我如何定位我在运行时创建的一个图片框? VB.NET

时间:2011-10-18 15:18:04

标签: vb.net runtime minesweeper



如果,你单击此框并且我的= 1(有一个我的),那么你输了。

很简单,但我想将它应用于所有盒子,无论网格有多大。 (ZonesX * Zones Y)



Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

Dim images(8) As Image 'declares image array

Dim zonesY As Integer = 10
Dim zonesX As Integer = 10

Dim Guy As Object
Dim pbxNewZone As PictureBox = DirectCast(Guy, PictureBox)  'declares pbxNewZone as a picturebox variable

Dim generator As New Random

Public Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    images(0) = Image.FromFile("blank.png")
    images(1) = Image.FromFile("1.png")
    images(2) = Image.FromFile("2.png")
    images(3) = Image.FromFile("3.png")
    images(4) = Image.FromFile("4.png")
    images(5) = Image.FromFile("5.png")
    images(6) = Image.FromFile("clear.png")
    images(7) = Image.FromFile("hit.png")
    images(8) = Image.FromFile("mine.png")

    Dim x As Integer  'declares x as an integer variable
    Dim y As Integer  'declares y as an integer variable
    Me.SuspendLayout()  'suspends creation of layout

    For y = 1 To zonesY 'starts a For loop (1 to zonesY number of loops)
        For x = 1 To zonesX  'starts a For loop (1 to zonesX number of loops)
            Dim zonesize1 As Integer
            Dim zonesize2 As Integer

            pbxNewZone = New PictureBox

            Dim blockStatus As Integer
            Dim allZones As Integer
            allZones = zonesX * zonesY
            blockStatus = generator.Next(0, allZones)

            pbxNewZone.Name = y & ", " & x
            If blockStatus < (allZones / 10) Then
                pbxNewZone.Tag = True
                If pbxNewZone.Tag = True Then
                    pbxNewZone.Image = images(8)
                End If
                pbxNewZone.Tag = False
                If pbxNewZone.Tag = False Then
                    pbxNewZone.Image = images(0)
                End If
            End If
            pbxNewZone.Height = 16
            pbxNewZone.Width = 16
            pbxNewZone.Tag = 0
            zonesize1 = pbxNewZone.Height 'sets out all of the boxes on the form.
            zonesize2 = pbxNewZone.Width
            pbxNewZone.Left = ((x - 1) * zonesize1 + 15)
            pbxNewZone.Top = ((y - 1) * zonesize2 + 15)
            '  Wire this control up to an appropriate event handler
            AddHandler pbxNewZone.Click, AddressOf pbxNewZoneClicked

    Me.Height = (pbxNewZone.Height * zonesY + 63)  'sets the height of fmmGame
    Me.Width = (pbxNewZone.Width * zonesX + 40)  'sets the width of frmGame

End Sub

Private Sub pbxNewZoneClicked(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

    Dim pb As PictureBox = DirectCast(sender, PictureBox)
    Dim pbTag As Boolean = DirectCast(sender, Boolean)

        If pb.Tag = True Then
            pb.Image = images(7) 'Hit Image
            pb.Image = images(6) 'Clear Image
        End If


End Sub
End Class

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



然后,通过将pbxnewzone.Tag = 1 'can assign tags to all of your pictureboxes in a loop or at random if need be 方法的Tag参数转换回sender来访问pbxNewZoneClicked属性:


答案 1 :(得分:1)

除非我遗漏了某些内容,请设置minePictureBox1.Tag = true,然后在click事件中进行检查。或者您可以将其设置为1或其他。标签是一个对象。


答案 2 :(得分:1)



Private Sub pbxNewZoneClicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
  With DirectCast(sender, PictureBox)
  End With
End Sub