AutoUpdate VBA启动宏?

时间:2011-10-07 09:38:43

标签: vba auto-update

我正在构建一些必须放在%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Word\Startup文件夹中的Word 2003宏。





' Bootstrapper module
Option Explicit

Sub AutoExec()
End Sub

Sub Update()

    MirrorDirectory MyPath.MyAppTemplatesPath, MyPath.WordTemplatesPath
    MirrorDirectory MyPath.MyAppStartupTemplatesPath, MyPath.WordTemplatesStartupPath

End Sub

' IOUtilities Module
Option Explicit

Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject

Public Sub MirrorDirectory(sourceDir As String, targetDir As String)
    Dim result As FoundFiles
    Dim s As Variant

    sourceDir = RemoveTrailingBackslash(sourceDir)
    targetDir = RemoveTrailingBackslash(targetDir)

    With Application.FileSearch
        .FileType = MsoFileType.msoFileTypeAllFiles
        .LookIn = sourceDir
        .SearchSubFolders = True
        Set result = .FoundFiles
    End With

    For Each s In result

        Dim relativePath As String
        relativePath = Mid(s, Len(sourceDir) + 1)

        Dim targetPath As String
        targetPath = targetDir + relativePath

        CopyIfNewer CStr(s), targetPath

    Next s

End Sub

Public Function RemoveTrailingBackslash(s As String)
    If Right(s, 1) = "\" Then
        RemoveTrailingBackslash = Left(s, Len(s) - 1)
        RemoveTrailingBackslash = s
    End If
End Function

Public Sub CopyIfNewer(source As String, target As String)
    Dim shouldCopy As Boolean
    shouldCopy = False
    If Not fso.FileExists(target) Then
        shouldCopy = True
    ElseIf FileDateTime(source) > FileDateTime(target) Then
        shouldCopy = True
    End If

    If (shouldCopy) Then
        If Not fso.FolderExists(fso.GetParentFolderName(target)) Then fso.CreateFolder (fso.GetParentFolderName(target))
        fso.CopyFile source, target, True
        Debug.Print "File copied : " + source + " to " + target
        Debug.Print "File not copied : " + source + " to " + target
    End If
End Sub

' MyPath module

Property Get WordTemplatesStartupPath()
    WordTemplatesStartupPath = "Path To Application Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP"
End Property

Property Get WordTemplatesPath()
    WordTemplatesPath = "Path To Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\Myapp\"
End Property

Property Get MyAppTemplatesPath()
    MyAppTemplatesPath = "p:\MyShare\templates"
End Property

Property Get XRefStartupTemplatesPath()
    MyAppStartupTemplatesPath = "p:\MyShare\startup"
End Property



Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
' Macro recorded 10/7/2011 by beauge
Application.OrganizerCopy source:="P:\MyShare\Startup\", _
     Destination:= _
    "PathToApplication Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP\" _
    , Name:="MyModule", Object:=wdOrganizerObjectProjectItems
End Sub


  • 我必须硬编码模块来组织
  • 或者我必须将“信任VBA项目”选项更改为自动发现这样的项目(这是不可接受的,因为它需要降低工作站的安全性):


Public Sub EnumProjectItem()
    Dim sourceProject As Document
    Dim targetProject As Document
    Set sourceProject = Application.Documents.Open("P:\MyShare\Startup\", , , , , , , , , wdOpenFormatTemplate)
    Set targetProject = Application.Documents.Open("PathToApplication Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP\", , , , , , , , , wdOpenFormatTemplate)
    Dim vbc As VBcomponent
    For Each vbc In sourceProject.VBProject.VBComponents 'crash here
        Application.ActiveDocument.Range.InsertAfter (vbc.Name + " / " + vbc.Type)

    Next vbc

End Sub

[编辑2] 另一次尝试不成功:


在我的STARTUP文件夹中,我放了一个简单的.Dot文件,它引用了前一个文件,只有一个“Call MyApp.MySub”。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  1. 创建安装程序包。我使用NSIS脚本
    • 程序包检测Winword.exe的任何实例,并要求用户在关闭单词时重试
    • 从注册表中提取单词的选项路径
    • 将文件部署到单词的启动文件夹
    • 在本地用户添加/删除程序中添加卸载程序
  2. 我把包放在远程共享中。我还添加了一个.ini文件,其中包含最新版本的软件包(格式为“1.0”)
  3. 在宏本身,我有一个版本号(例如“0.9”)。
  4. 在启动时(AutoExec宏),我将本地版本与远程版本进行比较
  5. 如果找到更新的版本,我会使用shell exec来启动设置。
  6. 设置将等待Word关闭
  7. 有点棘手,但它适用于Word 2K3和Word 2K10。