
时间:2011-09-24 13:35:32

标签: ios opengl-es screen landscape

我正在将基于C ++的引擎从Android移植到iOS,我对iOS设备上的横向模式如何工作有一些疑问。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

确保您的OpenGL UIView附加到UIViewController,而不是直接插入UIWindow。为此,请创建自定义视图控制器:

@interface MyViewController : UIViewController

@implementation MyViewController
- (void)loadView {
    // Create your EAGL view
    MyEAGLView *eaglView = [[MyEAGLView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 0)];
    self.view = eaglView;
    [eaglView release];

- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {
    return YES;


- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
    MyViewController *viewController = [[MyViewController alloc] init];
    [self.window setRootViewController:viewController];
    [viewController release];
    [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];



答案 1 :(得分:0)


#version 300 es

in vec4 position;
in mediump vec4 texturecoordinate;

in vec4 color;

uniform float preferredRotation;

out mediump vec2 coordinate;

void main()
    //const float pi = 4.0 * atan(1.0);
    //float radians  = (( -90.0 ) / 180.0 * pi );

    // Preferred rotation of video acquired, for example, by:
    // AVAssetTrack *videoTrack = [tracks objectAtIndex:0];
    // CGAffineTransform preferredTransform = [videoTrack preferredTransform];
    // self.glKitView.preferredRotation = -1 * atan2(preferredTransform.b, preferredTransform.a);

    // Preferred rotation for both portrait and landscape           
    mat4 rotationMatrix = mat4( cos(preferredRotation), -sin(preferredRotation), 0.0, 0.0,
                                sin(preferredRotation),  cos(preferredRotation), 0.0, 0.0,
                                0.0,                     0.0,                    1.0, 0.0,
                                0.0,                     0.0,                    0.0, 1.0);

    // Mirror vertical (portrait only)
    mat4 rotationMatrix = mat4( cos(preferredRotation),  sin(preferredRotation), 0.0, 0.0,
                               -sin(preferredRotation),  cos(preferredRotation), 0.0, 0.0,
                                0.0,           0.0,          1.0, 0.0,
                                0.0,           0.0,          0.0, 1.0);

    // Mirror horizontal (landscape only)
    mat4 rotationMatrix = mat4( 1.0, 0.0,                     0.0,                    0.0,
                                0.0, cos(preferredRotation), -sin(preferredRotation), 0.0,
                                0.0, sin(preferredRotation),  cos(preferredRotation), 0.0,
                                0.0, 0.0,                     0.0,                    1.0);

    // Mirror vertical (landscape only)
    mat4 rotationMatrix = mat4( cos(preferredRotation), 0.0, sin(preferredRotation), 0.0,
                                0.0,                    1.0, 0.0,                    0.0,
                               -sin(preferredRotation), 0.0, cos(preferredRotation), 0.0,
                                0.0,                    0.0, 0.0,                    1.0);

    gl_Position = position * rotationMatrix;
    coordinate = texturecoordinate.xy;

显然,您只选择一个矩阵4,具体取决于方向   视频,然后它的旋转。每个矩阵4翻转视频   窗口 - 不旋转它。对于轮换,你必须先选择   matrix4基于方向,然后替换   preferredRotation变量的度数(以弧度为单位)   其公式也提供了。)


有很多方法可以旋转视图,图层,对象等;但是,如果   你是通过OpenGL渲染图像,那么你应该选择它   方法,只有这种方法。