Boost Graph Library:捆绑属性并跨边迭代

时间:2011-10-14 19:07:37

标签: c++ templates boost boost-graph

试着了解Boost Graph Library,我有几个问题。我正在编写一些代码,它是围绕BGL图形的包装类。我的想法是,我可以操作我想要的图形,然后调用包装器方法以GEXF(XML)格式输出图形。


struct Vertex {
   std::string label;

struct Edge {
   std::string label;
   double weight;

typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::directedS, Vertex, Edge> GraphType;

template <typename Graph>
class GEXF
      Graph graph;

template <typename Graph>
void GEXF<Graph>::buildXML()

   // output the edges
   property_map<adjacency_list<>, edge_index_t>::type edge_id = get(edge_index, graph);
   GraphType::edge_iterator e, e_end;
   for(tie(e, e_end) = edges(graph); e != e_end; ++e)
      xmlpp::Element *edge = ePtr->add_child("edge");

      // next line gives an error, property not found
      edge->set_attribute("id", tostring<size_t>(get(edge_id, *e)));
      edge->set_attribute("source", tostring<size_t>(source(*e, graph)));
      edge->set_attribute("target", tostring<size_t>(target(*e, graph)));

// instantiate in main():
GEXF<GraphType> gexf;


  1. 当我使用捆绑属性时,我可以访问vertex_index,但我无法访问edge_index。如何访问边缘索引?

  2. 在上面的代码中,我想保持GEXF类的通用性,但是当我尝试声明Graph::edge_iterator e, e_end;时我遇到了问题。上面的代码有效,但它使用的是具体类型。我应该如何一般性地声明edge_iterator?

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Boost Subgraph and Bundled properties

edge_index zero for all edges?

Boost Graph edges with indexes