CCSprite VS CC SpriteBatch节点和NSMutablearray的数组?

时间:2011-11-02 14:11:45

标签: iphone objective-c xcode cocos2d-iphone

我正在制作一个小弓箭手游戏,之前在我的代码中我将每个箭头精灵放入CCSprite[7];数组,而在ccTime中我会更新x / y坐标并做一些数学运算使箭头移动得非常漂亮和平滑。所以所有的数学/角度/运动都有效。



id action = [Sequence actions:
             [ScaleTo actionWithDuration:.3 scale:0.7f],
             [ScaleTo actionWithDuration:.3 scale:1.0f],



    ccTouchesBegan:(NSSet *) blah blah {
    self.nextProjectile = [[CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"arrow.png"];
    _nextProjectile.rotation = vector2 - 90; //this is angle of where the user touched screen

    //add projectiles to array
    _nextProjectile.tag = arrowTracker;

    [_batchNode addChild:_nextProjectile z:1];
    [_projectiles addObject:_nextProjectile];

    //Release? If I don't have this the arrow fails to move at all... and it was in the tutorial
    if(_nextProjectile.tag == 1){
          [_nextProjectile release];
          _nextProjectile = nil;



  1. 我该如何解决这个问题。
  2. 我应该坚持使用CCsprite [7](sprite的数组)?我没有找到图像的内容,而是找到箭头的端点,只检查是否与另一个图像相交,但这需要更多的工作/数学/记忆(我不太确定内存的工作原理如何编程...但我很确定CCSprite数组会占用更多内存。
  3. EDIT ---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------


    //move selected arrows
    for(int xe = 0; xe < 7; xe++{
    float x = _theArrowArray[xe].position.x;
    float y = _theArrowArray[xe].position.y;
    vyArray[xe] += gravity; vyArray is the velocity on the y axis array, I'm just adding gravity
    x += vxArray[xe] *dt; // dt is after (ccTime) in the method definition
    y += vyArray[xe] *dt;
    CGPoint newLocation = CGPointMake(x,y);
    _theArrowArray[xe].position = newlocation;
    //The Code above this moves the arrows inside the CCSprite array, not the batch/nsmutable array.
    //The code below is just a copy and paste with a little change to it, for the batchnode/nsmutable
    float x2 = _nextProjectile.x; // mextProjectile was declared earlier in my code
    float y2 = _nextProjectile.y;
    vyArray[xe] += gravity; vyArray is the velocity on the y axis array, I'm just adding gravity
    x2 += vxArray[xe] *dt*1.2; // This way(dt*1.2), both arrows are being shot out but this one has more gravity to it, so you can tell which arrow is which and see that both are working.
    y2 += vyArray[xe] *dt*1.2;
    CGPoint newLocation2 = CGPointMake(x2,y2);
    _nextProjectile.position = newlocation2;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

除非下一个弹丸属性保留弹丸,否则不要释放弹丸。 CCSprite spriteWithFile返回一个自动释放的对象,该对象由batchNode和projectiles数组保留。

奇怪的是,射弹永远不会被设置为标签== 1所以释放射弹的代码可能会被跳过。



帮自己一个忙,并使用像NSMutableArray这样的常规Foundation集合来存储你的对象。例如,他们将保留添加的对象并在删除时释放它们。如果您的代码有一个导致数组溢出的错误,您也会收到错误。 C风格的数组可能会更快一些,并且可能占用更少的内存,但它们本质上也是不安全的,需要更加谨慎地处理。