使用Cucumber测试Ruby on Rails嵌套视图

时间:2011-10-18 00:23:50

标签: ruby-on-rails cucumber


黄瓜: posted.feature

Scenario: After having created job posting
  Given I am authenticated as "administrator"
  Given I am on the new posting page
  When I press "Create Posting"
  Then I should see "Back to list of all postings"


= link_to 'Logout', logged_out_url(@user)
%h1 New posting
= render 'form'
= link_to 'Cancel', postings_path


= form_for(@postings) do |posting_builder|
    - if @postings.errors.any?
            = pluralize(@postings.errors.count, "error")
            prohibited this posting from being saved:
            - @postings.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
            %li= msg

   %b= posting_builder.label :title
   = posting_builder.text_field :title
   %b= posting_builder.label :description
   = posting_builder.text_field :description
   %b= posting_builder.label :requirements
   = posting_builder.text_field :requirements
   %b= posting_builder.label :location
   = posting_builder.text_field :location
   %b= posting_builder.label :Admin
   = select("posting", "user_id", User.order('last_name ASC').collect {|u| [u.fullname, u.id]})


/ Submit
= posting_builder.submit


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您不必尝试单独测试部分。 Cucumber没有看到与主页分开的部分,它看到完全呈现的页面(包括所有部分内容)。所以,如果你做And I should see [the text from the partial]那么你很好。

如果这不起作用,并且您认为应该这样做,那么在And I should see...步骤之前添加一个显示And show me the page的步骤,它将打开您的默认浏览器并向您显示Cucumber看到的内容。这可能会帮助您弄清楚您实际所在的页面,以及它是否与您的预期不符。

注意:当您使用And show me the page时,您获得的内容有时会被剥离(没有格式化,没有.CSS)版本的页面,所以不要担心它是否看起来像通过浏览器浏览时通常会看到的页面。重要的是它包含HTML,标签,名称,元素ID等。