
时间:2011-10-28 21:55:57

标签: scala types ternary-operator

我实现了像Java <condition> ? <if true> : <if false>这样的三元运算符,用/代替:,因为:不是有效的标识符:

case class Ternary[T](val o: Option[T]) {
  def / (f: => T) = o getOrElse f

implicit def boolToTernary(cond: Boolean) = new {
  def ? [T](f: => T) = if(cond) Ternary(Some(f)) 
                        else    Ternary[T](None)


scala> (1 > 2) ? "hi" / "abc"
res9: java.lang.String = abc


scala> (1 > 2) ? 5 / 6.0
<console>:33: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Double(6.0)
 required: Int
       (1 > 2) ? 5 / 6.0

我是否可以对类型进行调整以使其像内置if (1 > 2) 5 else 6.0那样工作?我搜索了类似的解决方案,我发现的实现都表现出相同的行为。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:12)


def /[U >: T](f: => U) = o getOrElse f

它不像常规if(推断类型为Double) - 你得到AnyVal,但这已经是一个改进,只需对你进行非常小的修改代码。


implicit def boolToTernary(cond: Boolean) = new {
  def ?[T](f: => T) = if (cond) Ternary(Some(f))
  else Ternary[T](None)

case class Ternary[T](val o: Option[T]) {
  def /[U, That](f: => U)(implicit conv: BiConverter[T, U, That]): That = o map conv.toThat1 getOrElse (conv toThat2 f)

class BiConverter[T, U, That](val toThat1: T => That, val toThat2: U => That)

trait LowPriorityBiConverterImplicits {
  implicit def subtype[A, T <: A, U <: A]: BiConverter[T, U, A] = new BiConverter[T, U, A](identity[T], identity[U])

object BiConverter extends LowPriorityBiConverterImplicits {
  implicit def identityConverter[T]: BiConverter[T, T, T] = new BiConverter[T, T, T](identity, identity)
  implicit def firstAsSecond[T, U](implicit conv: T => U): BiConverter[T, U, U] = new BiConverter[T, U, U](conv, identity)
  implicit def secondAsFirst[T, U](implicit conv: U => T): BiConverter[T, U, T] = new BiConverter[T, U, T](identity, conv)


abstract class Fruit
class Apple extends Fruit
class Banana extends Fruit

def main(args: Array[String]) {
  val int = (1 > 2) ? 5 / 6 // Int is inferred
  val fruit = (1 > 2) ? new Apple / new Banana // Fruit is inferred
  val double1 = (1 > 2) ? 5 / 5.5 // Double is inferred
  val double2 = (1 > 2) ? 5.5 / 5 // Double is inferred

答案 1 :(得分:9)


我选择了低优先级的运营商。 ^将首先绑定,然后|?。我使用了元组是协变的事实来推断结果的类型。

case class TernClause[T](t: T) {
  def ^[U](u: U) = (t, u)
case class Tern(b: Boolean) {
  def |?[U](tuple: (U,U)) = if (b) tuple._1 else tuple._2

implicit def toTern(b: Boolean): Tern = Tern(b)
implicit def toTernClause[T](t: T): TernClause[T] = TernClause(t)

(1 > 2) |? "hi" ^ "abc"
// java.lang.String = abc

(1 > 2) |? 5 ^ 6.0
// AnyVal{def getClass(): java.lang.Class[_ >: Double with Int <: AnyVal]} = 6.0


3 > 2 |? 5 - 1 ^ 6.0 + 1
// AnyVal{def getClass(): java.lang.Class[_ >: Double with Int <: AnyVal]} = 4



class BooleanEx(b: Boolean) {
  def ?[U](onTrue: => U, onFalse: => U) = if (b) onTrue else onFalse

implicit def toBooleanEx(b: Boolean): BooleanEx = new BooleanEx(b)

class A
class B extends A

(1 > 2) ? ("hi", "abc")
//res0: java.lang.String = abc
(1 > 2) ? (5, 6.0)
//res1: Double = 6.0
(1 > 2) ? (5, 6)
//res2: Int = 6
(1 > 2) ? (new A, new B)
//res3: A = B@1e21540


import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
(1 > 2) fold (5, 6.0)
//res0: Double = 6.0

答案 2 :(得分:2)

我一直在玩@ Jean-Philippe的解决方案,并做了几个补充,允许运营商链接。 (好吧,我可以把它保留原样并使用括号,但那里的乐趣在哪里?)可能有更好的方法来做到这一点,所以欢迎提出改进建议。

implicit def boolToTernary(cond: Boolean) = new {
  // operator name changed
  def |? [T](f: => T) = if (cond) Ternary(Some(f)) else Ternary[T](None)

case class Ternary[T](o: Option[T]) {
  def or [U, That](f: => U)      (implicit conv: BiConverter[T, U, That]): That = o map conv.toThat1 getOrElse (conv toThat2 f)
  // overload added
  def or [U, That](t: Ternary[U])(implicit conv: BiConverter[T, U, That]): Ternary[That] = o match {
    case x: Some[_] => Ternary(o map conv.toThat1)
    case None       => Ternary(t.o map conv.toThat2)

我更改了运营商名称:Ternary类中的一个需要优先级较低,但隐式def中的一个也需要低优先级,|除了字母数字之外具有最低优先级。< / p>



1 > 2 |? 4 or 4 > 6 |? 8.0 or 10  //look, no parentheses!
// Double = 10.0

1 + 1 < 3 |?
  4L or
  4 > 6 |?
    8 or BigInt(10)
// scala.math.BigInt = 4

酷还是什么? :)谁还需要if / else