TabControl中的AutoTab到Next TabPage

时间:2011-09-27 11:40:01

标签: c# winforms tabcontrol tabpage

C#.Net fw 3.5,在TabControl的winform中, 当用户选项卡超出TabPage上的最后一个控件时,焦点应移动到下一页,并将第一个控件聚焦在该页面中,我该怎么做?




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace CSBSSWControls
    // Class inhertis TabControl
    public class bssTabControl : TabControl
        private bool AutoTab_;
        public bool AutoTab { get { return AutoTab_; } set { AutoTab_ = value; } }
        protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
            //property which determines auto change tabpages
            if (AutoTab)
                switch (keyData)
                    case Keys.Tab | Keys.Shift:
                            return SetNextTab(false);
                    case Keys.Tab:
                            return SetNextTab(true);
            return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);
        private bool SetNextTab(bool Forward)
            // getting cuurent active control
            ContainerControl CC = this.FindForm();
            Control ActC = null;
            while (CC != null)
                ActC = CC.ActiveControl;
                CC = ActC as ContainerControl;
            //checking, current control should not be tabcontrol or tabpage
            if (ActC != null && !(ActC is TabPage) && !(ActC is bssTabControl))
                //getting current controls next control if it is tab page then current control is surely that last control on that tab page
                //if shift+tab pressed then checked its previous control, if it is tab page then current control is first control on the current tab page.
                TabPage NC = ActC.FindForm().GetNextControl(ActC, Forward) as TabPage;
                if (NC != null)
                    if (this.TabPages.Contains(NC))
                        if (Forward)
                            //selecting next tab page
                            this.SelectedTab = NC;
                            return true;
                            if (this.TabPages.IndexOf(NC) > 0)
                                //selecting pervious tab page
                                this.SelectedIndex = this.TabPages.IndexOf(NC) - 1;
                                return true;
            return false;

答案 1 :(得分:0)

你的问题不准确  “C#.Net fw 3.5,在TabControl的winform中,当用户选项卡退出TabPage上的最后一个控件时,焦点应移动到下一页,并将第一个控件聚焦在该页面中?”

这是一个陈述或问题。我不明白。你需要的目标是什么? 如果您希望用户通过按Tab键访问后续选项卡内的控件,则可以通过选项卡控件中的按键事件来执行此操作。在keypressed事件中,您可以以编程方式更改选项卡。 希望它有所帮助。

代码应该是这样的。 为tabcontrol生成按键事件并监视按TAB键。

    private void tabControl1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
        if(e.ToString().Equals("TAB") // I dont know what tab key returns. But is hould be something like this
              tabControl1.SelectedTab = tabControl1.TabPages[1] ;
              // now tabpage 2 has the focus
              // You can also focus any control you want in here as follows:
              tabControl1.TabPages[1].Control["control key"].Focus();
