create table Rating (
id INT,
description VARCHAR(20),
value INT
create table Category (
id INT,
categoryName VARCHAR(20),
parentId INT,
path VARCHAR(100)
create table Movie (
id INT,
categoryId INT,
title VARCHAR(50),
description VARCHAR(500),
editorsRatingId INT,
usersRatingId INT
insert into Rating values (34, 'Bad', 1);
insert into Rating values (35, 'Good', 5);
insert into Rating values (36, 'Excellent', 9);
insert into Category values (1, 'Sports', null, 'SPO');
insert into Category values (2, 'Baseball', 1, 'SPO/BAB');
insert into Category values (3, 'Motor', 1, 'SPO/MOT');
insert into Category values (4, 'Documentary', null, 'DOC');
insert into Category values (5, 'Nature', 4, 'DOC/NAT');
insert into Category values (6, 'Political', 4, 'DOC/POL');
insert into Category values (7, 'Constructions', 4, 'DOC/CON');
insert into Movie values (1, 3, 'A motor sports title', 'A motor sports description', 35, 34);
insert into Movie values (2, 2, 'A baseball title', 'A baseball description', 35, 36);
insert into Movie values (3, 5, 'A nature documentary', 'A nature documentary description', 36, 35);
insert into Movie values (4, 7, 'A construction documentary', 'A construction documentary description', 35, 36);
--Try running this with 0, 1 and 4 as :parentId
select c1.id, c1.categoryName, max(subQuery.eRating) as eRating1, max(subQuery.uRating) as uRating1
from Category c1
join (
select c.path, max(editorsRating.value) as eRating, max(usersRating.value) as uRating
from Category c
join Movie m on (m.categoryId = c.id)
join Rating editorsRating on (editorsRating.id = m.editorsRatingId)
join Rating usersRating on (usersRating.id = m.usersRatingId)
group by c.path
) as subQuery on (subQuery.path = c1.path or subQuery.path like concat(c1.path,'/%'))
where coalesce(c1.parentId, 0) = :parentId
group by c1.id, c1.categoryName