你能在WHERE子句中使用$ _POST吗?

时间:2011-10-26 23:09:15

标签: php mysql variables methods


$myid = $_POST['id'];

       //Select the post from the database according to the id.
   $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM repairs WHERE id = " .$myid . " AND name = '' AND email = '' AND address1 = '' AND postcode = '';") or die(header('Location: 404.php'));

上面的代码应该将变量$ myid设置为id的发布内容,然后在SQL WHERE子句中使用该变量根据提交的id从数据库中获取数据。忘记潜在的SQL注入(我稍后会修复它们)为什么这不起作用?



//This includes the variables, adjusted within the 'config.php file' and the functions from the 'functions.php' - the config variables are adjusted prior to anything else.

//Check to see if the form has been submited, if it has we continue with the script.
if(isset($_POST['confirmation']) and $_POST['confirmation']=='true')
    //Slashes are removed, depending on configuration.
        $_POST['model'] = stripslashes($_POST['model']);
        $_POST['problem'] = stripslashes($_POST['problem']);
        $_POST['info'] = stripslashes($_POST['info']);
    //Create the future ID of the post - obviously this will create and give the id of the post, it is generated in numerical order.
    $maxid = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('select max(id) as id from repairs'));
    $id = intval($maxid['id'])+1;

    //Here the variables are protected using PHP and the input fields are also limited, where applicable.
    $model = mysql_escape_string(substr($_POST['model'],0,9));
    $problem = mysql_escape_string(substr($_POST['problem'],0,255));
    $info = mysql_escape_string(substr($_POST['info'],0,6000));

    //The post information is submitted into the database, the admin is then forwarded to the page for the new post. Else a warning is displayed and the admin is forwarded back to the new post page. 
    if(mysql_query("insert into repairs (id, model, problem, info) values ('$_POST[id]', '$_POST[model]', '$_POST[version]', '$_POST[info]')"))



$myid = $_POST['id'];

       //Select the post from the database according to the id.
   $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM repairs WHERE id=" .$myid . " AND name = '' AND email = '' AND address1 = '' AND postcode = '';") or die(header('Location: 404.php'));

       //This re-directs to an error page the user preventing them from viewing the page if there are no rows with data equal to the query.
   if( mysql_num_rows($query) < 1 )
 header('Location: 404.php');

   //Assign variable names to each column in the database.
   while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
       $model = $row['model'];
       $problem = $row['problem'];

           //Select the post from the database according to the id.
   $query2 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM devices WHERE version = "'.$model.'" AND issue = "'.$problem.'";') or die(header('Location: 404.php'));

       //This re-directs to an error page the user preventing them from viewing the page if there are no rows with data equal to the query.
   if( mysql_num_rows($query2) < 1 )
 header('Location: 404.php');

   //Assign variable names to each column in the database.
   while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($query2))
       $price = $row2['price'];
       $device = $row2['device'];
       $image = $row2['image'];


<?php echo $id; ?>
<?php echo $model; ?>
<?php echo $problem; ?>
<?php echo $price; ?>
<?php echo $device; ?>
<?php echo $image; ?>

        echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2; URL=iphone.php"><div id="confirms" style="text-align:center;">Oops! An error occurred while submitting the post! Try again…</div></br>';

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


$query = msql_query("SELECT * FROM repairs WHERE id = '$myid' AND...")


答案 1 :(得分:0)

  1. 检查$ myid的值和整个动态创建的SQL字符串,以确保它包含您认为包含的内容。

  2. 您的问题很可能是因为对可能包含NULL值的列使用空字符串比较而产生的。对所有空字符串尝试name IS NULL,依此类推。

答案 2 :(得分:0)



然后,回应您​​的查询以确保它符合您的预期。尝试通过PHPMyAdmin或MySQL Workbench手动运行它。

答案 3 :(得分:0)

使用$something = mysql_real_escape_string($POST['something']);

name = O'Reilly    <<-- query will bomb with an error
memo = Chairman said: "welcome"   

因此,为了拥有一个有效且有效的应用程序,它确实是不可或缺的 "I'll fix it later"的论点有一些逻辑缺陷:

  • 以后修复内容的速度会慢一点,因为你需要重新访问旧代码,所以你会花费更多时间。
  • 由于上述功能错误,您将在测试中获得不需要的错误报告。
  • 我会做以后的事情往往永远不会发生。
  • 安全性不是可选的,这是必不可少的。
  • 如果你从项目中被淘汰,而其他人不得不接管,会发生什么,他不会知道你的未决问题。
  • 如果你做了什么,完成它,不要留下各种各样的问题。
  • 如果我是你的老板,并对该代码进行了代码审查,那么你会被当场解雇。