
时间:2011-11-07 03:56:04

标签: javascript oop super


  • this.$super.prop()
  • this.$super.prop.apply(this, arguments);


  1. this.$super必须是对原型的引用。即如果我在运行时更改超级原型,则会反映此更改。这基本上意味着父母有一个新的属性然后这应该通过super在所有孩子的运行时显示,就像对父母的硬编码引用会反映更改
  2. this.$super.f.apply(this, arguments);必须适用于递归调用。对于任何链接的继承集,当你继承链上进行多次超级调用时,你不能遇到递归问题。
  3. 您不得硬编码对孩子中超级对象的引用。即Base.prototype.f.apply(this, arguments);打败了这一点。
  4. 您不得使用X to JavaScript编译器或JavaScript预处理器。
  5. 必须符合ES5
  6. 天真的实现就是这样的。

    var injectSuper = function (parent, child) {
      child.prototype.$super = parent.prototype;

    但是breaks condition 2

    我迄今见过的最优雅的机制是IvoWetzel's eval hack,它几​​乎是一个JavaScript预处理器,因此无法通过标准4。

11 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)




  • 在创建时向函数添加超级信息,使用arguments.calee或类似的邪恶访问它。
  • 调用超级方法时添加额外信息

    $super(CurrentClass).method.call(this, 1,2,3)


    //Normal Javascript needs the superclass name
    SuperClass.prototype.method.call(this, 1,2,3);

    虽然这远非理想,但2.x Python至少有一些历史先例。 (他们“固定”超级3.0,所以它不再需要参数,但我不确定涉及多少魔法以及它对JS的可移植性如何)


var superPairs = [];
// An association list of baseClass -> parentClass

var injectSuper = function (parent, child) {
        parent: parent,
        child: child

function $super(baseClass, obj){
    for(var i=0; i < superPairs.length; i++){
        var p = superPairs[i];
        if(p.child === baseClass){
            return p.parent;

答案 1 :(得分:5)

John Resig发布了一种简单但很好super支持的不一致机制。 唯一的区别是super指向您调用它的基本方法。


答案 2 :(得分:2)


更新: 这是一个没有__proto__的实现。问题是使用$super在父对象的属性数量上是线性的。

function extend (Child, prototype, /*optional*/Parent) {
    if (!Parent) {
        Parent = Object;
    Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype);
    Child.prototype.constructor = Child;
    for (var x in prototype) {
        if (prototype.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
            Child.prototype[x] = prototype[x];
    Child.prototype.$super = function (propName) {
        var prop = Parent.prototype[propName];
        if (typeof prop !== "function") {
            return prop;
        var self = this;
        return function () {
            var selfPrototype = self.constructor.prototype;
            var pp = Parent.prototype;
            for (var x in pp) {
                self[x] = pp[x];
            try {
                return prop.apply(self, arguments);
            finally {
                for (var x in selfPrototype) {
                    self[x] = selfPrototype[x];


function extend (Child, prototype, /*optional*/Parent) {
    if (!Parent) {
        Parent = Object;
    Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype);
    Child.prototype.constructor = Child;
    for (var x in prototype) {
        if (prototype.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
            Child.prototype[x] = prototype[x];
    Child.prototype.$super = function (propName) {
        var prop = Parent.prototype[propName];
        if (typeof prop !== "function") {
            return prop;
        var self = this;
        return function (/*arg1, arg2, ...*/) {
            var selfProto = self.__proto__;
            self.__proto__ = Parent.prototype;
            try {
                return prop.apply(self, arguments);
            finally {
                self.__proto__ = selfProto;


function A () {}
extend(A, {
    foo: function () {
        return "A1";

function B () {}
extend(B, {
    foo: function () {
        return this.$super("foo")() + "_B1";
}, A);

function C () {}
extend(C, {
    foo: function () {
        return this.$super("foo")() + "_C1";
}, B);

var c = new C();
var res1 = c.foo();
B.prototype.foo = function () {
    return this.$super("foo")() + "_B2";
var res2 = c.foo();

alert(res1 + "\n" + res2);

答案 3 :(得分:2)


// Simulated static super references (as proposed by Allen Wirfs-Brock)
// http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:object_initialiser_super

//------------------ Library

function addSuperReferencesTo(obj) {
    Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach(function(key) {
        var value = obj[key];
        if (typeof value === "function" && value.name === "me") {
            value.super = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);

function copyOwnFrom(target, source) {
    Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source).forEach(function(propName) {
        Object.defineProperty(target, propName,
            Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, propName));
    return target;

function extends(subC, superC) {
    var subProto = Object.create(superC.prototype);
    // At the very least, we keep the "constructor" property
    // At most, we preserve additions that have already been made
    copyOwnFrom(subProto, subC.prototype);
    subC.prototype = subProto;

//------------------ Example

function A(name) {
    this.name = name;
A.prototype.method = function () {
    return "A:"+this.name;

function B(name) {
    A.call(this, name);
// A named function expression allows a function to refer to itself
B.prototype.method = function me() {
    return "B"+me.super.method.call(this);
extends(B, A);

var b = new B("hello");
console.log(b.method()); // BA:hello

答案 4 :(得分:1)



'use strict';

function Class() {}
Class.extend = function (constructor, definition) {
    var key, hasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty, proto = this.prototype, temp, Extended;

    if (typeof constructor !== 'function') {
        temp = constructor;
        constructor = definition || function () {};
        definition = temp;
    definition = definition || {};

    Extended = constructor;
    Extended.prototype = new this();

    for (key in definition) {
        if (hasOwn.call(definition, key)) {
            Extended.prototype[key] = definition[key];

    Extended.prototype.constructor = Extended;

    for (key in this) {
        if (hasOwn.call(this, key)) {
            Extended[key] = this[key];

    Extended.$super = proto;
    return Extended;


var A = Class.extend(function A () {}, {
    foo: function (n) { return n;}
var B = A.extend(function B () {}, {
    foo: function (n) {
        if (n > 100) return -1;
        return B.$super.foo.call(this, n+1);
var C = B.extend(function C () {}, {
    foo: function (n) {
        return C.$super.foo.call(this, n+2);

var c = new C();
document.write(c.foo(0) + '<br>'); //3
A.prototype.foo = function(n) { return -n; };
document.write(c.foo(0)); //-3


var A2 = Class.extend(function A2 () {
    this.foo = function (n) {
        return n;
var B2 = A2.extend(function B2 () {
    this.foo = function (n) {
        if (n > 100) return -1;
        return B2.$super.foo.call(this, n+1);
var C2 = B2.extend(function C2 () {
    this.foo = function (n) {
        return C2.$super.foo.call(this, n+2);

//you must remember to constructor chain
//if you don't then C2.$super.foo === A2.prototype.foo

var c = new C2();
document.write(c.foo(0) + '<br>'); //3

答案 5 :(得分:1)


如果我们承认没有很好的方法来满足上述所有标准,那么我认为这是Salsify团队的勇敢努力(我刚刚找到它)found here。这是我见过的唯一可以避免递归问题的实现,但也允许.super成为正确原型的引用,无需预编译。


这项技术取决于使用Function.caller(不符合es5标准,虽然它在浏览器中得到广泛支持,es6可以消除未来需求),但它为所有其他问题提供了非常优雅的解决方案(我认为)。 .caller让我们得到方法参考,让我们找到原型链中的位置,并使用getter返回正确的原型。它并不完美,但它与我在这个空间中看到的解决方案差别很大

var Base = function() {};

Base.extend = function(props) {
  var parent = this, Subclass = function(){ parent.apply(this, arguments) };

    Subclass.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);

    for(var k in props) {
        if( props.hasOwnProperty(k) ){
            Subclass.prototype[k] = props[k]
            if(typeof props[k] === 'function')
                Subclass.prototype[k]._name = k

    for(var k in parent) 
        if( parent.hasOwnProperty(k)) Subclass[k] = parent[k]        

    Subclass.prototype.constructor = Subclass
    return Subclass;

Object.defineProperty(Base.prototype, "super", {
  get: function get() {
    var impl = get.caller,
        name = impl._name,
        foundImpl = this[name] === impl,
        proto = this;

    while (proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)) {
      if (!proto[name]) break;
      else if (proto[name] === impl) foundImpl = true;
      else if (foundImpl)            return proto;

    if (!foundImpl) throw "`super` may not be called outside a method implementation";

var Parent = Base.extend({
  greet: function(x) {
    return x + " 2";

var Child = Parent.extend({
  greet: function(x) {
    return this.super.greet.call(this, x + " 1" );

var c = new Child
c.greet('start ') // => 'start 1 2'



答案 6 :(得分:0)


function A () {}
A.prototype.foo = function (n) {
    return n;

function B () {}
B.prototype = new A();
B.prototype.constructor = B;
B.prototype.$super = A.prototype;
B.prototype.foo = function (n) {
    if (n > 100) return -1;
    return this.$super.foo.call(this, n+1);

function C () {}
C.prototype = new B();
C.prototype.constructor = C;
C.prototype.$super = B.prototype;
C.prototype.foo = function (n) {
    return this.$super.foo.call(this, n+2);

alert(new C().foo(0)); // alerts -1, not 3


答案 7 :(得分:0)



答案 8 :(得分:0)


这种方法非常类似于&#34; eval hack&#34;然而,OP表示它不对函数的源字符串进行任何处理,只是在当前执行上下文中使用eval重新声明该函数。使其更好一点,因为这两种方法都有相同的上述缺点。


function extend(child, parent){

    var superify = function(/* Super */){
        // Make MakeClass scope unavailable.
        var child = undefined,
            parent = undefined,
            superify = null,
            parentSuper = undefined,
            oldProto = undefined,
            keys = undefined,
            i = undefined,
            len = undefined;

        // Make Super available to returned func.
        var Super = arguments[0];
        return function(/* func */){
            /* This redefines the function with the current execution context.
             * Meaning that when the returned function is called it will have all of the current scopes variables available to it, which right here is just "Super"
             * This has the unfortunate side effect of ripping the old execution context away from the method meaning that no private methods that may have been defined in the original scope are available to it.
            return eval("("+ arguments[0] +")");

    var parentSuper = superify(parent.prototype);

    var oldProto = child.prototype;
    var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(oldProto);
    child.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);
    Object.defineProperty(child.prototype, "constructor", {enumerable: false, value: child});

    for(var i = 0, len = keys.length; i<len; i++)
        if("function" === typeof oldProto[keys[i]])
            child.prototype[keys[i]] = parentSuper(oldProto[keys[i]]);


function P(){}
P.prototype.logSomething = function(){console.log("Bro.");};

function C(){}
C.prototype.logSomething = function(){console.log("Cool story"); Super.logSomething.call(this);}

extend(C, P);

var test = new C();
test.logSomething(); // "Cool story" "Bro."


    function privateMethod(){console.log("In a private method");}

    function P(){};

    window.C = function C(){};
    C.prototype.privilagedMethod = function(){
        // This throws an error because when we call extend on this class this function gets redefined in a new scope where privateMethod is not available.

    extend(C, P);

var test = new C();
test.privilagedMethod(); // throws error


另外,我意识到我遇到了OP的所有条件! (虽然确实应该有关于执行上下文的条件)

答案 9 :(得分:0)


这是test.js文件中的super spaghetti汤示例(编辑:制作成运行示例):

var SomeClass = Class((public, protected, private) => ({

    // default access is public, like C++ structs
    publicMethod() {
        console.log('base class publicMethod')

    checkPrivateProp() {
        console.assert( private(this).lorem === 'foo' )

    protected: {
        protectedMethod() {
            console.log('base class protectedMethod:', private(this).lorem)
            private(this).lorem = 'foo'

    private: {
        lorem: 'blah',

var SubClass = SomeClass.subclass((public, protected, private, _super) => ({

    publicMethod() {
        console.log('extended a public method')
        private(this).lorem = 'baaaaz'

    checkPrivateProp() {
        console.assert( private(this).lorem === 'baaaaz' )

    protected: {

        protectedMethod() {
            console.log('extended a protected method')


    private: {
        lorem: 'bar',

var GrandChildClass = SubClass.subclass((public, protected, private, _super) => ({

    test() {

    reallyBegin() {

    protected: {
        reallyReallyBegin() {

    private: {
        begin() {

var o = new GrandChildClass

console.assert( typeof o.test === 'function' )
console.assert( o.reallyReallyBegin === undefined )
console.assert( o.begin === undefined )
<script> var module = { exports: {} } </script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/lowclass@3.1.0/index.js"></script>
<script> var Class = module.exports // get the export </script>



  1. 这个。$ super必须是对原型的引用。即如果我在运行时更改超级原型,则会反映此更改。这基本上意味着父母有一个新的属性然后这应该在运行时通过超级显示所有孩子,就像对父母的硬编码引用会反映更改

    不,_super助手不返回原型,只返回带有复制描述符的对象,以避免修改受保护的原型和私有原型。此外,从中复制描述符的原型保存在Class / subclass调用的范围内。有这个是很好的。 FWIW,原生class表现相同。

  2. 这个。$ super.f.apply(this,arguments);必须适用于递归调用。对于任何链接的继承集,当你继承链上进行多次超级调用时,你不能遇到递归问题。


  3. 您不得硬编码对孩子中超级对象的引用。即Base.prototype.f.apply(this,arguments);打败了这一点。


  4. 您不得使用X to JavaScript编译器或JavaScript预处理器。


  5. 必须符合ES5

    是的,它包括一个基于Babel的构建步骤(例如,lowclass使用WeakMap,它被编译为非泄漏的ES5格式)。我不认为这会破坏要求4,它只允许我编写ES6 +但它仍然应该在ES5中工作。不可否认,我没有在ES5中对此进行过多次测试,但是如果你想尝试一下,我们绝对可以解决我的任何构建问题,从最终你应该能够使用它而不需要任何构建步骤

  6. 唯一不符合的要求是1.这会很好。但是,换掉原型也许是不好的做法。但实际上,我确实有一些用途,我想换掉原型以获得元数据。 '将这个功能与原生super(静态:()相提并论很好,更不用说在这个实现中了。


    const A = Class((public, protected, private) => ({
        foo: function (n) { return n }
    const B = A.subclass((public, protected, private, _super) => ({
        foo: function (n) {
            if (n > 100) return -1;
            return _super(this).foo(n+1);
    const C = B.subclass((public, protected, private, _super) => ({
        foo: function (n) {
            return _super(this).foo(n+2);
    var c = new C();
    console.log( c.foo(0) === 3 )
    <script> var module = { exports: {} } </script>
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/lowclass@3.1.0/index.js"></script>
    <script> var Class = module.exports // get the export </script>


答案 10 :(得分:-1)


function Father(){
  this.word = "I'm the Father";

  this.say = function(){
     return this.word; // I'm the Father;

function Sun(){
  Father.call(this); // Extend the Father

  this.word = "I'm the sun"; // Override I'm the Father;

  this.say = function(){ // Override I'm the Father;
    this.word = "I was changed"; // Change the word;
    return new Father().say.apply(this); // Call the super.say()

var a = new Father();
var b = new Sun();

a.say() // I'm the father
b.ay() // I'm the sun
b.say() // I was changed