我对所选窗口的变量是$ window_width,$ window_height,$ abs_x,$ abs_y我相信正确定位GetSaveFile对话框,我需要类似的东西:
$ sfile - > geometry(“originalWidth”。“x”。“orighnalHeight +($ abs_x +($ window_width / 2 - originalWidth / 2))+($ abs_y +($ window_height / 2 -orighnalHeight / 2)”) ;
上面的问题不是那么多,但有些帮助也会很好, 这是用来将那些数字插入我之后的代码......
在哪里以及如何使用“$ sfile - >几何(widthxheight + x + y);”输入比特,因为我在下面遇到错误:
# save dialog
my $types = [
['All Files', '*', ],
['mpg files', '.mpg', ],
['avi files', '.avi', ],
['mov files', '.mov', ],
my $sfile = $mw->getSaveFile(
-defaultextension => ".mov",
-initialdir => "/home/frank/Perl/screencaps", # standardise...
-initialfile => "ScreenCast01",
-title => "ScreenCast Capture file",
-filetypes => $types,
# position/geometry
# $sfile ->geometry('100x100+100+100'); # can't call method "geometry" without a package or object reference...
&do_saveFileWithType($sfile) if defined $sfile;
sub do_saveFileWithType {
my @InboundParameters = @_;
print "This is what was passed:\t$InboundParameters[0]\n";
# $sfile ->geometry('100x100+100+100'); # can't call method "geometry" without a package or object reference...
# to centre the save dialog(for when it's up):
my $title = "ScreenCast Capture file";
my $x = ($abs_x+($window_width/2)-207); # 207 = SaveDialogWidth/2
my $y = ($abs_y+($window_height/2)-134); # 134 = SaveDialogHeight/2
my $checking4win2move;
$checking4win2move = "on";
my $pid = fork(); # ??
if ($pid == 0){ # ??
while ($checking4win2move eq "on"){
my @runwmctrl = wmctrl ("-l");
for( @runwmctrl ) {
my $linesOf_wmctrl=$_;
chomp ($linesOf_wmctrl); # Get rid of the trailling \n ??
if($linesOf_wmctrl =~ m/ScreenCast Capture file/) {
#print "The \"ScreenCast Capture file\" dialog is mentioned and so is up, I can now move it to the centre of the selected window.\n";
my $windowMove = wmctrl ("-r $title", "-e 0,$x,$y,-1,-1");
# and stop checking:
# $checking4win2move = "off"; # unfork?? # X Error of failed request: BadIDChoice (invalid resource ID chosen for this connection)
exit(); #??
}else{ # print "The dialog is not mentioned in this line of wmctrl\'s output\n";
sleep .02; # then check again or...