
时间:2011-11-03 01:43:06

标签: ios xcode static-analysis analyzer clang-static-analyzer

当我在Xcode中分析我的项目时,我遇到了一些奇怪的错误。 所有这些代码都是单个方法的一部分,该方法创建可用于生成MKAnnotations的数组。对不起,如果这是代码的泛滥 - 我尽力评论出不相关的部分。除了片段之外,我还在整个方法中包含了整个方法。谢谢!

- (void)addLines {

    NSUserDefaults* defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];

    // Create region and span variables
    MKCoordinateSpan span;
    MKCoordinateRegion region;

    NSArray* arrayOuter = [defaults objectForKey:@"mapSaveDataKey"];

    NSData* data = [arrayOuter objectAtIndex:[[defaults objectForKey:@"currentMap"] intValue]];

    NSArray* arrayOne = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:data];

    if (arrayOne.count == 0)
        [self returns:nil];


    NSArray* overlayLat = [arrayOne objectAtIndex:1];
    double lats[overlayLat.count];

    NSArray* overlayLong = [arrayOne objectAtIndex:2];
    double longs[overlayLong.count];

    NSArray* annotationLat = [arrayOne objectAtIndex:8];
    double annotationLats[annotationLat.count];

    NSArray* annotationLong = [arrayOne objectAtIndex:9];
    double annotationsLongs[annotationLong.count];


    CLLocationCoordinate2D startLocation = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake([[overlayLat objectAtIndex:0] doubleValue], [[overlayLong objectAtIndex:0] doubleValue]);

    CLLocationCoordinate2D finishLocation = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake([[overlayLat objectAtIndex:[overlayLat count] - 1] doubleValue], [[overlayLong objectAtIndex:[overlayLong count] - 1] doubleValue]);

    NSString* string1 = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"Lat: %.3f, Long: %.3f", [[overlayLat objectAtIndex:0] doubleValue], [[overlayLong objectAtIndex:0] doubleValue]] autorelease];

    NSString* string2 = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"Lat: %.3f, Long: %.3f", [[overlayLat objectAtIndex:([overlayLat count] - 1)] doubleValue], [[overlayLong objectAtIndex:([overlayLong count] - 1)] doubleValue]] autorelease];

    LocationAnnotation* startAnnotation = [[LocationAnnotation alloc] initWithCoordinate:startLocation title:@"Start" subtitle:string1];

    LocationAnnotation* finishAnnotation = [[LocationAnnotation alloc] initWithCoordinate:finishLocation title:@"Finish" subtitle:string2];


    for (int iii = 0; iii < overlayLat.count; iii++) {
        NSNumber* a = (NSNumber*)[overlayLat objectAtIndex:iii];
        lats[iii] = [a doubleValue];

    for (int iii = 0; iii < overlayLong.count; iii++) {
        NSNumber* a = (NSNumber*)[overlayLong objectAtIndex:iii];
        longs[iii] = [a doubleValue];

    for (int iii = 0; iii < annotationLong.count; iii++) {
        NSNumber* a = (NSNumber*)[annotationLong objectAtIndex:iii];
        annotationsLongs[iii] = [a doubleValue];

    for (int iii = 0; iii < annotationLat.count; iii++) {
        NSNumber* a = (NSNumber*)[annotationLat objectAtIndex:iii];
        annotationLats[iii] = [a doubleValue];

    int sizeLats = 0;

    for (int iii = 0; iii < overlayLat.count; iii++)
        if (lats[iii] != 0)

    CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[sizeLats];

    for (int iii = 0; iii < sizeLats; iii++) {
        if (lats[iii] != 0 && longs[iii] != 0) {
            coords[iii].latitude = lats[iii];
            coords[iii].longitude = longs[iii];
        } else {
            coords[iii].latitude = coords[iii - 1].latitude;
            coords[iii].longitude = coords[iii - 1].longitude;


    // Give variables value
    span = MKCoordinateSpanMake(.05, .05);       
    region = MKCoordinateRegionMake(coords[0], span);

    MKPolyline* line = [MKPolyline polylineWithCoordinates:coords count:sizeLats];

    [mapView addOverlay:line];

    [mapView addAnnotations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:startAnnotation, finishAnnotation, nil]];
    [mapView selectAnnotation:startAnnotation animated:YES];


    for (int iii = 0; iii < annotationLong.count; iii++) {
        CLLocationCoordinate2D coord = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(annotationLats[iii], annotationsLongs[iii]);

        NSString* subtitle = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"Lat: %.3f, Long: %.3f", coord.latitude, coord.longitude] autorelease];
        NSString* title = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"Stop %i", (iii + 1)] autorelease];
        LocationAnnotation* a = [[LocationAnnotation alloc] initWithCoordinate:coord title:title subtitle:subtitle];
        CLLocation* c = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithCoordinate:coord altitude:0 horizontalAccuracy:0 verticalAccuracy:0 course:0 speed:0 timestamp:0];
        CLLocation* d = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithCoordinate:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(finishAnnotation.coordinate.latitude, finishAnnotation.coordinate.longitude) altitude:0 horizontalAccuracy:0 verticalAccuracy:0 course:0 speed:0 timestamp:0];
        if ([c distanceFromLocation:d] > 20)
            [mapView addAnnotation:a];
        [c release];
        [d release];
        [a release];



    [mapView setRegion:region animated:YES];

    [startAnnotation release];
    [finishAnnotation release];



int sizeLats = 0;

for(int iii = 0; iii < overlayLat.count; iii++)
    if(lats[iii] != 0) //"The left operand of '!=' is a garbage value"



CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[sizeLats]; //"Declared variable-length array (VLA) has zero size"


for (int iii = 0; iii < sizeLats; iii++) {
    if (lats[iii] != 0 && longs[iii] != 0) { // "The left operand of '!=' is a garbage value"
        coords[iii].latitude = lats[iii];
        coords[iii].longitude = longs[iii];
    } else {
        coords[iii].latitude = coords[iii - 1].latitude; // "Assigned value is garbage or undefined"
        coords[iii].longitude = coords[iii - 1].longitude;


CLLocationCoordinate2D coord = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(annotationLats[iii], annotationsLongs[iii]); // "Function call argument is an uninitialized value"


这些警告是否至关重要?如果我的程序按预期运行而没有这些警告,我可以安全地忽略它们吗?我觉得忽略Xcode并不是一个好主意 - 它非常聪明。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

误解是clang / checker无法保证数组'count不会改变,并且无法确定程序是否会像您的数组一样流动。





NSArray* overlayLat = [arrayOne objectAtIndex:1];
const NSUInteger overlayLatCount = [overlayLat count];
// now use the variable instead of calling the method where needed:
double lats[overlayLatCount];


还有一些其他位:检查器并不总是知道类型的语义。例如:您可能认为NSArray的计数可以被缓存,但是检查者必须了解很多关于这些问题的类。更重要的是,检查程序无法保证程序将按照您的预期流动,原因有很多。假设数组的计数被缓存为优化;这将导致现实世界节目中的大量错误。因此,当您拥有检查器可能不依赖的上下文时,您必须使某些事情变得更加明显 - 在某些情况下,您必须引入该上下文。


NSArray * overlayLat = [arrayOne objectAtIndex:1];
const NSUInteger overlayLatCount = [overlayLat count];
double lats[overlayLatCount];

NSArray * overlayLong = [arrayOne objectAtIndex:2];
const NSUInteger overlayLongCount = [overlayLong count];
double longs[overlayLongCount];

NSArray * annotationLat = [arrayOne objectAtIndex:8];
const NSUInteger annotationLatCount = [annotationLat count];
double annotationLats[annotationLatCount];

NSArray * annotationLong = [arrayOne objectAtIndex:9];
const NSUInteger annotationLongCount = [annotationLong count];
double annotationsLongs[annotationLongCount];

for (int iii = 0; iii < overlayLatCount; iii++) {
    NSNumber * a = (NSNumber*)[overlayLat objectAtIndex:iii];
    lats[iii] = [a doubleValue];

for (int iii = 0; iii < overlayLongCount; iii++) {
    NSNumber * a = (NSNumber*)[overlayLong objectAtIndex:iii];
    longs[iii] = [a doubleValue];

for (int iii = 0; iii < annotationLongCount; iii++) {
    NSNumber * a = (NSNumber*)[annotationLong objectAtIndex:iii];
    annotationsLongs[iii] = [a doubleValue];

for (int iii = 0; iii < annotationLatCount; iii++) {
    NSNumber * a = (NSNumber*)[annotationLat objectAtIndex:iii];
    annotationLats[iii] = [a doubleValue];





if (0 == sizeLats) return;

CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[sizeLats];



if ((lats[iii] != 0) && (longs[iii] != 0)) {

含义: 检查器无法保证阵列已完全初始化且sizeLats小于[overlayLat count][overlayLong count]。更重要的是,它应该警告超出范围访问的可能性。这条消息不是很清楚。

分辨率: 实际上程序中存在一些未经检查的界限和假设(并且可能删除了一些错误检查)。应该让检查器和编译器更清楚。您应该更清楚地了解编译器并添加一些错误检测以防万一(将提供更完整的示例)。

附加说明 - 浮点比较不是很安全 - 你不应该期望C数组被初始化


含义: 这个问题的根源与#2“!=的左操作数是垃圾值”相同。指定索引处的数组可能尚未初始化。更糟糕的问题是,无法保证数组索引将在范围内。事实上它没有被标记为这样,这让我想知道由于误报太多,检查员是否禁用了这个警告。

分辨率: 与#2相同

因此,一个更广泛的错误检查示例可能会像以下程序一样 flow 。该程序不漂亮,可以使用一些清理/重构,但所有错误检查都存在,它没有检查器问题,并使可疑代码无法访问,并检测到大量的错误。我仍然不认为浮点比较或VLA好,但这应该足以解决您的问题。

  @brief fills a double buffer with values from an NSArray
  @param destinationBuffer the buffer to fill
  @param countOfDestinationBuffer the number of elements in @a destinationBuffer
  @param the source values. an NSArray filled with NSNumber objects. @a countOfDestinationBuffer must be equal to @a [source count]
  @return false if an error occurred, else true
static bool FillDoubleArrayFromNSArray(double* const destinationBuffer, const NSUInteger countOfDestinationBuffer, NSArray* source) {
    const NSUInteger sourceCount = [source count];
    if ((0 == destinationBuffer) || (0 == countOfDestinationBuffer) || (0 == [source count])) {
        assert(0 && "invalid argument");
        return false;
    else if (sourceCount != countOfDestinationBuffer) {
        assert(0 && "buffer size mismatch");
        return false;

    for (NSUInteger idx = 0; idx < sourceCount; ++idx) {
        NSNumber* a = (NSNumber*)[source objectAtIndex:idx];
        destinationBuffer[idx] = [a doubleValue];

    return true;

- (void)addLines {
    NSArray* arrayOne = [NSArray array];

    NSArray* overlayLatArray = [arrayOne objectAtIndex:1];
    const NSUInteger overlayLatCount = [overlayLatArray count];
    if (0 == overlayLatCount) {
        assert(0 && "empty array or invalid object. bailing.");

    double lats[overlayLatCount];
    if (!FillDoubleArrayFromNSArray(lats, overlayLatCount, overlayLatArray)) {
    /* do something */

    NSArray* overlayLongArray = [arrayOne objectAtIndex:2];
    const NSUInteger overlayLongCount = [overlayLongArray count];
    if (0 == overlayLongCount) {
        assert(0 && "empty array or invalid object. bailing.");

    double longs[overlayLongCount];
    if (!FillDoubleArrayFromNSArray(longs, overlayLongCount, overlayLongArray)) {
    /* do something */

    NSUInteger sizeLat = 0;
    for (NSUInteger idx = 0; idx < overlayLatCount; ++idx) {
        if (lats[idx] != 0) {

    if (0 == sizeLat) {
        assert(0 && "what to do when no lines can be drawn?");

    if ((overlayLatCount < sizeLat) || (overlayLongCount < sizeLat)) {
        assert(0 && "input range error (overlayLongCount is really what we are testing here)");

    CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[sizeLat];
    for (NSUInteger idx = 0; idx < sizeLat; ++idx) {
        if ((lats[idx] != 0) && (longs[idx] != 0)) {
            coords[idx] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(lats[idx], longs[idx]);
        else if (0 == idx) {
            assert(0 && "range error. access of invalid index would have occurred");
        else {
            coords[idx] = coords[idx - 1];

    NSArray* annotationLatArray = [arrayOne objectAtIndex:8];
    const NSUInteger annotationLatCount = [annotationLatArray count];
    if (0 == annotationLatCount) {
        assert(0 && "empty array or invalid object. bailing.");

    double annotationLat[annotationLatCount];
    if (!FillDoubleArrayFromNSArray(annotationLat, annotationLatCount, annotationLatArray)) {
    /* do something */

    NSArray* annotationLongArray = [arrayOne objectAtIndex:9];
    const NSUInteger annotationLongCount = [annotationLongArray count];
    if (0 == annotationLongCount) {
        assert(0 && "empty array or invalid object. bailing.");

    double annotationLong[annotationLongCount];
    if (!FillDoubleArrayFromNSArray(annotationLong, annotationLongCount, annotationLongArray)) {
    /* do something */

    if (annotationLatCount < annotationLongCount) {
        assert(0 && "input range error in next loop. bailing");

    for (NSUInteger idx = 0; idx < annotationLongCount; ++idx) {
        CLLocationCoordinate2D coord = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(annotationLat[idx], annotationLong[idx]);
/* ... */