使用boost :: bind和boost :: function:检索绑定变量类型

时间:2011-10-25 18:05:38

标签: c++ boost types

有没有办法检索有关哪些参数被boost :: bind绑定的信息,还是需要手动存储?


in .h

class MyClass
    void foo(int a);
    void foo2(double b);
    void bar();
    void execute();
    int _myint;
    double _mydouble;

in .cpp

    vector<boost::function<void(void)> myVector;
    myVector.push_back(boost::bind(&MyClass::foo, this, MyClass::_myint);
    myVector.push_back(boost::bind(&MyClass::foo2, this, MyClass::_mydouble);
MyClass::execute(char* param)

    boost::function<void(void)> f  = myVector[0];
    //MAGIC goes here
    //somehow know that an int parameter was bound
    _myint = atoi(param);

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

因为看起来你只是在寻找触发函数以响应解析文本的方法,所以我提出了这个基于Boost Spirit解析器的例子:



我希望能够调用各种类的预先存在的函数:/exec <functionName> <param1> <param2>


struct Echo
    void WriteLine(const std::string& s) { std::cout << "WriteLine('"     << s << "');" << std::endl; }
    void WriteStr (const std::string& s) { std::cout << "Write(string: '" << s << "');" << std::endl; }
    void WriteInt (int i)                { std::cout << "Write(int: "     << i <<  ");" << std::endl; }
    void WriteDbl (double d)             { std::cout << "Write(double: "  << d <<  ");" << std::endl; }
    void NewLine  ()                     { std::cout << "NewLine();"                    << std::endl; }
} echoService;

struct Admin
    void Shutdown(const std::string& reason, int retval) 
        std::cout << "Shutdown(reason: '" << reason << "', retval: " << retval << ")" << std::endl;
        // exit(retval);
} adminService;

方法和解释(TL; DR?跳过此)

那么我们如何将基于行的输入与这个'界面'联系起来呢? 有两个工作

  • 解析输入
  • 评估输入

您一直在强调为评估提供基础设施。但是,您遇到了不知道要传递什么参数的问题。当然,解析时你知道。您真的希望避免在通用容器中存储参数。 (当然,你可以抛出提升选项,提升(递归)变体,同时提升任何一个,但让我们面对它:这仍然是繁琐繁忙的工作)。

对于具有语义操作的解析器来说,这是一个绝佳的机会。 Lex / yacc,Coco / R C ++,ANTLR等等都支持它们。 Boost Spirit Qi 也是如此。


parser = "/execute" > (
        (lit("WriteLine") > stringlit)
      | (lit("Write")    >> +(double_ | int_ | stringlit))
      | lit("NewLine")
      | (lit("Shutdown")  > (stringlit > -int_))

// stringlit is just a quoted string:    
stringlit = lexeme[ '"' >> *~char_('"') >> '"' ];

注意:我决定向您展示如何接受/execute Write调用的各种类型的任意数量的参数


void execute(const std::string& command)
    typedef std::string::const_iterator It;
    It f(command.begin()), l(command.end());

    if (!phrase_parse(f,l, "/execute" > (
                > stringlit  [ bind(&Echo::WriteLine, ref(echoService), _1) ])
          | (lit("Write") >> +(
                  double_    [ bind(&Echo::WriteDbl,  ref(echoService), _1) ]
                | int_       [ bind(&Echo::WriteInt,  ref(echoService), _1) ]
                | stringlit  [ bind(&Echo::WriteStr,  ref(echoService), _1) ]
          | (lit("NewLine")  [ bind(&Echo::NewLine,   ref(echoService)) ])
          | (lit("Shutdown")  > (stringlit > (int_ | attr(0))) 
                             [ bind(&Admin::Shutdown, ref(adminService), _1, _2) ])
        ), space))
        // handle error, see full code below


int main()
    std::string command;
    while (std::getline(std::cin, command))



我在github上发布了这个程序的完整工作示例 1 https://gist.github.com/1314900


  • 添加了完整的错误处理/报告
  • 使用输入文件而不是std :: cin(易于测试)
  • 将帮助您启动(命名空间,包括)

你所需要的只是提升。我用g ++ 4.6.1(没有特殊选项)和Boost 1.47测试了这个。对于以下测试输入( input.txt ):

/execute WriteLine "bogus"
/execute Write     "here comes the answer: "
/execute Write     42
/execute Write     31415e-4
/execute Write     "that is the inverse of" 24 "and answers nothing"
/execute Shutdown  "Bye" 9
/execute Shutdown  "Test default value for retval"


Write(string: 'here comes the answer: ');
Write(double: 42);
Write(double: 3.1415);
Write(string: 'that is the inverse of');
Write(double: 24);
Write(string: 'and answers nothing');
Shutdown(reason: 'Bye', retval: 9)
Shutdown(reason: 'Test default value for retval', retval: 0)
  • 注意:我注释了exit(...)来电,因此我可以演示如何在提供默认值(retval
  • 时使attr(0)参数可选
  • 注意:双31415e-4如何正确打印为3.1415
  • 注意:/execute Write的多个参数如何在单独调用echoService.Write(...)时转换,具体取决于输入参数的实际类型
  • 注意:如何完全忽略内联空格(字符串文字之外)的存在。您可以使用任意数量的标签/空格

<子> 1 为了后代的利益,github应该停止主持我的要点:

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <fstream>

namespace qi  = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;

// 'domain classes' (scriptables)
struct Echo
    void WriteLine(const std::string& s) { std::cout << "WriteLine('"     << s << "');" << std::endl; }
    void WriteStr (const std::string& s) { std::cout << "Write(string: '" << s << "');" << std::endl; }
    void WriteInt (int i)                { std::cout << "Write(int: "     << i <<  ");" << std::endl; }
    void WriteDbl (double d)             { std::cout << "Write(double: "  << d <<  ");" << std::endl; }
    void NewLine  ()                     { std::cout << "NewLine();"                    << std::endl; }
} echoService;

struct Admin
    void Shutdown(const std::string& reason, int retval) 
        std::cout << "Shutdown(reason: '" << reason << "', retval: " << retval << ")" << std::endl;
        // exit(retval);
} adminService;

void execute(const std::string& command)
    typedef std::string::const_iterator It;
    It f(command.begin()), l(command.end());

    using namespace qi;
    using phx::bind;
    using phx::ref;

    rule<It, std::string(), space_type> stringlit = lexeme[ '"' >> *~char_('"') >> '"' ];

        if (!phrase_parse(f,l, "/execute" > (
                    > stringlit  [ bind(&Echo::WriteLine, ref(echoService), _1) ])
              | (lit("Write") >> +(
                      double_    [ bind(&Echo::WriteDbl,  ref(echoService), _1) ] // the order matters
                    | int_       [ bind(&Echo::WriteInt,  ref(echoService), _1) ]
                    | stringlit  [ bind(&Echo::WriteStr,  ref(echoService), _1) ]
              | (lit("NewLine")  [ bind(&Echo::NewLine,   ref(echoService)) ])
              | (lit("Shutdown")  > (stringlit > (int_ | attr(0))) 
                                 [ bind(&Admin::Shutdown, ref(adminService), _1, _2) ])
            ), space))
            if (f!=l) // allow whitespace only lines
                std::cerr << "** (error interpreting command: " << command << ")" << std::endl;
    catch (const expectation_failure<It>& e)
        std::cerr << "** (unexpected input '" << std::string(e.first, std::min(e.first+10, e.last)) << "') " << std::endl;

    if (f!=l)
        std::cerr << "** (warning: skipping unhandled input '" << std::string(f,l) << "')" << std::endl;

int main()
    std::ifstream ifs("input.txt");

    std::string command;
    while (std::getline(ifs/*std::cin*/, command))

答案 1 :(得分:2)

据我所知,你不能做你想做的事,因为std::function抛弃了(差不多)传递的函数指针,函数对象或lambda的所有类型信息。它使用了一种称为type erasure的技术,并且在表面上完全忘记了传递给它的内容,只要它可以使用提供的参数进行调用。因此,绑定后,你似乎运气不好。


#include <functional>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

struct call_info{
  std::function<void(void)> func;
  std::string arg_type;

class MyClass{
  std::vector<call_info> _myVec;
  int _myInt;
  double _myDouble;

  void foo1(int i);
  void foo2(double d);
  void bar();
  void execute(char* param);

void MyClass::bar(){
  call_info info;
  info.func = std::bind(&MyClass::foo1, this, &MyClass::_myInt);
  info.arg_type = "int";
  info.func = std::bind(&MyClass::foo2, this, &MyClass::_myDouble);
  info.arg_type = "double";

void MyClass::execute(char* param){
  call_info& info = _myVector[0];
  std::stringstream conv(param);

  if(info.arg_type == "int")
    conv >> _myInt;
  else if(info.arg_type == "double")
    conv >> _myDouble;


答案 2 :(得分:0)


template<typename Signature>  // Function type R (T1, T2, ..., TN)
class function : public functionN<R, T1, T2, ..., TN> {
  // types
  typedef R  result_type;         
  typedef T1 argument_type;         // If N == 1
  typedef T1 first_argument_type;   // If N == 2
  typedef T2 second_argument_type;  // If N == 2
  typedef T1 arg1_type;           
  typedef T2 arg2_type;  

  // ...

  // static constants
  static const int arity = N;

略微改编自boost::function reference

答案 3 :(得分:0)



vector<boost::function<void(char*)> myParseVector;
myParseVector.push_back(boost::bind(&MyClass::parseInt, this, MyClass::_myint);
myParseVector.push_back(boost::bind(&MyClass::parseDouble, this, MyClass::_mydouble);

