
时间:2011-10-30 12:27:29

标签: javascript

我通过C ++,Java等语言熟悉OOP概念。现在我正在尝试学习JavaScript作为一种爱好,主要是因为对WebGL的兴趣。但我在基于原型的继承方面遇到了麻烦。


function Base(n) {
    this._n = n;

Base.prototype.print = function() {

function Derived(n) {
    Base.call(this, n);

Derived.prototype = new Base;
Derived.prototype.constructor = Derived;

现在我理解这一点:单个Base对象作为Derived的原型。因此,Derived的所有实例都将继承此Base对象的属性,例如print方法。当我调用new Derived(10)然后创建一个新对象时,在这个新创建的对象的上下文中调用函数Derived,即this指向新创建的对象,函数{{1}从函数Base调用,然后创建Derived并赋值10.因此,如果我创建5个_n个对象,则所有对象都将拥有自己的Derived属性。到目前为止,这没关系。



函数Derived.prototype = new Base; 期待一个参数,但我在这里没有传递任何东西。没有必要在此处传递参数,因为此对象将充当Base的原型。对于这个原型对象,我不需要Derived的任何值。但是如果函数_n取决于参数呢?比如,Base加载资源,路径作为参数传递。该怎么办?


  1. 如何处理原型对象中的数据成员(本例中为Base)?
  2. _n正在创建Derived.prototype = new Base;的实例,这将始终保留在内存中(假设在全局空间中定义了Base)。如果Derived类非常昂贵并且我不想要额外的对象,该怎么办?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

首先,我非常了解JavaScript的原型继承。你已经完成了你的功课。大多数来自Java或C ++背景的人往往都很挣扎,但是你已经过了最糟糕的事情。


函数Base期待一个参数,但我在这里没有传递任何东西。   如何处理原型对象中的数据成员(本例中为_n)?



Derived.prototype = new Base;正在创建Base的实例,这将始终保留在内存中(假设在全局空间中定义了Derived)。如果Base类非常昂贵并且我不想要额外的对象,该怎么办?


这是你通常在JavaScript的“类”系统中看到的最后一种方法(处理零参数构造而不是带参数构造)。通常,您会看到实际构造函数仅用于构造原始对象,而其他一些用于实际初始化实例的命名函数(initialize是Prototype使用的名称,而我在执行my replacement/revision of Prototype's mechanism时使用的名称)。所以实际的构造函数不带参数,但是你可以通过调用initialize函数来初始化一个实例(后者又调用它的基类initialize函数)。在大多数包装中,这是为你处理的。

使构造函数与初始化程序机制在实践中起作用需要一些棘手的管道,因为它需要“超级调用”(调用函数的基本版本),并且超级调用在JavaScript中很尴尬。 (那 - 超级调用 - 实际上是链接文章的主要内容,但是探索一种有效的方法也涉及创建/更新整个继承系统。我真的需要更新那篇文章所以它没有'使用基于类的术语;它仍然是典型的,它只是提供我正在谈论的管道。)

因为外部资源可能会消失/被移动/等等而Stack Overflow主要是独立的,这里是the article linked above中呈现的迭代的最终结果:

// Take IV: Explicitly handle mixins, provide a mixin for calling super when
// working with anonymous functions.
// Inspired by Prototype's Class class (http://prototypejs.org)
// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by T.J. Crowder
// Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 2.0 (UK)
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/uk/
var Helper = (function(){
    var toStringProblematic,    // true if 'toString' may be missing from for..in
        valueOfProblematic;     // true if 'valueOf' may be missing from for..in

    // IE doesn't enumerate toString or valueOf; detect that (once) and
    // remember so makeClass can deal with it. We do this with an anonymous
    // function we don't keep a reference to to minimize what we keep
    // around when we're done.
        var name;

        toStringProblematic = valueOfProblematic = true;
        for (name in {toString: true, valueOf: true}) {
            if (name == 'toString') {
                toStringProblematic = false;
            if (name == 'valueOf') {
                valueOfProblematic = false;

    // This function is used to create the prototype object for our generated
    // constructors if the class has a parent class. See makeConstructor for details.
    function protoCtor() { }

    // Build and return a constructor; we do this with a separate function
    // to minimize what the new constructor (a closure) closes over.
    function makeConstructor(base) {

        // Here's our basic constructor function (each class gets its own, a
        // new one of these is created every time makeConstructor is called).
        function ctor() {
            // Call the initialize method
            this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);

        // If there's a base class, hook it up. We go indirectly through `protoCtor`
        // rather than simply doing "new base()" because calling `base` will call the base
        // class's `initialize` function, which we don't want to execute. We just want the
        // prototype.
        if (base) {
            protoCtor.prototype = base.prototype;
            ctor.prototype = new protoCtor();
            protoCtor.prototype = {};   // Don't leave a dangling reference

        // Set the prototype's constructor property so `this.constructor` resolves
        // correctly
        ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor;

        // Flag up that this is a constructor (for mixin support)
        ctor._isConstructor = true;

        // Return the newly-constructed constructor
        return ctor;

    // This function is used when a class doesn't have its own initialize
    // function; since it does nothing and can only appear on base classes,
    // all instances can share it.
    function defaultInitialize() {

    // Get the names in a specification object, allowing for toString and
    // valueOf issues
    function getNames(members) {
        var names,      // The names of the properties in 'members'
            name,       // Each name
            nameIndex;  // Index into 'names'

        names = [];
        nameIndex = 0;
        for (name in members) {
            names[nameIndex++] = name;
        if (toStringProblematic && typeof members.toString != 'undefined') {
            names[nameIndex++] = 'toString';
        if (valueOfProblematic && typeof members.valueOf != 'undefined') {
            names[nameIndex++] = 'valueOf';
        return names;

    // makeClass: Our public "make a class" function.
    // Arguments:
    // - base: An optional constructor for the base class.
    // - ...:  One or more specification objects containing properties to
    //         put on our class as members; or functions that return
    //         specification objects. If a property is defined by more than one
    //         specification object, the last in the list wins.
    // Returns:
    //     A constructor function for instances of the class.
    // Typical use will be just one specification object, but allow for more
    // in case the author is drawing members from multiple locations.
    function makeClass() {
        var base,       // Our base class (constructor function), if any
            argsIndex,  // Index of first unused argument in 'arguments'
            ctor,       // The constructor function we create and return
            members,    // Each members specification object
            names,      // The names of the properties in 'members'
            nameIndex,  // Index into 'names'
            name,       // Each name in 'names'
            value,      // The value for each name
            baseValue;  // The base class's value for the name

        // We use this index to keep track of the arguments we've consumed
        argsIndex = 0;

        // Do we have a base?
        if (typeof arguments[argsIndex] == 'function' &&
            arguments[argsIndex]._isConstructor) {
            // Yes
            base = arguments[argsIndex++];

        // Get our constructor; this will hook up the base class's prototype
        // if there's a base class, and mark the new constructor as a constructor
        ctor = makeConstructor(base);

        // Assign the members from the specification object(s) to the prototype
        // Again, typically there's only spec object, but allow for more
        while (argsIndex < arguments.length) {
            // Get this specification object
            members = arguments[argsIndex++];
            if (typeof members == 'function') {
                members = members();

            // Get all of its names
            names = getNames(members);

            // Copy the members
            for (nameIndex = names.length - 1; nameIndex >= 0; --nameIndex) {
                name = names[nameIndex];
                value = members[name];
                if (base && typeof value == 'function' && !value._isMixinFunction) {
                    baseValue = base.prototype[name];
                    if (typeof baseValue == 'function') {
                            value.$super = baseValue;
                ctor.prototype[name] = value;

        // If there's no initialize function, provide one
        if (!('initialize' in ctor.prototype)) {
            // Note that this can only happen in base classes; in a derived
            // class, the check above will find the base class's version if the
            // subclass didn't define one.
            ctor.prototype.initialize = defaultInitialize;

        // Return the constructor
        return ctor;

    // makeMixin: Our public "make a mixin" function.
    // Arguments:
    // - ...:  One or more specification objects containing properties to
    //         put on our class as members; or functions that return
    //         specification objects. If a property is defined by more than one
    //         specification object, the last in the list wins.
    // Returns:
    //     A specification object containing all of the members, flagged as
    //     mixin members.
    function makeMixin() {
        var rv,         // Our return value
            argsIndex,  // Index of first unused argument in 'arguments'
            members,    // Each members specification object
            names,      // The names in each 'members'
            value;      // Each value as we copy it

        // Set up our return object
        rv = {};

        // Loop through the args (usually just one, but...)
        argsIndex = 0;
        while (argsIndex < arguments.length) {
            // Get this members specification object
            members = arguments[argsIndex++];
            if (typeof members == 'function') {
                members = members();

            // Get its names
            names = getNames(members);

            // Copy its members, marking them as we go
            for (nameIndex = names.length - 1; nameIndex >= 0; --nameIndex) {
                name = names[nameIndex];
                value = members[name];
                if (typeof value == 'function') {
                    value._isMixinFunction = true;
                rv[name] = value;

        // Return the consolidated, marked specification object
        return rv;

    // Return our public members
    return {
        makeClass: makeClass,
        makeMixin: makeMixin


var Parent = Helper.makeClass(function(){
    function hierarchy() {
        return "P";
    return {hierarchy: hierarchy};
var Child = Helper.makeClass(Parent, function(){
    function hierarchy() {
        return hierarchy.$super.call(this) + " < C";
    return {hierarchy: hierarchy};
var GrandChild = Helper.makeClass(Child, function(){
    function hierarchy() {
        return hierarchy.$super.call(this) + " < GC";
    return {hierarchy: hierarchy};
var gc = new GrandChild();
alert(gc.hierarchy()); // Alerts "P < C < GC"


// Define our CallSuper mixin
Helper.CallSuperMixin = makeMixin(function() {
    function callSuper(ref) {
        var f,          // The function to call
            args,       // Arguments to pass it, if we have any
            len,        // Length of args to pass
            srcIndex,   // When copying, the index into 'arguments'
            destIndex,  // When copying args, the index into 'args'
            rv;         // Our return value

        // Get the function to call: If they pass in a function, it's the
        // subclass's version so look on $super; otherwise, they've passed
        // in 'arguments' and it's on arguments.callee.$super.
        f = typeof ref == 'function' ? ref.$super : ref.callee.$super;

        // Only proceed if we have 'f'
        if (f) {
            // If there are no args to pass on, use Function#call
            if (arguments.length == 1) {
                rv = f.call(this);
            } else {
                // We have args to pass on, build them up.
                // Note that doing this ourselves is more efficient on most
                // implementations than applying Array.prototype.slice to
                // 'arguments', even though it's built in; the call to it
                // is expensive (dramatically, on some platforms).
                len = arguments.length - 1;
                args = new Array(len);
                srcIndex = 1;
                destIndex = 0;
                while (destIndex < len) {
                    args[destIndex++] = arguments[srcIndex++];

                // Use Function#apply
                rv = f.apply(this, args);

        // Done
        return rv;    // Will be undefined if there was no 'f' to call

    return {callSuper: callSuper};

而且,我真的需要更新术语,因此它不是基于类的。 (可能看一下ECMAScript5如何让我们做的事情略有不同,因为它增加了一些有用的东西,比如直接控制原型。)

答案 1 :(得分:3)


@@@ 2. Derived.prototype = new Base;正在创建Base的实例   这将始终保留在内存中(假设Derived定义于   全球空间)。如果基类成本很高而我不这样做该怎么办   想要一个额外的对象?


    function F() {}
    F.prototype = Base.prototype; // Linking to Base's prototype

    Derived.prototype = new F(); // The least memory-consumption object.
    Derived.prototype.constructor = Base; // Constructor reference correction

@@@ 1.如何处理原型对象中的数据成员(本例中为_n)?


答案 2 :(得分:1)



Derived.prototype = new Base;



Derived.prototype = Object.create(Base.prototype);





当您的链接原型不调用构造函数时!我写了一篇关于此事的JS OO part 3文章。


// instantiate
var o = Object.create(Base.prototype);
// o now inherits all of Bases methods because o.[[Prototype]] === Base.prototype
// o also inherits the constructor function (Base.prototype.constructor === Base)
// initialize

现在当然new X同时做到了。以下是新功能的概述

var new = function (constructor, ...args) {
  var instance = Object.create(constructor.prototype);
  return instance;



Derived.prototype = new Base;正在创建Base的实例,这将始终保留在内存中(假设Derived在全局空间中定义)。如果Base类非常昂贵并且我不想要额外的对象该怎么办?





答案 3 :(得分:-1)


Douglas Crockford在JavaScript: The World's Most Misunderstood Programming Language上可以找到一个很好的介绍,他还描述了继承在JS here中是如何工作的。

编辑:试着真正回答你的问题: 问题1,我根本不明白...抱歉。 问题2:JavaScript中的经典继承相当丑陋,我也从未发现它的需要。 Crockford所说的“寄生遗传”(第二个环节)我认为解决这个问题。这里“父”对象在构造函数的范围内调用。