
时间:2011-10-31 15:09:22

标签: c# winforms multithreading


 List<Thread> threads = new List<Thread>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            threads.Add(new Thread(CheckTradeOneForOne));

        foreach (Thread t in threads)
            progressBarTrades.Value = 0;
        count = 0;

虽然count是在类级别定义的,progressbar是progressbar(winforms ^ _ ^)。

   private void CheckTradeOneForOne()
        int current;
        while (count < Trades.Count)
            lock (locker)
                current = count;
            temppage = HelpClass.GetSourceCodeForTrade(Trades[current], sessid, profilenum);
            //if the trainer has requested anything?
            if (!HelpClass.RequestAnything(temppage))

            lock (locker)
                progressBarTrades.Value = (100 * count) / Trades.Count;
                //buttonAction.Text = count.ToString();


我希望通过所有交易并分别制作一个httpwebrequest, 因此我想使用多线程, 问题是虽然我使用锁定即时获取关于第二个锁的错误,另一个线程正在使用buttonaction \ progressbar。

还有一件事,这是使用多线程的正确方法吗? 多少线程是理想的使用? 并锁定确保没有moe然后一个线程采用相同的交易字符串?


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


答案 1 :(得分:1)

您无法从不是表单线程的线程访问Windows窗体或wpf控件。 为此,您应该使用BeginInvoke或类SynchronizationContext。




private volatile int TradesCount;
private List<...> Trades;

void MyFunction()
    List<Thread> threads = new List<Thread>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        threads.Add(new Thread(CheckTradeOneForOne));

    timer1.Enabled = true;

    progressBarTrades.Value = 0;
    this.TradesCount = 0;

    foreach (Thread t in threads)

void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    int count = this.TradesCount;
    if (count >= Trades.Count)
        count = Trades.Count;
        timer1.Enabled = false;

    progressBarTrades.Value = (100 * count) / Trades.Count;
    buttonAction.Text = count.ToString();

private void CheckTradeOneForOne()
    int current;
    for (;;)
        // This will give you a warning, but you can ignore it with a #pragma, it is allowed to use Interlocked.Increment and volatile fields.
        current = Interlocked.Increment(ref TradesCount) - 1;

        if (current >= Trades.Count)
            break; // We can exit the loop.

        temppage = HelpClass.GetSourceCodeForTrade(Trades[current], sessid, profilenum);

        //if the trainer has requested anything?
        if (!HelpClass.RequestAnything(temppage))

我使用的是Interlocked.Increment而不是lock,它更快。 在谷歌上看看Interlocked.Increment,这是一个非常好的功能:原子增量。

答案 2 :(得分:1)

我同意其他建议使用.NET线程池而不是自己启动新线程的答案。如果您有使用.NET 4或更高版本的奢侈品,我会更进一步,建议您使用Task Parallel Library(即使您当前没有使用.NET 4,也可以构建面向任务的抽象。 .NET线程池非常简单。)

使用任务IMHO的最大优势之一是它们是即将推出的C#5 await内置语言功能的基础。因此,如果您今天使用任务进行后台处理,那么您已经准备好了未来的计划: - )。


// file "Program.cs"
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace ProgressDialog
    static class Program
        [STAThread] static void Main()
            // build UI
            var rootForm = new Form { Text = @"Test Form", Width = 300, Height = 100 };
            var btn = new Button { Text = @"Start", Parent = rootForm, Dock = DockStyle.Top };
            var progress = new ProgressBar { Minimum = 0, Parent = rootForm, Dock = DockStyle.Top, Style = ProgressBarStyle.Continuous };
            new Label { Text = @"Progress:", Parent = rootForm, Dock = DockStyle.Top, AutoSize = true };

            // define parameters
            const int sourcesCount = 20; // how many sources do we want to process
            var completedCount = 0;
            var randomGenerator = new Random();
            var timer = new Stopwatch();

            // callback that will be invoked on UI thread each time a task finishes
            Action<int> onTaskCompleted = source =>
                ++completedCount; // we're modifying "completedCount" closure on purpose
                progress.Value = completedCount;
                System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, null, string.Concat(@"UI notified that task for source ", source, @" finished; overall ", completedCount, @" tasks finished", Environment.NewLine));
                if (completedCount == sourcesCount)
                    btn.Enabled = true;
                    btn.Text = string.Concat(@"Finished (took ", timer.ElapsedMilliseconds, @" milliseconds). Start again");

            // task itself (the hard part :) )
            Action<int> task = source =>
                System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, null, string.Concat(@"  > Starting task for source ", source, Environment.NewLine));
                Thread.Sleep(randomGenerator.Next(100, 200)); // simulate some workload (taking between 100 and 200 milliseconds)
                System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, null, string.Concat(@"  < Finished task for source ", source, Environment.NewLine));
                rootForm.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => onTaskCompleted(source)));

            // start button handler (kick-starts the background tasks)
            btn.Click += (src, args) =>
                btn.Enabled = false;
                btn.Text = @"Running...";
                progress.Maximum = sourcesCount;
                progress.Value = 0;

                completedCount = 0;
                var sources = Enumerable.Range(1, sourcesCount); // simulate getting data for each task
                var tasks = sources
                    .Select(s => Task.Factory.StartNew(() => task(s))) // at this point we only have an enumerable that is able to start all the tasks, nothing is running yet
                    .ToArray(); // now the tasks are started

                if (tasks.Length != sourcesCount) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } // assert that we created one task for each source

            // show the form now, let the user interact with it

您可以通过在Visual Studio中创建新的(控制台或winforms)项目并将代码复制到Program.cs或在命令行上使用csc.exe来编译程序。


Running tasks


Finished tasks


另请注意,在调试模式下运行程序时,诊断消息将发送到Visual Studio中的“输出”视图(或者您可以使用SysInternals DebugView查看它们)。在我的(双核)机器上运行的一个样本产生了以下内容:

  > Starting task for source 1 
  > Starting task for source 2 
  > Starting task for source 3 
  < Finished task for source 3 
  > Starting task for source 4 
UI notified that task for source 3 finished; overall 1 tasks finished 
  < Finished task for source 2 
  > Starting task for source 5 
UI notified that task for source 2 finished; overall 2 tasks finished 
  < Finished task for source 1 
  > Starting task for source 6 
UI notified that task for source 1 finished; overall 3 tasks finished 
  < Finished task for source 4 
  > Starting task for source 7 
UI notified that task for source 4 finished; overall 4 tasks finished 
  < Finished task for source 5 
  > Starting task for source 8 
UI notified that task for source 5 finished; overall 5 tasks finished 
  < Finished task for source 6 
  > Starting task for source 9 
UI notified that task for source 6 finished; overall 6 tasks finished 
  < Finished task for source 8 
  > Starting task for source 10 
UI notified that task for source 8 finished; overall 7 tasks finished 
  < Finished task for source 7 
  > Starting task for source 11 
UI notified that task for source 7 finished; overall 8 tasks finished 
  < Finished task for source 9 
  > Starting task for source 12 
UI notified that task for source 9 finished; overall 9 tasks finished 
  < Finished task for source 10 
  < Finished task for source 11 
  > Starting task for source 13 
UI notified that task for source 10 finished; overall 10 tasks finished 
UI notified that task for source 11 finished; overall 11 tasks finished 
  > Starting task for source 14 
  < Finished task for source 14 
  > Starting task for source 15 
UI notified that task for source 14 finished; overall 12 tasks finished 
  < Finished task for source 13 
  > Starting task for source 16 
UI notified that task for source 13 finished; overall 13 tasks finished 
  < Finished task for source 12 
  > Starting task for source 17 
UI notified that task for source 12 finished; overall 14 tasks finished 
  < Finished task for source 16 
  > Starting task for source 18 
UI notified that task for source 16 finished; overall 15 tasks finished 
  < Finished task for source 15 
UI notified that task for source 15 finished; overall 16 tasks finished 
  > Starting task for source 19 
  < Finished task for source 17 
UI notified that task for source 17 finished; overall 17 tasks finished 
  < Finished task for source 18 
  > Starting task for source 20 
UI notified that task for source 18 finished; overall 18 tasks finished 
  < Finished task for source 19 
UI notified that task for source 19 finished; overall 19 tasks finished 
  < Finished task for source 20 
UI notified that task for source 20 finished; overall 20 tasks finished 

答案 3 :(得分:0)

正如一些人已经提到的,然后使用ThreadPool而不是自己创建线程。通过使用ThreadPool,您不必担心要生成的线程数 - ThreadPool将为您执行此操作。

假设您使用的是.NET 4,您可以利用TPL:

public partial class Form1 : Form
    private volatile int count;
    private readonly int total;

    public Form1()

        var urls = new List<string> { "http://something.com", "http://another.com" };
        total = urls.Count;

        // Execute the Parallel loop in a thread from the threadpool, 
        // in order not to block the UI thread.
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o =>
            Parallel.ForEach(urls, x => MakeRequest(x));

        // other UI stuff here?

    public void MakeRequest(string url)
        // code for web request here...

        int newCount = Interlocked.Increment(ref count);
        Invoke(new Action(() => progressBar.Value = (100 * newCount) / total));