我正在尝试在C ++中设计一个通用的(但有些特定于用例的)事件传递机制,而不会违背“新风格”C ++,并且同时不会过度使用模板。
我的用例在Ruby,Python甚至C中实现都很简单,但是使用C ++我的内容有点短。我已经查看了Boost :: Signal和其他类似的库,但它们看起来太复杂或不灵活,不适合我的特定用例。 (特别是,Boost经常被模板化到极度混乱的程度,特别是像boost :: bind或boost :: function这样的东西。)
听众只是方法。如果这是C ++ 11,我会使用lambdas,但我需要广泛的编译器可移植性,所以暂时使用方法。
按照事件触发的严格顺序调度队列。 (因此,如果生产者A触发事件x,生产者B触发y,生产者B再次触发z,则总顺序为x,y,z。)
重要的是,在下一次迭代之前,不会调度听众产生的任何事件 - 所以内部确实有两个队列。
SpaceshipController::create() {
spaceship.listen("crash", &on_crash);
SpaceshipController::on_crash(CrashEvent event) {
spaceship.unlisten("crash", &on_crash);
add(new ExplosionDebris);
add(new ExplosionSound);
Spaceship::collided_with(CollisionObject object) {
trigger("crash", new CrashEvent(object));
这一切都很好,但转换成现代C ++是我遇到困难的地方。
问题在于,任何一个人都必须使用旧式C ++来投射多态实例和丑陋,或者必须使用模板级多态与编译时定义的类型。
我已尝试使用boost :: bind(),我可以生成这样的listen方法:
class EventManager
template <class ProducerClass, class ListenerClass, class EventClass>
void EventManager::listen(
shared_ptr<ProducerClass> producer,
string event_name,
shared_ptr<ListenerClass> listener,
void (ListenerClass::*method)(EventClass* event)
boost::function1<void, EventClass*> bound_method = boost::bind(method, listener, _1);
// ... add handler to a map for later execution ...
void SpaceshipController::create()
event_manager.listen(spaceship, "crash", shared_from_this(),
void SpaceshipController::on_crash(CrashEvent* event)
// ...
这很不错,虽然它很冗长。我讨厌强制每个类继承enable_shared_from_this,并且C ++要求方法引用包含类名,这很糟糕,但这两个问题都可能是不可避免的。
unordered_map<string, vector<boost:function1<void, EventClass*> > > > listeners;
但当然C ++不允许我。我可以作弊:
unordered_map<string, vector<boost:function1<void, void*> > > > listeners;
class CrashEventListener
virtual void on_crash(CrashEvent* event) = 0;
答案 0 :(得分:27)
更新:这个答案解释了一个选项,但我认为the modified version of this solution based on boost::any
在这种情况下,最简单的解决方案是让每个宇宙飞船拥有几个boost :: signal,侦听器可以连接到这些信号。当船舶想要报告事件时,它只会触发相应的信号。 (也就是说,通过operator()调用信号,就好像它是一个函数一样。)
当一个事件制作者(即太空船)想要通知他的听众一个事件时,他不应该自己发出信号。相反,他应该使用boost :: bind打包信号调用,并将生成的函数对象传递给事件处理程序(以boost :: function的形式),并将其附加到队列中。这样,给予事件处理程序的所有事件都只是以下类型:boost::function<void ()>
这是一个完整的示例实现。 main()函数演示了工作系统的简单“模拟”。我甚至在事件管理器中抛出了一些互斥锁,因为我认为他可能被多个线程访问。我没有为控制器或宇宙飞船做同样的事情。显然,main()函数中提供的简单单线程测试不会影响事件管理器的线程安全性,但是没有什么复杂的事情发生在那里。
总之,此实现满足您的所有要点。 (使用通用事件示例作为满足项目符号#2的方式。)如果您想使用“EventInfo”的额外参数来扩充“通用”信号类型,或者某些事情,可以轻松完成。
顺便说一句,main()中的BEGIN / END Orbit输出语句只是向您显示在触发事件管理器之前侦听器没有接收到事件。
(供参考:这可以使用gcc和boost 1.46进行编译,但应该使用旧版本的boost。)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
// Forward declarations
class Spaceship;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Spaceship> SpaceshipPtr;
typedef boost::weak_ptr<Spaceship> SpaceshipWPtr;
class EventManager;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<EventManager> EventManagerPtr;
class EventManager
// Notify listeners of all recent events
void TriggerAllQueuedEvents()
NotificationVec vecNotifications;
// Open a protected scope to modify the notification list
// One thread at a time
boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock( m_notificationProtection );
// Copy the notification vector to our local list and clear it at the same time
std::swap( vecNotifications, m_vecQueuedNotifications );
// Now loop over the notification callbacks and call each one.
// Since we're looping over the copy we just made, new events won't affect us.
BOOST_FOREACH( const EventNotificationFn & fn, vecNotifications )
fn() ;
// Callback signature
typedef void EventNotificationFnSignature();
typedef boost::function<EventNotificationFnSignature> EventNotificationFn;
//! Queue an event with the event manager
void QueueEvent( const EventNotificationFn & event )
// One thread at a time.
boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock( m_notificationProtection );
// Queue of events
typedef std::vector<EventNotificationFn> NotificationVec ;
NotificationVec m_vecQueuedNotifications;
// This mutex is used to ensure one-at-a-time access to the list of notifications
boost::recursive_mutex m_notificationProtection ;
class Spaceship
Spaceship(const std::string & name, const EventManagerPtr & pEventManager)
: m_name(name)
, m_pEventManager(pEventManager)
const std::string& name()
return m_name;
// Define what a handler for crash events must look like
typedef void CrashEventHandlerFnSignature(const std::string & sound);
typedef boost::function<CrashEventHandlerFnSignature> CrashEventHandlerFn;
// Call this function to be notified of crash events
boost::signals2::connection subscribeToCrashEvents( const CrashEventHandlerFn & fn )
return m_crashSignal.connect(fn);
// Define what a handler for mutiny events must look like
typedef void MutinyEventHandlerFnSignature(bool mutinyWasSuccessful, int numDeadCrew);
typedef boost::function<MutinyEventHandlerFnSignature> MutinyEventHandlerFn;
// Call this function to be notified of mutiny events
boost::signals2::connection subscribeToMutinyEvents( const MutinyEventHandlerFn & fn )
return m_mutinySignal.connect(fn);
// Define what a handler for generic events must look like
typedef void GenericEventHandlerFnSignature();
typedef boost::function<GenericEventHandlerFnSignature> GenericEventHandlerFn;
// Call this function to be notified of generic events
boost::signals2::connection subscribeToGenericEvents( const std::string & eventType, const GenericEventHandlerFn & fn )
if ( m_genericEventSignals[eventType] == NULL )
m_genericEventSignals[eventType].reset( new GenericEventSignal );
return m_genericEventSignals[eventType]->connect(fn);
void CauseCrash( const std::string & sound )
// The ship has crashed. Queue the event with the event manager.
m_pEventManager->QueueEvent( boost::bind( boost::ref(m_crashSignal), sound ) ); //< Must use boost::ref because signal is noncopyable.
void CauseMutiny( bool successful, int numDied )
// A mutiny has occurred. Queue the event with the event manager
m_pEventManager->QueueEvent( boost::bind( boost::ref(m_mutinySignal), successful, numDied ) ); //< Must use boost::ref because signal is noncopyable.
void CauseGenericEvent( const std::string & eventType )
// Queue the event with the event manager
m_pEventManager->QueueEvent( boost::bind( boost::ref(*m_genericEventSignals[eventType]) ) ); //< Must use boost::ref because signal is noncopyable.
std::string m_name;
EventManagerPtr m_pEventManager;
boost::signals2::signal<CrashEventHandlerFnSignature> m_crashSignal;
boost::signals2::signal<MutinyEventHandlerFnSignature> m_mutinySignal;
// This map needs to use ptrs, because std::map needs a value type that is copyable
// (boost signals are noncopyable)
typedef boost::signals2::signal<GenericEventHandlerFnSignature> GenericEventSignal;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<GenericEventSignal> GenericEventSignalPtr;
std::map<std::string, GenericEventSignalPtr > m_genericEventSignals;
class Controller
Controller( const std::set<SpaceshipPtr> & ships )
// For every ship, subscribe to all of the events we're interested in.
BOOST_FOREACH( const SpaceshipPtr & pSpaceship, ships )
m_ships.insert( pSpaceship );
// Bind up a weak_ptr in the handler calls (using a shared_ptr would cause a memory leak)
SpaceshipWPtr wpSpaceship(pSpaceship);
// Register event callback functions with the spaceship so he can notify us.
// Bind a pointer to the particular spaceship so we know who originated the event.
boost::signals2::connection crashConnection = pSpaceship->subscribeToCrashEvents(
boost::bind( &Controller::HandleCrashEvent, this, wpSpaceship, _1 ) );
boost::signals2::connection mutinyConnection = pSpaceship->subscribeToMutinyEvents(
boost::bind( &Controller::HandleMutinyEvent, this, wpSpaceship, _1, _2 ) );
// Callbacks for generic events
boost::signals2::connection takeoffConnection =
boost::bind( &Controller::HandleGenericEvent, this, wpSpaceship, "takeoff" ) );
boost::signals2::connection landingConnection =
boost::bind( &Controller::HandleGenericEvent, this, wpSpaceship, "landing" ) );
// Cache these connections to make sure we get notified
m_allConnections[pSpaceship].push_back( crashConnection );
m_allConnections[pSpaceship].push_back( mutinyConnection );
m_allConnections[pSpaceship].push_back( takeoffConnection );
m_allConnections[pSpaceship].push_back( landingConnection );
// Disconnect from any signals we still have
BOOST_FOREACH( const SpaceshipPtr pShip, m_ships )
BOOST_FOREACH( boost::signals2::connection & conn, m_allConnections[pShip] )
typedef std::vector<boost::signals2::connection> ConnectionVec;
std::map<SpaceshipPtr, ConnectionVec> m_allConnections;
std::set<SpaceshipPtr> m_ships;
void HandleGenericEvent( SpaceshipWPtr wpSpaceship, const std::string & eventType )
// Obtain a shared ptr from the weak ptr
SpaceshipPtr pSpaceship = wpSpaceship.lock();
std::cout << "Event on " << pSpaceship->name() << ": " << eventType << '\n';
void HandleCrashEvent(SpaceshipWPtr wpSpaceship, const std::string & sound)
// Obtain a shared ptr from the weak ptr
SpaceshipPtr pSpaceship = wpSpaceship.lock();
std::cout << pSpaceship->name() << " crashed with sound: " << sound << '\n';
// That ship is dead. Delete it from the list of ships we track.
// Also, make sure we don't get any more events from it
BOOST_FOREACH( boost::signals2::connection & conn, m_allConnections[pSpaceship] )
void HandleMutinyEvent(SpaceshipWPtr wpSpaceship, bool mutinyWasSuccessful, int numDeadCrew)
SpaceshipPtr pSpaceship = wpSpaceship.lock();
std::cout << (mutinyWasSuccessful ? "Successful" : "Unsuccessful" ) ;
std::cout << " mutiny on " << pSpaceship->name() << "! (" << numDeadCrew << " dead crew members)\n";
int main()
// Instantiate an event manager
EventManagerPtr pEventManager( new EventManager );
// Create some ships to play with
int numShips = 5;
std::vector<SpaceshipPtr> vecShips;
for (int shipIndex = 0; shipIndex < numShips; ++shipIndex)
std::string name = "Ship #" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(shipIndex);
SpaceshipPtr pSpaceship( new Spaceship(name, pEventManager) );
// Create the controller with our ships
std::set<SpaceshipPtr> setShips( vecShips.begin(), vecShips.end() );
Controller controller(setShips);
// Quick-and-dirty "simulation"
// We'll cause various events to happen to the ships in the simulation,
// And periodically flush the events by triggering the event manager
std::cout << "BEGIN Orbit #1" << std::endl;
vecShips[2]->CauseMutiny(false, 7);
std::cout << "END Orbit #1" << std::endl;
std::cout << "BEGIN Orbit #2" << std::endl;
vecShips[3]->CauseMutiny(true, 2);
std::cout << "END Orbit #2" << std::endl;
std::cout << "BEGIN Orbit #3" << std::endl;
vecShips[2]->CauseMutiny(false, 15);
vecShips[2]->CauseMutiny(true, 20);
vecShips[3]->CauseMutiny(true, 0); //< Should not cause output, since this ship has already crashed!
std::cout << "END Orbit #3" << std::endl;
return 0;
BEGIN Orbit #1
END Orbit #1
Event on Ship #0: takeoff
Ship #0 crashed with sound: Kaboom!
Event on Ship #1: takeoff
Ship #1 crashed with sound: Blam!
Event on Ship #2: takeoff
Unsuccessful mutiny on Ship #2! (7 dead crew members)
BEGIN Orbit #2
END Orbit #2
Event on Ship #3: takeoff
Successful mutiny on Ship #3! (2 dead crew members)
Event on Ship #3: takeoff
Ship #4 crashed with sound: Splat!
BEGIN Orbit #3
END Orbit #3
Unsuccessful mutiny on Ship #2! (15 dead crew members)
Successful mutiny on Ship #2! (20 dead crew members)
Event on Ship #2: landing
Ship #3 crashed with sound: Fizzle
答案 1 :(得分:6)
class EventFoo : public IEvent
// Regular EventFoo specific stuff
typedef unsigned char* EventUID;
#define IMPLEMENT_EVENT(Clazz) \
static EventUID StaticGetUID() { \
static unsigned char sUID = 0; \
return (EventUID)&sUID; /* This will be unique in the executable! */ \
} \
virtual EventUID GetUID() const { return StaticGetUID(); }
请注意,使用这种方法支持单一事件继承也很简单(这里的静态unsigned char仅用作getto RTTI,以避免为此启用编译)
监听器实现OnEvent形式的函数(IEvent&amp; _Event);
#define EVENT_BINDING_START() virtual void OnEvent(IEvent& _Event) {
#define EVENT_BIND(Function, EventType) if (_Event->GetUID() == EventType::StaticGetUID()) Function(static_cast<EventType&>(_Event)); return; /* return right away to handle event */
#define EVENT_BINDING_END(BaseClazz) BaseClazz::OnEvent(_Event); } /* If not handled by us, forward call to parent class */
class Listener : public IEventHandler
EVENT_BIND(OnFoo, EventFoo)
void OnFoo(EventFoo& _Foo) { /* do stuff */ }
注册事件非常简单,因为您只需要在某处保留IEventHandler *的列表。 OnEvent(..)成为一个巨大的转换/如果其他一塌糊涂,但你可以放心自己实现它。声明使用宏也相当干净。您也可以选择手动实现OnEvent()。速度明智,我不会太担心。对于大多数编译器而言,性能将非常接近switch语句,除非您在单个侦听器中处理大量事件,否则它应该非常快。您还可以在宏中本地缓存UID值,以避免为侦听器中的每个事件类型调用虚拟对象。在事件的第一个虚函数调用之后,vtable将在处理器缓存中,并且任何后续调用将非常快。 StaticGetUID函数几乎总是在发布版本中内联,只返回一个常量。这最终使OnEvent代码变得非常快速和紧凑。
答案 2 :(得分:4)
我正在实施一个“听众”注册的系统 他们自己与事件“生产者”。它基本上是一个标准 “observer”模式(a.k.a。“信号和插槽”),但有一些 扭转。
在C ++中,管理连接的最简单方法是什么 在我的听众和活动制作人之间?
我建议使用现有的库。 boost :: signals或boost :: signals2都可以很好地工作。当然,你可以推出自己的信号和插槽实现,但为什么呢? boost :: signals为您提供了一个干净,经过测试,通用且有文档记录的解决方案,许多其他c ++程序员在查看您的代码时会立即理解这些解决方案。
我的每个制作人都能够制作几种不同的类型 事件,这意味着我的听众功能都将拥有 不同的签名,对吗?由于boost :: signal的类型 取决于处理它的函数的签名,每个 制作人必须拥有几种不同类型的信号。一世 将无法将它们放入集合(例如地图)中,这意味着每个集合 一个人必须单独宣布。更糟糕的是,我必须这样做 为每个单独的信号声明一个单独的“getter”函数 听众可以连接到它。谈论样板!我该如何避免 ?
正如您在问题中提到的,一个“解决方案”是让您的信号将事件作为void *类型发出。而你是对的:那是彻头彻尾的肮脏。正如我对此问题的另一个答案所示, 是一种类型安全的方法,可以避免为每个事件手动定义单独的信号。如果你走这条路,编译器会发现你犯的任何错误,但是代码有点难看。
的库,可以解决这个问题。它在概念上类似于void *方法,但是让您知道是否存在问题。如果使用boost :: any,那么所有处理程序都将具有相同的函数签名:void (const boost::any &)
注意:boost :: any要求您在打开RTTI的情况下编译代码。
好的,但我的系统有一个怪癖。我不能让制片人 实时通知他们的听众。我需要以某种方式排队 事件向上并定期刷新队列。
将您的事件通知功能转换为“thunk”即可由您的事件管理员稍后执行。由于所有thunk都有签名void ()
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/any.hpp>
// Forward declarations
class Spaceship;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Spaceship> SpaceshipPtr;
typedef boost::weak_ptr<Spaceship> SpaceshipWPtr;
class EventManager;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<EventManager> EventManagerPtr;
// ******************************************************************
// ******************************************************************
struct TakeoffEvent
static const std::string name ;
const std::string TakeoffEvent::name = "takeoff" ;
struct LandingEvent
static const std::string name ;
const std::string LandingEvent::name = "landing" ;
struct CrashEvent
static const std::string name ;
CrashEvent(const std::string & s)
: sound(s) {}
std::string sound ;
const std::string CrashEvent::name = "crash" ;
struct MutinyEvent
static const std::string name ;
MutinyEvent(bool s, int n)
: successful(s)
, numDead(n) {}
bool successful ;
int numDead ;
const std::string MutinyEvent::name = "mutiny" ;
// ******************************************************************
// ******************************************************************
class EventManager
// Notify listeners of all recent events
void FlushAllQueuedEvents()
NotificationVec vecNotifications;
// Open a protected scope to modify the notification list
// One thread at a time
boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock( m_notificationProtection );
// Copy the notification vector to our local list and clear it at the same time
std::swap( vecNotifications, m_vecQueuedNotifications );
// Now loop over the notification callbacks and call each one.
// Since we're looping over the copy we just made, new events won't affect us.
BOOST_FOREACH( const NamedNotification & nameAndFn, vecNotifications )
// Debug output
std::cout << "Flushing " << nameAndFn.first << std::endl ;
// call the listener(s)
nameAndFn.second() ;
catch ( const boost::bad_any_cast & )
std::cout << "*** BUG DETECTED! Invalid any_cast. ***" << std::endl ;
// Callback signature
typedef void EventNotificationFnSignature();
typedef boost::function<EventNotificationFnSignature> EventNotificationFn;
//! Queue an event with the event manager
void QueueEvent( const std::string & name, const EventNotificationFn & nameAndEvent )
// One thread at a time.
boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock( m_notificationProtection );
m_vecQueuedNotifications.push_back( NamedNotification(name, nameAndEvent) );
// Queue of events
typedef std::pair<std::string, EventNotificationFn> NamedNotification ;
typedef std::vector<NamedNotification> NotificationVec ;
NotificationVec m_vecQueuedNotifications;
// This mutex is used to ensure one-at-a-time access to the list of notifications
boost::recursive_mutex m_notificationProtection ;
class EventProducer
EventProducer( const EventManagerPtr & pEventManager )
: m_pEventManager(pEventManager) {}
typedef void SignalSignature(const boost::any &) ;
typedef boost::function<SignalSignature> HandlerFn ;
boost::signals2::connection subscribe( const std::string & eventName, const HandlerFn & fn )
// Create this signal if it doesn't exist yet
if ( m_mapSignals.find(eventName) == m_mapSignals.end() )
m_mapSignals[eventName].reset( new EventSignal ) ;
return m_mapSignals[eventName]->connect(fn) ;
template <typename _Event>
void trigger(const _Event & event)
// Do we have a signal for this (if not, then we have no listeners)
EventSignalMap::iterator iterFind = m_mapSignals.find(event.name) ;
if ( iterFind != m_mapSignals.end() )
EventSignal & signal = *iterFind->second ;
// Wrap the event in a boost::any
boost::any wrappedEvent = event ;
m_pEventManager->QueueEvent( event.name, boost::bind( boost::ref(signal), wrappedEvent ) ) ;
typedef boost::signals2::signal<SignalSignature> EventSignal ;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<EventSignal> EventSignalPtr ;
typedef std::map<std::string, EventSignalPtr> EventSignalMap ;
EventSignalMap m_mapSignals ;
EventManagerPtr m_pEventManager ;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<EventProducer> EventProducerPtr ;
class Spaceship : public EventProducer
Spaceship(const std::string & name, const EventManagerPtr & pEventManager)
: EventProducer(pEventManager)
, m_name(name)
std::string & name()
return m_name ;
std::string m_name;
class Listener
Listener( const std::set<SpaceshipPtr> & ships )
// For every ship, subscribe to all of the events we're interested in.
BOOST_FOREACH( const SpaceshipPtr & pSpaceship, ships )
m_ships.insert( pSpaceship );
// Bind up a weak_ptr in the handler calls (using a shared_ptr would cause a memory leak)
SpaceshipWPtr wpSpaceship(pSpaceship);
// Register event callback functions with the spaceship so he can notify us.
// Bind a pointer to the particular spaceship so we know who originated the event.
m_allConnections[pSpaceship].push_back( pSpaceship->subscribe( CrashEvent::name,
boost::bind( &Listener::HandleCrashEvent, this, wpSpaceship, _1 ) ) );
m_allConnections[pSpaceship].push_back( pSpaceship->subscribe( MutinyEvent::name,
boost::bind( &Listener::HandleMutinyEvent, this, wpSpaceship, _1 ) ) );
m_allConnections[pSpaceship].push_back( pSpaceship->subscribe( TakeoffEvent::name,
boost::bind( &Listener::HandleTakeoffEvent, this, wpSpaceship, _1 ) ) );
m_allConnections[pSpaceship].push_back( pSpaceship->subscribe( LandingEvent::name,
boost::bind( &Listener::HandleLandingEvent, this, wpSpaceship, _1 ) ) );
// Uncomment this next line to see what happens if you try to connect a handler to the wrong event.
// (Connecting "landing" event to "crash" handler.)
// m_allConnections[pSpaceship].push_back( pSpaceship->subscribe( LandingEvent::name,
// boost::bind( &Listener::HandleCrashEvent, this, wpSpaceship, _1 ) ) );
// Disconnect from any signals we still have
BOOST_FOREACH( const SpaceshipPtr pShip, m_ships )
BOOST_FOREACH( boost::signals2::connection & conn, m_allConnections[pShip] )
typedef std::vector<boost::signals2::connection> ConnectionVec;
std::map<SpaceshipPtr, ConnectionVec> m_allConnections;
std::set<SpaceshipPtr> m_ships;
void HandleTakeoffEvent( SpaceshipWPtr wpSpaceship, const boost::any & wrappedEvent )
// Obtain a shared ptr from the weak ptr
SpaceshipPtr pSpaceship = wpSpaceship.lock();
std::cout << "Takeoff event on " << pSpaceship->name() << '\n';
void HandleLandingEvent( SpaceshipWPtr wpSpaceship, const boost::any & wrappedEvent )
// Obtain a shared ptr from the weak ptr
SpaceshipPtr pSpaceship = wpSpaceship.lock();
std::cout << "Landing event on " << pSpaceship->name() << '\n';
void HandleCrashEvent(SpaceshipWPtr wpSpaceship, const boost::any & wrappedEvent )
// Extract the crash event from the boost::any
CrashEvent crash = boost::any_cast<CrashEvent>(wrappedEvent) ;
// Obtain a shared ptr from the weak ptr
SpaceshipPtr pSpaceship = wpSpaceship.lock();
std::cout << pSpaceship->name() << " crashed with sound: " << crash.sound << '\n';
// That ship is dead. Delete it from the list of ships we track.
// Also, make sure we don't get any more events from it
BOOST_FOREACH( boost::signals2::connection & conn, m_allConnections[pSpaceship] )
void HandleMutinyEvent(SpaceshipWPtr wpSpaceship, const boost::any & wrappedEvent )
// Extract the mutiny event from the boost::any
MutinyEvent mutiny = boost::any_cast<MutinyEvent>(wrappedEvent) ;
SpaceshipPtr pSpaceship = wpSpaceship.lock();
std::cout << (mutiny.successful ? "Successful" : "Unsuccessful" ) ;
std::cout << " mutiny on " << pSpaceship->name() << "! (" << mutiny.numDead << " dead crew members)\n";
int main()
// Instantiate an event manager
EventManagerPtr pEventManager( new EventManager );
// Create some ships to play with
int numShips = 5;
std::vector<SpaceshipPtr> vecShips;
for (int shipIndex = 0; shipIndex < numShips; ++shipIndex)
std::string name = "Ship #" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(shipIndex);
SpaceshipPtr pSpaceship( new Spaceship(name, pEventManager) );
// Create the controller with our ships
std::set<SpaceshipPtr> setShips( vecShips.begin(), vecShips.end() );
Listener controller(setShips);
// Quick-and-dirty "simulation"
// We'll cause various events to happen to the ships in the simulation,
// And periodically flush the events by triggering the event manager
std::cout << "BEGIN Orbit #1" << std::endl;
vecShips[0]->trigger( TakeoffEvent() );
vecShips[0]->trigger( CrashEvent("Kaboom!") );
vecShips[1]->trigger( TakeoffEvent() );
vecShips[1]->trigger( CrashEvent("Blam!") );
vecShips[2]->trigger( TakeoffEvent() );
vecShips[2]->trigger( MutinyEvent(false, 7) );
std::cout << "END Orbit #1\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n" ;
std::cout << "BEGIN Orbit #2" << std::endl;
vecShips[3]->trigger( TakeoffEvent() );
vecShips[3]->trigger( MutinyEvent(true, 2) );
vecShips[4]->trigger( TakeoffEvent() );
vecShips[4]->trigger( CrashEvent("Splat!") );
std::cout << "END Orbit #2\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n" ;
std::cout << "BEGIN Orbit #3" << std::endl;
vecShips[2]->trigger( MutinyEvent(false, 15) );
vecShips[2]->trigger( MutinyEvent(true, 20) );
vecShips[2]->trigger( LandingEvent() );
vecShips[3]->trigger( CrashEvent("Fizzle.") );
vecShips[3]->trigger( MutinyEvent(true, 0) ); //< Should not cause output, since this ship has already crashed!
std::cout << "END Orbit #3\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n" ;
return 0;
答案 3 :(得分:2)
您可以使用由所有侦听器实现的调度功能。 EventManager将为所有事件调用dispatch函数,然后侦听器可以决定如何在内部调度该事件。
void Listener::on_event( Event* event )
switch (event.type)
case (kCrashEvent):
void EventManager::listen( Listener* listener, EventType eventType )
// Store the listener, and the type of event it's listening for
答案 4 :(得分:2)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
// Forward declarations
class Spaceship;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Spaceship> SpaceshipPtr;
typedef boost::weak_ptr<Spaceship> SpaceshipWPtr;
class EventManager;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<EventManager> EventManagerPtr;
// ******************************************************************
// ******************************************************************
struct TakeoffEvent
static const std::string name ;
const std::string TakeoffEvent::name = "takeoff" ;
struct LandingEvent
static const std::string name ;
const std::string LandingEvent::name = "landing" ;
struct CrashEvent
static const std::string name ;
CrashEvent(const std::string & s)
: sound(s) {}
std::string sound ;
const std::string CrashEvent::name = "crash" ;
struct MutinyEvent
static const std::string name ;
MutinyEvent(bool s, int n)
: successful(s)
, numDead(n) {}
bool successful ;
int numDead ;
const std::string MutinyEvent::name = "mutiny" ;
// ******************************************************************
// ******************************************************************
class EventManager
// Notify listeners of all recent events
void FlushAllQueuedEvents()
NotificationVec vecNotifications;
// Open a protected scope to modify the notification list
// One thread at a time
boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock( m_notificationProtection );
// Copy the notification vector to our local list and clear it at the same time
std::swap( vecNotifications, m_vecQueuedNotifications );
// Now loop over the notification callbacks and call each one.
// Since we're looping over the copy we just made, new events won't affect us.
BOOST_FOREACH( const NamedNotification & nameAndFn, vecNotifications )
// Debug output
std::cout << "Flushing " << nameAndFn.first << std::endl ;
// call the listener(s)
nameAndFn.second() ;
// Callback signature
typedef void EventNotificationFnSignature();
typedef boost::function<EventNotificationFnSignature> EventNotificationFn;
//! Queue an event with the event manager
void QueueEvent( const std::string & name, const EventNotificationFn & nameAndEvent )
// One thread at a time.
boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock( m_notificationProtection );
m_vecQueuedNotifications.push_back( NamedNotification(name, nameAndEvent) );
// Queue of events
typedef std::pair<std::string, EventNotificationFn> NamedNotification ;
typedef std::vector<NamedNotification> NotificationVec ;
NotificationVec m_vecQueuedNotifications;
// This mutex is used to ensure one-at-a-time access to the list of notifications
boost::recursive_mutex m_notificationProtection ;
template <typename _Event>
class Producer
Producer( const EventManagerPtr & pEventManager )
: m_pEventManager(pEventManager) {}
typedef void SignalSignature(const _Event &) ;
boost::signals2::connection subscribe( const boost::function<SignalSignature> & fn )
return m_signal.connect(fn) ;
void trigger(const _Event & event)
m_pEventManager->QueueEvent( event.name, boost::bind( boost::ref(m_signal), event ) ) ;
// Instantiate the tuple of signals
boost::signals2::signal<SignalSignature> m_signal ;
EventManagerPtr m_pEventManager ;
class Spaceship : public Producer<TakeoffEvent>
, public Producer<LandingEvent>
, public Producer<CrashEvent>
, public Producer<MutinyEvent>
Spaceship(const std::string & name, const EventManagerPtr & pEventManager)
: Producer<TakeoffEvent>(pEventManager)
, Producer<LandingEvent>(pEventManager)
, Producer<CrashEvent>(pEventManager)
, Producer<MutinyEvent>(pEventManager)
, m_name(name)
std::string & name()
return m_name ;
template <typename _Event>
boost::signals2::connection subscribe( const boost::function<void (const _Event &)> & fn )
// call the correct base class
return Producer<_Event>::subscribe( fn ) ;
template <typename _Event>
void trigger(const _Event & event = _Event() )
// call the correct base class
Producer<_Event>::trigger(event) ;
std::string m_name;
class Listener
Listener( const std::set<SpaceshipPtr> & ships )
// For every ship, subscribe to all of the events we're interested in.
BOOST_FOREACH( const SpaceshipPtr & pSpaceship, ships )
m_ships.insert( pSpaceship );
// Bind up a weak_ptr in the handler calls (using a shared_ptr would cause a memory leak)
SpaceshipWPtr wpSpaceship(pSpaceship);
// Register event callback functions with the spaceship so he can notify us.
// Bind a pointer to the particular spaceship so we know who originated the event.
m_allConnections[pSpaceship].push_back( pSpaceship->subscribe<CrashEvent>(
boost::bind( &Listener::HandleCrashEvent, this, wpSpaceship, _1 ) ) );
m_allConnections[pSpaceship].push_back( pSpaceship->subscribe<MutinyEvent>(
boost::bind( &Listener::HandleMutinyEvent, this, wpSpaceship, _1 ) ) );
m_allConnections[pSpaceship].push_back( pSpaceship->subscribe<TakeoffEvent>(
boost::bind( &Listener::HandleGenericEvent<TakeoffEvent>, this, wpSpaceship, _1 ) ) );
m_allConnections[pSpaceship].push_back( pSpaceship->subscribe<LandingEvent>(
boost::bind( &Listener::HandleGenericEvent<LandingEvent>, this, wpSpaceship, _1 ) ) );
// Disconnect from any signals we still have
BOOST_FOREACH( const SpaceshipPtr pShip, m_ships )
BOOST_FOREACH( boost::signals2::connection & conn, m_allConnections[pShip] )
typedef std::vector<boost::signals2::connection> ConnectionVec;
std::map<SpaceshipPtr, ConnectionVec> m_allConnections;
std::set<SpaceshipPtr> m_ships;
template <typename _Event>
void HandleGenericEvent( SpaceshipWPtr wpSpaceship, const _Event & event)
// Obtain a shared ptr from the weak ptr
SpaceshipPtr pSpaceship = wpSpaceship.lock();
std::cout << "Event on " << pSpaceship->name() << ": " << _Event::name << '\n';
void HandleCrashEvent(SpaceshipWPtr wpSpaceship, const CrashEvent & crash)
// Obtain a shared ptr from the weak ptr
SpaceshipPtr pSpaceship = wpSpaceship.lock();
std::cout << pSpaceship->name() << " crashed with sound: " << crash.sound << '\n';
// That ship is dead. Delete it from the list of ships we track.
// Also, make sure we don't get any more events from it
BOOST_FOREACH( boost::signals2::connection & conn, m_allConnections[pSpaceship] )
void HandleMutinyEvent(SpaceshipWPtr wpSpaceship, const MutinyEvent & mutiny )
SpaceshipPtr pSpaceship = wpSpaceship.lock();
std::cout << (mutiny.successful ? "Successful" : "Unsuccessful" ) ;
std::cout << " mutiny on " << pSpaceship->name() << "! (" << mutiny.numDead << " dead crew members)\n";
int main()
// Instantiate an event manager
EventManagerPtr pEventManager( new EventManager );
// Create some ships to play with
int numShips = 5;
std::vector<SpaceshipPtr> vecShips;
for (int shipIndex = 0; shipIndex < numShips; ++shipIndex)
std::string name = "Ship #" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(shipIndex);
SpaceshipPtr pSpaceship( new Spaceship(name, pEventManager) );
// Create the controller with our ships
std::set<SpaceshipPtr> setShips( vecShips.begin(), vecShips.end() );
Listener controller(setShips);
// Quick-and-dirty "simulation"
// We'll cause various events to happen to the ships in the simulation,
// And periodically flush the events by triggering the event manager
std::cout << "BEGIN Orbit #1" << std::endl;
vecShips[0]->trigger( TakeoffEvent() );
vecShips[0]->trigger( CrashEvent("Kaboom!") );
vecShips[1]->trigger( TakeoffEvent() );
vecShips[1]->trigger( CrashEvent("Blam!") );
vecShips[2]->trigger( TakeoffEvent() );
vecShips[2]->trigger( MutinyEvent(false, 7) );
std::cout << "END Orbit #1\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n" ;
std::cout << "BEGIN Orbit #2" << std::endl;
vecShips[3]->trigger( TakeoffEvent() );
vecShips[3]->trigger( MutinyEvent(true, 2) );
vecShips[4]->trigger( TakeoffEvent() );
vecShips[4]->trigger( CrashEvent("Splat!") );
std::cout << "END Orbit #2\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n" ;
std::cout << "BEGIN Orbit #3" << std::endl;
vecShips[2]->trigger( MutinyEvent(false, 15) );
vecShips[2]->trigger( MutinyEvent(true, 20) );
vecShips[2]->trigger( LandingEvent() );
vecShips[3]->trigger( CrashEvent("Fizzle.") );
vecShips[3]->trigger( MutinyEvent(true, 0) ); //< Should not cause output, since this ship has already crashed!
std::cout << "END Orbit #3\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n" ;
return 0;
答案 5 :(得分:1)
struct event { virtual ~event() {} };
struct crash: public event { object* collider; };
调度员是一个参加活动的探险家。并遍历一个多态内部桥梁的集合(通常是一个std :: list),如
struct bridge
virtual ~bridge() {}
virtual bool same_as(const bridge* p) const=0; //to implement unlisten
virtual bool on_ev(event& ev)=0;
template<class E, class T>
struct fnbridge: public bridge
T* pt;
virtual bool on_ev(event& ev)
E* pe = dynamic_cast<E*>(&ev);
return pe && (pt->*mfn)(*pe);
virtual bool same_as(const bridge* p)
const fnbridge* pb = dynamic_cast<const fnbridge*>(p);
return pb && pb->pt == pt && pb->mfn == mfn;
包含在一个类中,在“listen”(实际上为template<class T, class E>void listen(T& t, bool(T::*mfn)(E&)
- 我实际上发现自己试图通过类型标签等重新实现它所以...对于运行时解决方案。让RTTI发挥作用。
答案 6 :(得分:1)