
时间:2011-11-08 06:49:22

标签: ocaml


(defun good-red ()
(let ((tab (make-hash-table)) (res '()) (nums) (sort-res))
    (dotimes (i 33) (setf (gethash (+ i 1) tab) 0))
    (with-open-file (stream "ssqHitNum.txt")
        (loop :for line = (read-line stream nil)
             :until (null line)
                (setq nums (butlast (str2lst (subseq line 6))))
                (dolist (n nums) (incf (gethash n tab)))
    (maphash #'(lambda (k v) (push (cons k v) res)) tab)
    (setq sort-res (sort res #'> :key #'cdr))
    ;(print sort-res)
    (subseq (mapcar #'car sort-res) 0 18)))

$ head ssqHitNum.txt

10000 7 12 18 19 22 28 4
10000 16 17 23 26 31 32 11
10000 3 4 18 22 24 29 11
10000 4 9 10 18 29 32 8
10000 5 7 10 14 17 25 11

数字在1到33之间。我是否使用hashtab并按照Common Lisp代码在ocaml中逐行扫描文件?或者使用ocaml有更优雅的方式?


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:13)


System.IO.File.ReadLines @"ssqHitNum.txt"
|> Seq.collect (fun s -> s.Split ' ' |> Seq.skip 1)
|> Seq.countBy id
|> Seq.sortBy (fun (_, p) -> -p)
|> Seq.take 18


let readAllLines file =
  let lines = ref [] in
  let input = open_in file in
      while true do
        lines := input_line input :: !lines
    | End_of_file ->
        close_in input
  List.rev !lines

let collect f xs =
  List.concat (List.map f xs)

let countBy f xs =
  let counts = Hashtbl.create 100 in
  let find key = try Hashtbl.find counts (f key) with Not_found -> 0 in
  let add key = Hashtbl.replace counts (f key) (1 + find key) in
  List.iter add xs;
  Hashtbl.fold (fun k n kns -> (k, n)::kns) table []

let sortBy f xs =
  List.sort (fun x y -> compare (f x) (f y)) xs

let rec truncate n xs =
  match n, xs with
  | 0, _ | _, [] -> []
  | n, x::xs -> x::truncate (n-1) xs

let rec skip n xs =
  match n, xs with
  | 0, xs -> xs
  | n, [] -> []
  | n, _::xs -> skip (n-1) xs

let (|>) x f = f x

let id x = x


readAllLines "ssqHitNum.txt"
|> collect (fun s -> split ' ' s |> skip 1)
|> countBy id
|> sortBy (fun (_, p) -> -p)
|> truncate 18


答案 1 :(得分:4)


open Batteries_uni

let freq file best_n =
  let table = Hashtbl.create 100 in
  let freq_num num =
    Hashtbl.replace table num (1 + Hashtbl.find_default table num 0) in
  let freq_line line =
    let nums = List.tl (String.nsplit line " ") in
    List.iter freq_num nums in
  Enum.iter freq_line (File.lines_of file);
  let cmp (_,freq1) (_,freq2) = (* decreasing *) compare freq2 freq1 in
  Hashtbl.enum table |> List.of_enum
    |> List.sort ~cmp
    |> List.take best_n


#use "topfind";;
#require "batteries";;
#use "/tmp/test.ml";;
test "/tmp/test.txt" 18;;

答案 2 :(得分:3)


let freq file best_n =
  let table = Hashtbl.create 100 in
  let freq_num num =
    Hashtbl.replace table num
      (1 + try Hashtbl.find table num with Not_found -> 0) in
    let input = open_in file in
    try while true do
        let line = input_line input in
        let nums = List.tl (Str.split (Str.regexp " +") line) in
        List.iter freq_num nums
    done with End_of_file -> close_in input
  let sorted =
    let cmp (_,freq1) (_,freq2) = (* decreasing *) compare freq2 freq1 in
    List.sort cmp (Hashtbl.fold (fun k x li -> (k,x)::li) table []) in
  (* take not tail-rec, not a problem for small n such as n=18 *)
  let rec take n = function
    | li when n = 0 -> []
    | [] -> []
    | hd::tl -> hd :: take (n - 1) tl in
  take best_n sorted

默认情况下,regexp模块Str未链接,即使它位于默认搜索路径中,因此您必须使用str.cmaocamlc)或{显式编译程序{1}}(适用于str.cmxa)。在顶层,ocamlopt然后#use "topfind";;会这样做。

答案 3 :(得分:2)


   let good_red () =
      let a = Array.make 33 0 in
      let bump i = a.(i-1) <- a.(i-1) + 1 in
      let rec iter_lines fh =
            let words = Str.split (Str.regexp " +") (input_line fh) in
            List.iter bump (List.map int_of_string (List.tl words));
            iter_lines fh
         with End_of_file -> () in
      let fh = open_in "ssqHitNum.txt" in
      iter_lines fh;
      close_in fh;
      let b = Array.mapi (fun i freq -> (i+1,freq)) a in
      Array.sort (fun (i1,f1) (i2,f2) -> compare f2 f1) b;
      Array.sub b 0 18;;

   Array.iter (fun (i,freq) -> Printf.printf "%2d %2d\n" freq i) (good_red ())
   with Invalid_argument _ -> print_endline "bad input"


答案 4 :(得分:1)

我不确定你要解决的问题。 (为什么所有输入行都以10000开头?)

如果你只是想找到第18个最高频率数字,你不需要逐行读取(这在Lisp,在C中,在Ocaml中都是如此......)和Ocaml的{{ 1}}可以做输入。

使用Scanf.scanf "%d" (fun x -> ...)在Ocaml中是明智的。