
时间:2011-11-04 23:25:18

标签: javascript class inheritance


  • 我是否正在创建公共职能部门属性正确吗?如果没有,我应该改变什么?
  • 我是否创建了特权功能&属性正确吗?如果没有,我应该改变什么?
  • 我是否正在创建私人功能&属性正确吗?如果没有,我应该改变什么?
  • 我是否正确覆盖了功能?
  • 我正确执行继承吗?
  • 如果有什么不对,你能告诉我代码应该是什么吗?


/* Base Object Class */
function BaseClass( /*string*/ objType )
   /* Public: */
   this.name = "blah";

   BaseClass.prototype.getName = function()
    return this.name;

   BaseClass.prototype.setName = function( newName )
      var oldName = this.name;
      this.name   = newName;

      return oldName;

   /* Private: */
   var attributeMap = {};

   this.constructor = function()
      // this objects default constructor. Is this correct?
      attributeMap["type"]     = objType;
      attributeMap["uniqueID"] = "Base"+(++INSTANCE_COUNT);

   /* Privileged: */
   // Will an object that inherits from this class be able to override the following functions? 
   // Or do I have to make these functions public in order to override them?
   this.toString = function()
      var s = "";
      for (var attrib in attributeMap)
         s += attrib + ": " + attributeMap[attrib] + ", ";
      return s;

   this.getType = function()
      return attributeMap["type"];

   this.renderObject = function()
      // TODO: render object on HTML5 canvas

   this.parseXMLNode = function( /*XML Node*/ nodeXML, /*string*/ objType )
      var attribs = nodeXML.attributes;

      for (var i=0; i<attribs.length; i++)
         attributeMap[ attribs[i].nodeName ] = attribs[i].nodeValue;

      // store children 
      if ( nodeXML.hasChildNodes() )
         attributeMap["children"] = nodeXML.childNodes;



// Static Variables //
BaseObject.INSTANCE_COUNT = 0;

// My Child Class //
ChildClass.prototype = new BaseObject( objType );     // make ChildClass inherit from BaseClass
ChildClass.prototype.constructor = function(ObjType)  // Make the ChildClass call the BaseClass constructor
   BaseObject.prototype.constructor.call(this, objType);

function ChildClass( /*string*/ objType )
   /* Privileged: */
   // Attempt to override BaseClass function renderObject()
   this.renderObject = function()
       // Does this override the BaseClass renderObject() function?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

How to Achieve Private, Public, Privileged members in Javascript

虽然我不建议你写这样的代码。 JavaScript与C ++不同。不要用JavaScript编写C ++代码。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


但要回答不是“正确”方式的问题,请查看javascript g arden

function Foo() {
    this.value = 42;
Foo.prototype = {
    method: function() {}

function Bar() {}

// Set Bar's prototype to a new instance of Foo
Bar.prototype = new Foo();
Bar.prototype.foo = 'Hello World';

// Make sure to list Bar as the actual constructor
Bar.prototype.constructor = Bar;

var test = new Bar() // create a new bar instance