编辑:我很抱歉,我发现了这个错误而且非常愚蠢。 (见答案)
此功能查找用户的另一个帐户,并将数据库中的所有数据重新链接到主帐户。然后删除其他帐户并将其社交ID添加到主帐户,以便现在用户可以通过两个社交网络登录。 Social id列自然有一个UNIQUE索引。
但是,当脚本执行时,它似乎执行UPDATE,它在DELETE语句之前添加社交ID ,这将删除旧用户。这会产生错误,因为它会尝试添加现有的社交ID(因为旧用户仍在那里)。
当我在脚本执行后检查数据库时,旧用户不见了,所以我猜这意味着DELETE语句确实已执行,但有延迟,其中执行了其他语句。 MySQL Workbench的日志确认了这一点,但我不确定它是否可靠。
function user_bind($eSourceType)
//$eSourceType can be 'fb' or 'vk', depending on the social network of the secondary account
$usrMe=get_gl_me(); //gets the user's account, through which he is logged in - the master account
if ($eSourceType=='fb') //if the social network that we are binding this account to is Facebook
$vSidName='facebook_id'; //name of the column which contains the social id
if (!$usrMe->get_private_property("facebook_id") & $usrMe->get_private_property("vkontakte_id") ) //check if the master account really doesn't have facebook_id set
$fb=get_facebook();//gets facebook object (from FB PHP SDK)
$sid=$fb->getUser();//gets user's id in facebook (social id)
error("The account has facebook_id set");
elseif($eSourceType=='vk')//same as before, but the id is fetched through $_GET, not object
if ($usrMe->get_private_property("facebook_id") & !$usrMe->get_private_property("vkontakte_id") ) //check if it's the right account
error("The account has vkontakte_id set");
if(!$sid) //if we couldn't retrieve the social id
error("Can't bind: \$sid not set.");
$idNew=$usrMe->get_id();//get id (database id) of the master account
$usrOld=fetch_user_by_sid($sid, $eSourceType, true); //fetches the 'user' object by the social id we retrieved before
if ($usrOld)//if there is a user with this social id (if there is a secondary account)
$idOld=$usrOld->get_id();//get id of the secondary account
$tblsRelink=array("comments", "posts", "users_private", "vote_posts", "vote_comments"); //get tables in which we have to relink users
foreach($tblsRelink as $tbl)
//update set users_idusers to userid
$sp=new Statement_Parameter; //this is a class from PHP.com: http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli-stmt.bind-param.php. It allows to bind variables to the prepared statement in MySQLi without much pain
$query="UPDATE $tbl SET users_idusers=" . db_stmt_operands($idNew, $sp, 'idNew') . " WHERE users_idusers=". db_stmt_operands($idOld, $sp, 'idOld'); //db_stmt_operands inserts question marks in the query, while binding the variables through Statement_Parameter
$affected_rows=db_submit($query, $sp);//see below for the db_submit() function explanation
//delete old user
$sp=new Statement_Parameter; //clear Statement_Parameter
$query="DELETE FROM users WHERE idusers=" . db_stmt_operands($idOld, $sp, 'idOld');
$affected_rows=db_submit($query, $sp);
echo "<br>affected: $affected_rows<BR>"; //this actually returns 1
//lets see if the user was actually deleted
$usrTest=fetch_user_by_sid($sid, $eSourceType, true); //fetch the user by the social id
if($usrTest) //if a user is fetched
debug_array($usrTest); //custom implementation of print_r
error("User still exsists. Oh no.");//it always does
$usrMe->set_private_property($vSidName, $sid);//sets the property 'facebook_id' or 'vkontakte_id' to the social id that we got in the beginning
$usrMe->update();//UPDATE statement, which brings the object's properties in the database up to date (in our case: adds the social id)
//the UPDATE statement doesn't execute because the old user is still there
function db_submit($query, $sp=NULL)
$mysqli = db_connect(); //fetches PHP MySQLi object
if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query)) //if the statement is successfully prepared
if($sp)//if there is a Statement_Parameter passed
$sp->Bind_Params($stmt); //bind parameters from SP
if($stmt->execute())//try to execute the statement
//on success
if ($mysqli->insert_id) //if this was an INSERT
return $mysqli->insert_id;
else //if this was DELETE or UPDATE
return $mysqli->affected_rows;
//on failure
error("Could not submit: could not execute statement. Query: $query." . $stmt->error); //this kills the script
error("Could not submit. Query: $query." . $mysqli->error);
答案 0 :(得分:1)
事情是:private_properties(包括社交ID)或对象'user'存储在一个单独的表('users_private')中,该表通过外键链接到主表('users')。 / p>
$tblsRelink=array("comments", "posts", "users_private", "vote_posts", "vote_comments");
这导致'users_private'中的记录显示旧用户正在重新链接到新用户(现在有2条记录 - 我不会让这个字段变成UNIQUE的鲁莽)。因此,当旧用户被删除时,其关联的“users_private”记录不会,因为它现在已链接到新用户。当然,尝试添加社交ID会产生错误,因为该ID已存在,与旧用户重新链接。