我分别使用asp.net/SQL Server和php / mysql。我从未混淆过他们。但是,我当前的项目要求我在使用SQL Server后端时使用PHP编写代码。
我发现了很多关于如何连接到SQL Server的文章,但是想在这里提出一个问题。有什么问题?
如何使用PHP与SQL Server后端不同而不是使用MySQL?
答案 0 :(得分:8)
我曾经将项目从PHP / MySql转换为PHP / MSSQL。我会在这里提供我在转换时发现的内容。我认为由于某种原因,我最终使用odbc
,因为它们似乎更可靠,特别是如果你在同一页面中进行多个查询 - 不要问我为什么,这正是我发现的。
*mysql cmd* *mssql cmd* *odbc cmd* *Notes*
mysql_errno mssql_errno odbc_error
mysql_error mssql_error odbc_errormsg
mysql_select_db mssql_select_db unneeded
mysql_query mssql_query odbc_exec odbc_exec requires the resource link parameter ($db)
mysql_affected_rows mssql_rows_affected odbc_num_rows
mysql_num_rows mssql_num_rows odbc_num_rows
mysql_fetch_object mssql_fetch_object odbc_fetch_object
mysql_close mssql_close odbc_close odbc_close requires the resource link parameter ($db)
mysql_fetch_array mssql_fetch_array odbc_fetch_array
mysql_result mssql_result odbc_result odbc_result cannot take a row index as parameter; must cycle with odbc_fetch_row
mysql_fetch_row mssql_fetch_row odbc_fetch_row odbc_fetch_row does not return the result; use odbc_fetch_row with odbc_result
我的代码片段替换了转换图表(我通过生成一个FIND / REPLACE字符串列表完成了这个项目,并在整个代码库中应用它们,直到不再有错误: - ):
*old mysql code* *new odbc code* *Notes*
for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($result); $i++) while (odbc_fetch_row($result)) odbc_num_rows doesn't usually work for finding how many rows returned
mysql_result($result, $i odbc_result($result odbc_result can't go request the result for a specific row, have to use odbc_fetch_row
NOW() GETDATE() NOW() function in mysql is GETDATE() in sql server
if (connect_db()) if ($db = connect_db()) In mysql, you don't have to keep track of the $db resource - with odbc, you do
if (!connect_db()) if (!($db = connect_db())) See notes on previous entry
odbc_fetch_row($result); When retrieving a single row, you have to call fetch_row with odbc, but not with mysql
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) if (odbc_fetch_row($result)) odbc_num_rows usually doesn't work, so for a single row, just do if odbc_fetch_row
if (mysql_errormsg() || mysql_num_rows($ASISHSresult) == 0) if (!odbc_errormsg() && !odbc_fetch_row($ASISHSresult))
limit ##, ## row_number() over (order by ???) limit function in mysql has to be translated to row_number() function in odbc (also must be inc. by 1 to offset off-by-1 error between mysql and sql server)
match(body) against ('expr' in boolean mode) contains(body, 'expr') or containstable(Body, 'expr') fulltext matching in sql server has different syntax than mysql
text_column = value cast(text_column as varchar(good_size)) = value mysql can compare text column to value, sql server cannot without varchar casting
odbc_free_result($result); When you make a lot of connections, you must free results or your future connections may be ignored