我尝试过像http://www.related.com/这样的幻灯片。 我可以成功实现它。我试图停止鼠标悬停幻灯片播放并在鼠标移开时播放幻灯片。我不能这样做。请遵守代码。
<script type="text/javascript">
objJson_pageAnimation = {
'slideItems': [ <?php
global $post;
$args = array( 'category' => 3 );
$myposts = get_posts( $args );
foreach( $myposts as $post ) : setup_postdata($post); ?>
<?php $img = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'SlideImage',true);
$content = get_the_content();
<?php echo $con; ?>{'imgUrl': '<?php echo $img; ?>','imgHead': '<?php the_title(); ?>','imgSubHead': '<?php echo $content ?>','targetUrl': '#','xPos': '0px','yPos': '<?php echo rand(10, 50); ?>px','x2Pos': '0px','y2Pos': '0px','imgTitle': '','align': 'left'}<?php
$con = ',';
endforeach; ?>
function loadPageAnimation() {
var arrSlides = objJson_pageAnimation.slideItems;
var strData = "";
for (var i = 0; i < arrSlides.length; i++) {
strData += '<div class="rotator">';
strData += '<img class="imgBig" src="' + arrSlides[i].imgUrl + '" border="0" alt="' + arrSlides[i].imgHead + '" title="' + arrSlides[i].imgTitle + '" />';
strData += '<div class="navigation">';
for (var j = 0; j < arrSlides.length; j++) {
strData += (j == i) ? '<div class="current">' + (j + 1) + '</div>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0);">' + (j + 1) + '</a>';
strData += '</div>';
// strData += '<div class="txtHeadNew" style="border-bottom: White 1px solid;left:' + arrSlides[i].xPos + '; top: ' + arrSlides[i].yPos + '; text-align:' + arrSlides[i].align + '"><div>' + arrSlides[i].imgHead + '</div></div>';
// strData += '<div class="txtSubHeadNew" style="position: relative; right:' + arrSlides[i].x2Pos + '; top:' + arrSlides[i].y2Pos + '"><div>' + arrSlides[i].imgSubHead + '</div></div>';
strData += '<div class="txtHeadNew" style="left:' + arrSlides[i].xPos + '; top: ' + arrSlides[i].yPos + '; text-align:' + arrSlides[i].align + '"><div Style="border-bottom-color: white; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; Padding-bottom:10px;">' + arrSlides[i].imgHead + '</div></div>';
// strData += '<div class="txtSubHeadNew" style="display:block; position:absolute; Padding-top:10px;"><div><a href="' + arrSlides[i].targetUrl + '">' + arrSlides[i].imgSubHead + '</a><a class="mylinkButton" href="' + arrSlides[i].targetUrl + '"></a></div></div>';
strData += '<div class="txtSubHeadNew" style="position:absolute; right:' + arrSlides[i].x2Pos + '; Padding-top:10px; text-align:' + arrSlides[i].align + '"><div><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td><a href="' + arrSlides[i].targetUrl + '">' + arrSlides[i].imgSubHead + '</a></td><td style = "v-align: middle; padding-top :10px;"><a class="mylinkButton" href="' + arrSlides[i].targetUrl + '"></a></td></tr></table></div></div>';
strData += '</div>';
// strData += '<script>var p = $("txtHeadNewID' + i.toString() +'"); var offset = p.offset(); var q = $("txtHeadSubNewID' + i.toString() + '"); q.css( "left: "' + 'offset.left' + '", top: "' + 'offset.top' + ');<' + '/script>';
//START: document ready
$(document).ready(function () {
//loads the only logo and launch button to the base page
// $('#mainContainer').load('/destinations/hudsonyards/logoandlaunch.html');
/* Apart from clicking Launch Site the user has requested that the site should
launch by clicking on any image of the slideshow 14Dec2010 */
$("#areaPageAnimation").click(function () {
// $('#mainContainer').fadeOut('fast', function () { $('#mainContainer').load('/destinations/hudsonyards/hudson_yards_overlay_base.html'); });
/*$('#areaPageAnimation').hover(function() {
}, function() {
$("#areaPageAnimation").mouseover(function (){
//END: document read