我的问题是这样的:我不是jQuery的小开发周期的专家,有没有人能够在这段代码中发现任何会使它与jQuery 1.6.4不兼容的东西?
该代码最初是为jQuery 1.4.4编写的,所以我正在寻找1.4.4和1.6.4之间的任何变化,这些变化会影响以下代码:
$(document).ready(function() { //when the document is ready...
//save selectors as variables to increase performance
var $window = $(window);
var $firstBG = $('#first');
var $firstGrid = $('#first .grid');
var $secondBG = $('#second');
var $thirdBG = $('#third');
var $fourthBG = $('#fourth');
var trainers = $("#second .bg");
var windowHeight = $window.height(); //get the height of the window
//apply the class "inview" to a section that is in the viewport
$('#first, #second, #third, #fourth').bind('inview', function (event, visible) {
if (visible == true) {
} else {
//function that is called for every pixel the user scrolls. Determines the position of the background
x = horizontal position of background
windowHeight = height of the viewport
pos = position of the scrollbar
adjuster = adjust the position of the background
inertia = how fast the background moves in relation to scrolling
function newPos(x, windowHeight, pos, adjuster, inertia){
return x + "% " + (-((windowHeight + pos) - adjuster) * inertia) + "px";
//function to be called whenever the window is scrolled or resized
function Move(){
var pos = $window.scrollTop(); //position of the scrollbar
//if the first section is in view...
//call the newPos function and change the background position
$firstBG.css({'backgroundPosition': newPos(50, windowHeight, pos, 750, 0.3)});
//if the second section is in view...
//call the newPos function and change the background position
$secondBG.css({'backgroundPosition': newPos(50, windowHeight, pos, 1250, 0.3)});
//call the newPos function and change the secnond background position
trainers.css({'backgroundPosition': newPos(50, windowHeight, pos, 1900, 0.6)});
//if the third section is in view...
//call the newPos function and change the background position
$thirdBG.css({'backgroundPosition': newPos(50, windowHeight, pos, 2850, 0.3)});
//if the fourth section is in view...
//call the newPos function and change the background position for CSS3 multiple backgrounds
$fourthBG.css({'backgroundPosition': newPos(0, windowHeight, pos, 200, 0.9) + ", " + newPos(50, windowHeight, pos, 0, 0.7) + ", " + newPos(50, windowHeight, pos, 0, 0.5) + ", " + newPos(50, windowHeight, pos, 700, 0.3)});
$('#pixels').html(pos); //display the number of pixels scrolled at the bottom of the page
$window.resize(function(){ //if the user resizes the window...
Move(); //move the background images in relation to the movement of the scrollbar
$window.bind('scroll', function(){ //when the user is scrolling...
Move(); //move the background images in relation to the movement of the scrollbar
答案 0 :(得分:0)
您应该定义检查控制台。 在Safari或Chrome中,右键单击页面内的任意位置,然后选择“检查元素”。这将带来开发人员工具,即使您不是专家,您也会发现它们非常有用。
然后转到控制台,您将看到是否发生任何错误。使用jQuery如果事情应该发生但没有,并且控制台中没有错误,它几乎总是意味着你通过id或调用引用的html标签不存在。如果您执行类似$('#divIdName')的操作.hide()但您有< div id =“divIdName_slightlyDiffent”>在你的DOM中,该行不起作用,但也不会抛出任何错误。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
.bind('inview', /* ... */
答案 2 :(得分:0)
对于此特定问题,插件jQuery Parallax
已过时。更新到jQuery parallax v1.1解决了这个问题,但作者已将其删除(我认为)。如果您正在使用该插件,那么这就是明智的话。