{"Message":"LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method \u0027System.String ToString(System.String)\u0027 method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.","
Products = ( from p in db.Products where p.DepartmentId == qDepartment.Id join i in db.ProductImages on p.Id equals i.ProductId into products from x in products.Where(y => y.Dimension == "180X180") select new Product { Id = p.Id, Title = p.Title, ShortDescription = p.ShortDescription, Brand = p.Brand, Model = p.Model, Image = x.Path, FriendlyUrl = p.FriendlyUrl, SellPrice = p.SellPrice.ToString("N2")/*Error Here changed type to string*/, DiscountPercentage = p.DiscountPercentage, Votes = p.Votes, TotalRating = p.TotalRating }).ToList();
答案 0 :(得分:3)
无论你返回400还是400.00对于任何数学都无关紧要,所以我假设这是关于向用户显示小数。在这种情况下,您可以为小数的ToString()提供string format。
decimal number = 400m;
Console.WriteLine(number.ToString("N2")); // Outputs 400.00