
时间:2011-10-10 15:58:06

标签: c# regex


const string input = @"abc class=""abcd abc zabc ab c"" abc";

Regex regex = new Regex(string.Format(@"class="".*(?({0})).*""", "abc")); // change this line ?!!

string output = regex.Replace(input, "xyz");

Assert.AreEqual(@"abc class=""abcd xyz zabc ab c"" abc", output);


7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

难怪你没有成功。 Parsing HTML can't be done using regexes.

您应该使用正确的HTML解析器,例如HTML Agility Pack

答案 1 :(得分:2)

Parsing HTML with Regular Expressions tends to be a futile effort;因为大多数浏览器对于格式错误的HTML都有相当大的余地,所以不能保证一致地形成HTML以便轻松地解析正则表达式(并且由svick评论)。

那就是说,你最好使用正式的HTML解析器(我推荐HTML Agility Pack),然后在解析文档后更改属性的值,然后在需要时输出已更改的文档

答案 2 :(得分:1)



  • 是的:使用 HTML Agility Pack 或类似内容,以便正确解析您的字符串;
  • Nope :考虑使用XML Parser(就像.NET程序集中集成的那些)。但请确保它适合您(记住XML不是HTML )。


答案 3 :(得分:1)




(?<=<[\w-]+\s+([\w-]+=""[^""]*""\s*)*class=""[^""]*)  #Make sure its inside a tag
(?<![\w-])abc(?![\w-])                                #just the tag abc (not abcd, etc)
(?=[^""]*""\s*([\w-]+=""[^""]*""\s*)*/?>)             #Make sure its really INSIDE a tag

(?<=                           #lookbehind
   <[\w-]+\s+                  # match tag name and whitespace
   ([\w-]+=""[^""]*""\s*)*     # match any attributes coming before the class attribute
   class=""[^""]*              # match the class attribute and any other classes before
)                              #end lookbehind
(?<![\w-])abc(?![\w-])         #"abc" at appropriate boundaries
(?=                            #lookahead
   [^""]*""                    # match any remaining classes in the declaration
   \s*([\w-]+=""[^""]*""\s*)*  # match any remaining attributes in the tag
   /?>                         # match the end of the tag
)                              #end lookahead



  • IT ONLY HANDLES属性值用双引号("
  • 它只允许在标记和属性名称中使用下划线,字母,数字和短划线符号 - 如果需要,您需要添加冒号和句点(并且如果您想要它,则只匹配名称STARTING with letter )
  • 编辑正如此处某处的评论所述,除了abc-1之外,它还将not-abcabc匹配,从而转向{{1}进入<p class="abc-1 abc not-abc">text</p> - 因为\ b将匹配破折号字符......这会非常难以计算! 后续行动我添加了一个额外的前瞻和后视,希望能够解释破折号,但谁知道...... END EDITS


简而言之 - 最好不要使用它,而是使用像HTML Agility Pack这样的东西 - 祝你好运!

答案 4 :(得分:0)


regex = / class="[^"]*"/i

input.gsub( regex, ' class="abc"' )

这将输入中的类说明符的第一个实例替换为class =“abc”。假设等于周围没有空格,但允许大写或小写等价。



答案 5 :(得分:0)


const string input = @"abc class=""abcd abc zabc ab c"" abc"; 

Regex regex = new Regex(string.Format(@"(?<=class\=""[^""]*\b){0}\b", "abc")); // I changed this line ?!! 

string output = regex.Replace(input, "xyz");

Assert.AreEqual(@"abc class=""abcd xyz zabc ab c"" abc", output); 


(               #Start a group
    ?<=         #Positive lookbehind
    class\="    #Some charactors to match against (without consuming)
    [^"]*       #Any other charachactors which are not "
                #This stops us from accidentaly leaving the class attribute
)               #Close the lookbehind group
\b              #A word boundry (Such as whitespace or just before a ")
abc             #Your target
\b              #Another word boundry

注意positve lookbehind意味着我们检查“class =”而不是我们匹配的一部分。这就是我们所说的“不消费”。

请注意使用单词boundries,\ b,以便我们不会意外地匹配abcd

答案 6 :(得分:0)





text = Regex.Replace(text, @"
    # Change HTML element class attribute value: 'abc' to: 'xyz'.
    (                   # $1: Everything up to 'abc'.
      <\w+              # Begin (X)HTML element open tag.
      (?:               # Match any attribute(s) preceding 'class'.
        \s+             # Whitespace required before each attribute.
        (?!class\b)     # Assert this attribute name is not 'class'.
        [\w\-.:]+       # Required attribute name.
        (?:             # Begin optional attribute value.
          \s*=\s*       # Attribute value separated by =.
          (?:           # Group for attrib value alternatives.
            ""[^""]*""  # Either a double quoted value,
          | '[^']*'     # or a single quoted value,
          | [\w\-.:]+   # or an unquoted value.
          )             # End group for attrib value alternatives.
        )?              # End optional attribute value.
      )*                # Zero or more attributes may precede class.
      \s+               # Whitespace required before class attribute.
      class             # Literal class attribute name.
      \s*=\s*           # Attribute value separated by =.
      (?:               # Group for attrib value alternatives.
        ""              # Either a double quoted value.
        [^""]*?         # Zero or more classes may precede 'abc'.
      | '               # Or a single quoted value.
        [^']*?          # Zero or more classes may precede 'abc'.
      )?                # Or 'abc' class attrib value is unquoted.
    )                   # End $1: Everything up to 'abc'.
    (?<=['""\s=])       # Assert 'abc' not part of '123-abc'.
    abc                 # Match the 'abc' in class attribute value.
    (?=['""\s>])        # Assert 'abc' not part of 'abc-123'.",
    "$1xyz", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);


class=abc ... class="abc" ... class='abc'
class = abc ... class = "abc" ... class = 'abc'
class="123 abc 456" ... class='123 abc 456'
class="123-abc abc 456-abc" ... class='123-abc abc 456-abc'
class="abc-123 abc abc-456" ... class='abc-123 abc abc-456'


class=xyz ... class="xyz" ... class='xyz'
class = xyz ... class = "xyz" ... class = 'xyz'
class="123 xyz 456" ... class='123 xyz 456'
class="123-abc xyz 456-abc" ... class='123-abc xyz 456-abc'
class="abc-123 xyz abc-456" ... class='abc-123 xyz abc-456'

请注意,此解决方案将始终存在边缘情况。例如CDATA部分,注释,脚本,样式和标记属性值中的邪恶字符串可能会使其失效。 (参见上面的免责声明。)也就是说,这个解决方案在许多情况下都会做得很好(但永远不会 100%可靠!)

编辑:2011-10-10 14:00 MDT 简化了总体答案。删除了第一个正则表达式解决方案。修改为正确忽略具有相似名称的类,如:abc-123123-abc