc.dll", "long", "ObjectFromLresult", "lresult", $lResult, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($typUUID), _
            "wparam", 0, "idispatch*", 0)
MsgBox(0, "aRet4", $aRet[4])
    If IsObj($aRet[4]) Then
        $oIE = $aRet[4] .Script()
        ; $oIE is now a valid IDispatch object
        Return $oIE.Document.parentwindow
        Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>__IEControlGetObjFromHWND
; Function Name:    __IERegisterWindowMessage()
; Description:      Required by __IEControlGetObjFromHWND()
; Author(s):        Larry with thanks to Valik
Func __IERegisterWindowMessage($sMsg)
    Local $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "RegisterWindowMessage", "str", $sMsg)
    If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0)
    Return $aRet[0]
EndFunc   ;==>__IERegisterWindowMessage

; Function Name:    __IESendMessageTimeout()
; Description:      Required by __IEControlGetObjFromHWND()
; Author(s):        Larry with thanks to Valik
Func __IESendMessageTimeout($hWnd, $msg, $wParam, $lParam, $nFlags, $nTimeout, ByRef $vOut, $r = 0, $t1 = "int", $t2 = "int")
    Local $aRet
    $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessageTimeout", "hwnd", $hWnd, "int", $msg, $t1, $wParam, _
            $t2, $lParam, "int", $nFlags, "int", $nTimeout, "int*", "")
    If @error Then
        $vOut = 0
        Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0)
    $vOut = $aRet[7]    
    If $r >= 0 And $r <= 4 Then Return $aRet[$r]
    Return $aRet
EndFunc   ;==>__IESendMessageTimeout


def get_control_from_hwnd(hnd)  
    Win32API.new("ole32", "CoInitialize", ['P'] , 'I').call(0)

    reg_msg = Win32API.new("user32", "RegisterWindowMessage", ['P'] ,'I').call("WM_HTML_GETOBJECT")
    puts "msg: " + reg_msg.to_s
    result=" "*16 
    aInt = [0xA7, 0x31, 0x0, 0xA0, 0xC9, 0x8, 0x26, 0x37].pack 'I*'
    a = [0x626FC520, 0xA41E, 0x11CF, aInt].pack 'IIIP'

    sendMessagetimeout = Win32API.new("user32", "SendMessageTimeout", ['L','I','I','I','I','I','P'] , 'L')
    sendMessagetimeout.call(hnd.hex, reg_msg, 0, 0, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1000, result)

    puts "result unpacked: " + result.unpack("L").to_s  #i can confirm this is the same as the lResult from the autoit functioin

    #the problem is likely either here or the next line afterwards
    oIE = Win32API.new("oleacc", "ObjectFromLresult", ['P','P','I','P'] , 'L')

    oIE.call(result, a, 0, idisp)
    puts "idisp: " + idisp.to_s
    # returning zero
    puts idisp.unpack("L")  


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


1)我打包结构的方式有点不同。我的$ iid看起来像这样: 包( 'LSSC8',0x626FC520,0xA41E,0x11CF,0xA7,0x31,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x08,0x26,0x37)。所以在Ruby中我想它会是[0x626FC520,0xA41E,0x11CF,0xA7,0x31,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x08,0x26,0x37] .pack'LSSC8'?我不知道正确的语法,但你明白了。 2)我从SendMessageTimeout&amp;中解压缩“结果”。然后将它传递给ObjectFromLresult。如果我直接传递结果,那么当你得到它时我得到0。
