我通常手动使用Inno Setup来为我的程序构建设置。现在我想编写一个程序,可以轻松地构建其他程序的各种发行版,为了做到这一点,我喜欢使用.NET代码的Inno Setup。
您是否知道使用Inno Setup作为外部库的方法,或使用.NET包装器或至少通过命令行与Inno Setup进行通信?
答案 0 :(得分:4)
是的,Inno Setup的.NET Wrapper可作为SpiceLogic公司的免费开源项目提供。这是链接
private void btnBuildInstaller_Click(object sender,RoutedEventArgs e) { Guid productGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
SetupSettings innoSetupSetting = new SetupSettings
CompanyName = "Your Company Name",
// A folder with this company name will be created in the Start Menu / Program Files folder
//and your Product short cut will be placed within this Company Name folder.
ProductName = "your Product Name",
ProductId = productGuid,
// You should keep your product Guid Unique so that you can publish update easily with same Guid.
ProductVersion = new Version(""), // Your product version
DeployableFolderPath = "C:\\My Project\\Deployable",
// This folder contains all of the exe, dll etc whatever you want to publish to your user's computer.
// You do not need to specify each file name. Whatever file placed in this deployable folder will be
// published to your user's computer.
StartUpApplictionFileName = "My Exciting Calculator.exe",
// This is the main executive file name which will be placed in the Start Menu
ShortCutName = "Exciting Calculator", // Well, this shortcut name will be shown in the start menu,
//if your product name is very big, it is better to use a short cut name to identify your product
// quickly and this property holds that short cut name.
CompanyUrl = "http://your-company-website.com",
SupportUrl = "http://your-company-website.com/ContactUs",
IconFilePath = "C:\\My Project\\Resources\\my-icon.ico", // This icon will be shown in Desktop and Start Menu.
EULAFilePath = "C:\\My Project\\Resources\\End-User-License-Agreements.txt",
// If you set this property, only then a End User License Agreement Screen will be shown, otherwise no EULA screen will be shown.
Platform = PlatformNames.AnyCPU_Prefer32Bit,
// This property is self explanatory, you can set PlatformNames.AnyCPU, PlatformNames.x64, PlatformNames.x32 etc.
// If you set value PlatformNames.x64 then your application will be installed in "C:\Program Files" folder.
// If you set value PlatformNames.x32, then your application will be installed in "C:\Program Files (x86)" folder.
// If you set value PlatformNames.AnyCPU, then, if your user's OS is Windows 64 bit, then your application will be
// installed in "C:\Program Files" folder otherwise it will be installed in "C:\Program Files (x86)" folder.
UninstallerFeedbackUrl = "http://your-company-website.com/uninstall-feedback",
// If you set this property, then after uninstall, this url will be opened where you can ask your user to provide
// additional feedback.
GeneratedSetupScriptFolderPath = "C:\\My Project\\Temporary Scripts",
// This folder is the place where InnoSetup Intermediate scripts will be generated.
// As you understand that, your C# code will generate Pascal Scripts for InnoSetup and
// finally that Pascal script will be executed to build your installer file. So, this
// folder will be used to store the auto-generated Pascal Scripts. You will never need to
// look inside this folder. Every time you call the BuildSetupFile(), old scripts will be
// deleted and new scripts will be written.
OutPutSetupFilePath = "C:\\My Project\\Publish\\Setup.exe",
// This is the path where your final Installer file will be created.
// If a file already exists in this path then the existing file will be replaced.
Prerequisites = new List<Prerequisite> // This is a collection of prerequisites.
// Prerequisites can be .NET Framework, SQL Express Local Db etc.
// Every prerequisite can be configured to either install directly from Installer
// or Download from Web. IF you prefer to download from Web, then you can super configure
// to define if the required prerequisite file should be downloaded automatically from a
// remote URL or it will simply navigate to a Download page and user can download the necessary
// prerequisite from that page. For example, if you want to define .NET Framework 4.5 is a
// prerequisite for your application, then, you can navigate your user to the download page of
// Microsoft .net framework 4.5.
new DotNetFrameworkPrerequisite(DotNetVersions.V4_5)
// This example is a very basic common usage. Here we did not set any extra property of the DotNetFrameworkPrerequisite.
// Therefore, by default, the installer will check if the .NET framework version 4.5 is installed in user machine or not.
// If not, then, the installer will take the user to the official Microsoft .NET framework 4.5 download page.
// You can set many properties of this class to customize the behavior. For example, you can host the .NET Framework in your
// own server and silently download and install to user's machine so that if the user wont be aware about what is .NET framework,
// you wont risk missing the user's installation. Please check the documentation for details.
FileExtensionAssociation = ".abc",
// Yes, if you want to associate any file that has extension *.abc with the start up application,
// then, you set this property. That means if a file with extension *.abc is double clicked in user's PC,
// then the exe file defined in the property StartUpApplictionFileName = "My Exciting Calculator.exe", will be
// invoked and the full file path of the double clicked file will be passed to this exe file as command argument.
// So, you can program your application to receive this file path as command Argument.
SignToolInfo = new SignToolInfo("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\8.0\\bin\\x64\\signtool.exe")
// The constructor takes the path to your SignTool.exe file.
// Yes, you can program to Sign All Signable files (like exe and dll files) including the Uninstaller.
// You read right. Yes, your uninstaller will be signed too, which is really an exciting and rare feature
// in an installer software. If you do not want to digitally sign your files, then, do not set this SignToolInfo property.
PfxFilePath = "C:\\your-pfx-file-path.pfx",
TimeStampServerUrl = "http://digicert.timestampserver.com", // a TimeStamp Server Url
CertificateSubject = "Certificate Subject"
ShellContextMenuItem = new WindowsShellContextMenuItem
// Another exciting feature is Windows Context Menu Shell Integration.
// That means, you can right click on a file or folder and invoke your application.
// If you do not want the Shell Integration, then do not set this property.
DisplayName = "Resize Image", // This text will be shown in the Context Menu
// Say for example, your application is an Image Resizer application, then, you may want to
// allow the user to right click on an image type file to invoke the application.
// If the user right click on an Image file and click the menu item 'Resize Image',
// then your startup exe application defined in the property StartUpApplictionFileName = "My Exciting Calculator.exe", will be
// invoked and the full file path of the double clicked file will be passed to this exe file as a command argument.
// So, you can program your application to receive this file path as command Argument.
TargetType = WindowsShellContextMenuItem.TargetTypes.FileWithExtensionConstraint,
// This Target type can be WindowsShellContextMenuItem.TargetTypes.FileWithExtensionConstraint,
// WindowsShellContextMenuItem.TargetTypes.File or WindowsShellContextMenuItem.TargetTypes.Folder.
// If you set WindowsShellContextMenuItem.TargetTypes.FileWithExtensionConstraint, that means,
// The context menu will be shown on File but if the file has extensions defined in the array type
// property named ExtensionConstraints. IF you set WindowsShellContextMenuItem.TargetTypes.Folder
// for this TargetType, then the ContextMenu will be shown on Folders only. If you set TargetType
// = WindowsShellContextMenuItem.TargetTypes.File then the Context Menu will be shown on Any File type.
ExtensionConstraints = new[] { ".jpg", ".png"}
// Ok, once we have setup various properties for the object SetupSettings innoSetupSetting,
// we can instantiate the InnoSetupService and pass this Settings object to the constructor.
InnoSetupService generator = new InnoSetupService(innoSetupSetting, innoSetupCompilerExePath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Inno Setup 5\\iscc.exe");
// Yes, you need to pass your InnoSetup Compiler File Path. At the time of this writing, This wrapper library is working fine on Inno Setup 5.
// And it should work on future versions too. If this library stops to work on future version, then, as this wrapper library source code is open,
// hopefully someone will come up with an upgrade which will work on the future version.
// finally call the BuildSetupFile() method of InnoSetupService Class. This method will return a log string which
// is captured from the Console output of InnoSetup.
string result = generator.BuildSetupFile();
// If all goes good, then, your Setup exe file is built by this time and stored in the path you defined in the property
// named OutPutSetupFilePath.
答案 1 :(得分:2)
不知道是否已经准备好运行 InnoSetup 包装,但你可以轻松完成(只要熟悉 InnoSetup ),只需使用您提到的命令行调用技术。要做到这一点,只需创建一个Process类的实例,或多或少像这里:
Process innoProc = Process.Start(InnoSetupExePath, Arguments);
的一个重载答案 2 :(得分:1)
基本上,您的C#应用程序将创建安装程序脚本,然后启动命令行编译器以创建安装程序可执行文件。这在documentation中进行了解释,特别是在小册子Other Information
,主题Command Line Compiler Execution
答案 3 :(得分:0)
我有一个Inno编译器的c#类,它使用编译器API并支持获取进度和状态信息: https://earlsoft.kilnhg.com/Repo/BuilderPro/Extensions/Inno/File/InnoCompiler.cs?rev=tip 它还允许脚本“流入”savign,不得不写入磁盘。