我想在表格旁边放一个ul列表。 firefox中列表的位置总是高于chrome的位置,无论我如何填充或边距列表。无论如何,我有没有处理这个问题?
#newEntryTable {
border-collapse: collapse;
width: 50%;
border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
#newEntryTable th, #newEntryTable td {
padding: 5px;
border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
#newEntryTable th {
width: 230px;
text-align: left;
font-size: smaller;
width: 45%;
float: right;
<form method="post" action="?action=createActivityRecord" id="newEntryForm">
<?php if(isset($_REQUEST['redirect'])) echo '<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="'.$_REQUEST['redirect'].'" />'; ?>
<input type="hidden" name="activityidentifier" value="<?php echo $activity["identifier"]; ?>" />
<table id="newEntryTable">
<td colspan="2" id="newEntryLabel">New Entry:</td>
<?php if($activity['use_current_date']) : ?>
<input type="hidden" name="date" value="<?php echo date('Y-m-d') ?>" />
<?php else : ?>
<tr id="dateContainingRow">
<th>Date of Activity</th>
<td id="dateContainingCell"><input name="date" id="dateentry" class="date_input" type="text" value="<?php echo $activity["date"]; ?>" /><br/><span class="help">MM/DD/YYYY</span></td>
<?php endif ?>
<?php foreach($activity["questions"] as $question) { ?>
<th><?php echo $question["text"]; ?></th>
<?php echo $question["input_html"]; ?>
<?php if(isset($question['help'])) : ?>
<br/><span class="help"><?php echo $question['help'] ?></span>
<?php endif ?>
<?php } ?>
<td><input type="submit" value="Submit/Create New" /></td>
<div id="dataEntryTips">
<strong>Data Entry Options & Tips</strong>
<dt>Data can be entered in ways you prefer, such as: </dt>
<li>Several entries each day -‐ minutes walked, swam, biked</li>
<li>Total minutes per day</li>
<li>Total for the week, weekend -‐ or -‐ any number of days</li>
<li>Total for the month</li>
<dt>Other tips: </dt>
<li>You can have any mix of daily, weekly or monthly entries.</li>
<li>Save time by duplicating a prior entry and editing it for changes.</li>
<li>If an entry is for more than a day, make a helpful note to explain.</li>
<dt>Here are some examples of the above:</dt>
<li>May 30: Walked 900 minutes; note = 30 min/day all May</li>
<li>May 10: Bicycled 360 minutes; note = 6 hours on weekend</li>
<li>May 7: Bicycled 150 minutes; note = 30 min./day 5 days to/from work</li>
<li>April 1: Bicycled 300 minutes; note = in March</li>
<li>March 2: Bicycled 120 minutes: note = in February</li>