
时间:2011-10-07 21:09:46

标签: excel vba excel-vba trie

我希望实现一个VBA trie - 构建算法,该算法能够在相对较短的时间内(少于15-20秒)处理大量的英语词典(约50,000个单词)。由于我是一名C ++程序员(这是我第一次做任何实质性的VBA工作),我构建了一个快速概念验证程序,能够在大约半秒钟内完成计算机上的任务。然而,当测试VBA端口的时候,它花了差不多两分钟来做同样的事情 - 为了我的目的,这是一个不可接受的长时间。 VBA代码如下:


Public letter As String
Public next_nodes As New Collection
Public is_word As Boolean


Dim tree As Node

Sub build_trie()
    Set tree = New Node
    Dim file, a, b, c As Integer
    Dim current As Node
    Dim wordlist As Collection
    Set wordlist = New Collection
    file = FreeFile
    Open "C:\corncob_caps.txt" For Input As file
    Do While Not EOF(file)
        Dim line As String
        Line Input #file, line
        wordlist.add line
    For a = 1 To wordlist.Count
        Set current = tree
        For b = 1 To Len(wordlist.Item(a))
            Dim match As Boolean
            match = False
            Dim char As String
            char = Mid(wordlist.Item(a), b, 1)
            For c = 1 To current.next_nodes.Count
                If char = current.next_nodes.Item(c).letter Then
                    Set current = current.next_nodes.Item(c)
                    match = True
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next c
            If Not match Then
                Dim new_node As Node
                Set new_node = New Node
                new_node.letter = char
                current.next_nodes.add new_node
                Set current = new_node
            End If
        Next b
        current.is_word = True
    Next a
End Sub

我的问题很简单,这个算法可以加速吗?我从一些消息来源看到VBA Collection的效率不如Dictionary,所以我尝试了基于Dictionary的实现,但是花了相同的时间来完成内存使用率更低(Excel在我的计算机上使用500多MB的RAM)。正如我所说,我对VBA非常陌生,所以我对其语法及其整体特征/限制的了解非常有限 - 这就是为什么我不相信这种算法尽可能高效的原因;任何提示/建议将不胜感激。



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:17)


Dim file, a, b, c As Integer声明文件,a和b作为变体。 Integer是16位符号,因此可能存在溢出风险,请改用Long


DIM会适得其反:与C ++不同,它们不是循环范围的。


使用For Each来迭代集合:它比索引更快。


Sub build_trie()
    Dim t1 As Long
    Dim wd As Variant
    Dim nd As Node

    Set tree = New Node
    ' Dim file, a, b, c As Integer  : declares file, a, b as variant
    Dim file As Integer, a As Long, b As Long, c As Long     ' Integer is 16 bit signed

    Dim current As Node
    Dim wordlist As Collection
    Set wordlist = New Collection
    file = FreeFile
    Open "C:\corncob_caps.txt" For Input As file

    ' no point in doing inside loop, they are not scoped to the loop
    Dim line As String
    Dim match As Boolean
    Dim char As String
    Dim new_node As Node

    Do While Not EOF(file)
        'Dim line As String
        Line Input #file, line
        wordlist.Add line

    t1 = GetTickCount
    For Each wd In wordlist ' for each is faster
    'For a = 1 To wordlist.Count
        Set current = tree
        For b = 1 To Len(wd)
            'Dim match As Boolean
            match = False
            'Dim char As String
            char = Mid$(wd, b, 1)
            For Each nd In current.next_nodes
            'For c = 1 To current.next_nodes.Count
                If char = nd.letter Then
                'If char = current.next_nodes.Item(c).letter Then
                    Set current = nd
                    'Set current = current.next_nodes.Item(c)
                    match = True
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next nd
            If Not match Then
                'Dim new_node As Node
                Set new_node = New Node
                new_node.letter = char
                current.next_nodes.Add new_node
                Set current = new_node
            End If
        Next b
        current.is_word = True
    Next wd

    Debug.Print "Time = " & GetTickCount - t1 & " ms"
End Sub


将单词列表加载到动态数组中会将加载时间减少到亚秒级。请注意,Redim Preserve价格昂贵,所以要以块的形式进行操作

    Dim i As Long, sz As Long
    sz = 10000
    Dim wordlist() As String
    ReDim wordlist(0 To sz)

    file = FreeFile
    Open "C:\corncob_caps.txt" For Input As file

    i = 0
    Do While Not EOF(file)
        'Dim line As String
        Line Input #file, line
        wordlist(i) = line
        i = i + 1
        If i > sz Then
            sz = sz + 10000
            ReDim Preserve wordlist(0 To sz)
        End If
        'wordlist.Add line
    ReDim Preserve wordlist(0 To i - 1)


    For i = 0 To UBound(wordlist)
        wd = wordlist(i)

答案 1 :(得分:3)

我没有接受VBA的练习,但IIRC使用For Each迭代Collection应该比使用VBA更快一些:

Dim i As Variant
For Each i In current.next_nodes
    If i.letter = char Then
        Set current = i
        match = True
        Exit For
    End If
Next node

您也没有使用Collection的全部功能。它是一个键值映射,而不仅仅是一个可调整大小的数组。如果将字母用作键,则可能会获得更好的性能,但查找不存在的键会引发错误,因此您必须使用丑陋的错误解决方法来检查每个节点。 b循环的内部看起来像:

Dim char As String
char = Mid(wordlist.Item(a), b, 1)
Dim node As Node
On Error Resume Next
Set node = Nothing
Set node = current.next_nodes.Item(char)
On Error Goto 0
If node Is Nothing Then
    Set node = New Node
    current.next_nodes.add node, char
Set current = node



编辑:修复了For Each循环。


Public letter As String
Private next_nodes() As Node
Public is_word As Boolean

Public Sub addNode(new_node As Node)
    Dim current_size As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    current_size = UBound(next_nodes) 'ubound throws an error if the array is not yet allocated
    On Error GoTo 0
    ReDim next_nodes(0 To current_size) As Node
    Set next_nodes(current_size) = new_node
End Sub

Public Function getNode(letter As String) As Node
    Dim n As Variant
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each n In next_nodes
        If n.letter = letter Then
            Set getNode = n
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function

编辑:最后的优化策略,使用Asc函数获取Integer char值并存储而不是String。

答案 2 :(得分:-1)

您确实需要对其进行分析,但如果您认为收藏速度很慢,您可以尝试使用dynamic arrays吗?