答案 0 :(得分:1)
id : 'fav-column',
dataIndex : 'fav',
sortable : true,
hideable : false,
menuDisabled : true,
fixed : true,
width : 20,
renderer : renderFav
function renderFav(favAdded, metaData, record){
if (favAdded === true){
return 'fav added'; //something to represent already added to favourite ;
return 'fav not added'; //something to represent non-fav'ed row;
cellclick : function(grid, cellEl, cellIdx, record, rowEl, rowIdx, evtObj){
if (this.columns[cellIdx].getId() === 'fav-col'){
record.set('fav', !record.get('fav')); //toggle the fav state
grid.getStore().sync(); //if the store is a REST store, update backend
record.commit(); //commit the record so the red triangle doesn't show
this.doLayout(); //might not need this.