1234567 89 'if its 7(length of sub-string) and 2(next sub-string length) then
1233456789 ' append into one
123456 123 ' if its 6(length of sub-string) and 3(next sub string length) then
123 1234 12(last 2 characters 12 may exist or may not)
123 1234 then ' if its 3(length of substring) and 4(next sub string length) then append into one
1231234 12 and chech next if its 2 and if next is 2 then append
123456789 12 ' if its 9(length of sub string) and next is 2(next sub string length) then make it like these
123456789 123456712 split into two taking only first 7 characters
问题是单元格看起来不像上面所示,如下所示。这里我的意思是如果它的7然后是下一个子串的长度 这将是一个大字符串,我必须考虑上述条件并传输字符串
123456789 1234567 12 ' if its like these then make it like below
123456789 123456712
123 1234 1234567 12 123456789 ' like these then make it like below
1231234 123456712 123456789
123456789 12 1234567 'like these then make it like these
123456789 123456712 1234567
123456 123 123 1234 123456789 12 'like these then make it like below
123456123 1231234 1234556789 1234567812
1234567 1234567 12 123456789 123 1234 123456789 12 ' then make like below
1234567 123456712 123456789 1231234 123456789 1234567812
12345678 123456789 1234567 123456789 ' do nothing with these type
If (Len(text(x)) = 7 And Len(text(x + 1)) = 2) Or (Len(text(x)) = 6 And Len(text(x + 1)) = 3) Then
text(x) = text(x) & text(x + 1)
ActiveSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value & text(x)
x = x + 1
ElseIf (Len(text(x)) = 3 And Len(text(x + 1)) = 4) Then
If Len(text(x + 2)) = 2 Then
text(x) = text(x) & text(x + 1) & text(x + 2)
ActiveSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value & text(x)
text(x) = text(x) & text(x + 1)
ActiveSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value & text(x)
End If
end if
答案 0 :(得分:0)
#/usr/bin/env python
# this file is tester.py for testing my super-complicated algorithm
def algorithm(data):
items = split(data)
out = items[0]
while item in items[1:]:
if len(item) in (2, 3):
out += item
out += ' ' + item
# etc...
return out
assert '123456789 123456712' == algorithm('123456789 1234567 12')
assert '1231234 123456712 123456789' == algorithm('123 1234 1234567 12 123456789')
# etc...