
时间:2011-11-05 22:21:38

标签: python numpy


import numpy as np
A = np.ones((dim, dim)) # the array to modify
B = np.random.random_integers(0, 1, (dim, dim)) # the values to ignore are 0
C = np.array(B, dtype = np.bool)
D = np.random.random((dim, dim)) # the array which will be used to modify A

# Option 1: zero some values using multiplication.
# some initial tests show this is the fastest
A += B * D

# Option 2: use indexing
# this seems to be the slowest
A[C] += D[C]

# Option 3: use masked arrays
A = np.ma.array(np.ones((dim, dim)), mask = np.array(B - 1, dtype = np.bool))
A += D


根据cyborg的建议,稀疏阵列可能是另一种选择。不幸的是我对包装不是很熟悉,也无法获得我能够获得的速度优势。例如,如果我有一个由稀疏矩阵A定义的受限连接的加权图,则另一个稀疏矩阵B定义连通性(1 =连接,0 =未连接),以及密集的numpy矩阵C,我希望能够执行A = A + B.multiply(C)之类的操作,并充分利用AB稀疏。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


import timeit

import numpy as np
A = np.ones((dim, dim)) # the array to modify
B = np.random.random_integers(0, 1, (dim, dim)) # the values to ignore are 0
C = np.array(B, dtype = np.bool)
D = np.random.random((dim, dim)) # the array which will be used to modify A

print('mult    '+str(timeit.timeit('A += B * D', setup, number=3)))

print('index   '+str(timeit.timeit('A[C] += D[C]', setup, number=3)))

setup3 = setup+\
A = np.ma.array(np.ones((dim, dim)), mask = np.array(B - 1, dtype = np.bool))
print('ma      ' + str(timeit.timeit('A += D', setup3, number=3)))

setup4 = setup+\
from scipy import sparse
S = sparse.csr_matrix(C)
DS = S.multiply(D)
print('sparse- '+str(timeit.timeit('A += DS', setup4, number=3)))

setup5 = setup+\
from scipy import sparse
print('sparse+ '+str(timeit.timeit('S = sparse.csr_matrix(C); DS = S.multiply(D); A += DS', setup4, number=3)))

setup6 = setup+\
from scipy import sparse
class Sparsemat(sparse.coo_matrix):
    def __iadd__(self, other):
        self.data += other.data
        return self
A = Sparsemat(sparse.rand(dim, dim, 0.5, 'coo')) # the array to modify
D = np.random.random((dim, dim)) # the array which will be used to modify A
anz = A.nonzero()
DS = Sparsemat((D[anz[0],anz[1]], anz), shape=A.shape) # new graph based on random weights
A += DS
print('sparse2 '+str(timeit.timeit(stmt6, setup6, number=3)))


mult    0.0248420299535
index   0.32025789431
ma      0.1067024434
sparse- 0.00996273276303
sparse+ 0.228869672266
sparse2 0.105496183846
