c ++循环通过注册表递归缓慢

时间:2011-09-19 14:03:13

标签: c++ python registry

我的代码有一个恼人的问题,可能是我做错了因为我的Python 实施要快得多!

C ++实现问题:

  1. 迭代“HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT”会占用大量内存,我认为这是因为c ++实现使用了大量变量。的 固定
  2. 它也慢,比python植入代码慢得多 固定
  3. 尝试迭代HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT时代码更慢 已修复
  4. 新问题:

    1. 感谢 Nam Nguyen 我理解导致代码泄漏的原因,并直接影响执行时间,下面的代码是固定代码。为什么c ++实现的运行速度与我的python实现一样快?
    2. C ++实现:

      #include <iostream>
      #include <windows.h>
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <tchar.h>
      #include <string>
      using namespace std;
      #define MAX_KEY_LENGTH 255
      int RecurseOpenRegEx(HKEY hkey, string subKey = "",string search = "nothing", DWORD sum = 0)
         TCHAR csubKey[MAX_KEY_LENGTH];
         DWORD nSubKeys = 0;
         DWORD pathLength = MAX_PATH;
         TCHAR storeKeyName[MAX_KEY_LENGTH];
         DWORD keyLength;
         HKEY hKey = hkey; //somehow i need to reassign HKEY, otherwise it won't pass it with the function, this is bigger than me tough...
         const char * ccsearch = search.c_str();
         const char * ccsubKey;
         if (subKey != "")
             ccsubKey = subKey.c_str();
             copy(subKey.begin(), subKey.end(),csubKey); //convert string to TCHAR
         if (RegOpenKeyEx(hkey, ccsubKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
             if (RegQueryInfoKey(hkey, csubKey, &pathLength, NULL,&nSubKeys, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
                 sum += nSubKeys;
                 for (DWORD subKeyIndex = 0; subKeyIndex < nSubKeys; subKeyIndex++)
                     keyLength = MAX_KEY_LENGTH;
                     if (RegEnumKeyEx(hkey, subKeyIndex, storeKeyName, &keyLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
                         string sKeyName = storeKeyName; //Convert TCHAR to string explicitly
                         if (subKey != "")
                             sKeyName = subKey + "\\" + sKeyName;
                         sum += RecurseOpenRegEx(hKey, sKeyName);
         RegCloseKey(hkey); //Now closing the right key
         return sum;
      int main()
         cout << "sum of all keys: " << RecurseOpenRegEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE);
         return 0;


      import winreg
      def recurseRegistrySearch(key, keySearch = "",subkey = "", subkeypath = "", x = 0):
          key = winreg.OpenKey(key, subkey, 0)
          y = winreg.QueryInfoKey(key)[0]
          x += y
          for items in range(x):
                  subkey = winreg.EnumKey(key, items)
                  if ((keySearch.lower() in subkey.lower()) and (keySearch != "")):
                      print(subkeypath + "\\" + subkey)
                  x += recurseRegistrySearch(key, keySearch, subkey, subkeypath = subkeypath + "\\" + subkey)
              except WindowsError:
          return x
      print("sum of all keys: {0}".format(recurseRegistrySearch(winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)))

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)




答案 1 :(得分:1)

