
时间:2011-10-24 02:52:21

标签: c unix system chdir


#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define MAX_BUFFER 1024                        // max line buffer
#define MAX_ARGS 64                            // max # args
#define SEPARATORS " \t\n"                     // token sparators

extern char **environ;

int main (int argc, char ** argv)
char linebuf[MAX_BUFFER];                  // line buffer
char cmndbuf[MAX_BUFFER];                  // command buffer
char * args[MAX_ARGS];                     // pointers to arg strings
char ** arg;                               // working pointer thru args
char * prompt = "==>" ;                    // shell prompt

// keep reading input until "quit" command or eof of redirected input 

while (!feof(stdin)) { 

// get command line from input

    fputs (prompt, stdout);                // write prompt
    if (fgets(linebuf, MAX_BUFFER, stdin )) { // read a line

// tokenize the input into args array

        arg = args;
        *arg++ = strtok(linebuf,SEPARATORS);   // tokenize input
        while ((*arg++ = strtok(NULL,SEPARATORS)));
                                           // last entry will be NULL 

        if (args[0]) {                     // if there's anything there

            cmndbuf[0] = 0;                // set zero-length command string

// check for internal/external command 

            if (!strcmp(args[0],"clr")) {  // "clr" command
                strcpy(cmndbuf, "clear");
            } else
            if (!strcmp(args[0],"cd"))
                int ret;
                if (!args[1])
                    strcpy(cmndbuf, "pwd");
                ret = chdir(args[1]);
                strcpy(cmndbuf, "pwd");

            if (!strcmp(args[0],"dir")) {  // "dir" command
                strcpy(cmndbuf, "ls -al ");
                if (!args[1])
                    args[1] = ".";         // if no arg set current directory
                strcat(cmndbuf, args[1]);
            } else
            if (!strcmp(args[0],"environ")) { // "environ" command
                char ** envstr = environ;
                while (*envstr) {            // print out environment
                }                            // (no entry in cmndbuf)
            } else
            if (!strcmp(args[0],"quit")) {   // "quit" command
            } else {                         // pass command on to OS shell
                int i = 1;
                strcpy(cmndbuf, args[0]);
                while (args[i]) {
                    strcat(cmndbuf, " ");
                    strcat(cmndbuf, args[i++]);

// pass any command onto OS

            if (cmndbuf[0])
return 0; 


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


$ gcc c.c -o c
$ ./c
==>cd /tmp
==>cd /        