
时间:2011-09-15 12:47:25

标签: google-maps infowindow

我在google地图中用infoWindows显示了多个引脚,并且在html页面中显示了位置名称,现在我需要这个,当点击任何位置名称将引脚从一个移动到另一个时,并显示它的infoWindow。 那么,有什么解决方案吗? http://i53.tinypic.com/hvec15.jpg

function initialize() {

if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
    var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));
    map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
    map.setCenter(new GLatLng(51.50015, -0.12624), 13);

// Creates a marker at the given point
// Clicking the marker will hide it
var marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(lat, longt));
function createMarker(latlng, number) {
  var marker = new GMarker(latlng);
  marker.value = number;
  GEvent.addListener(marker,"click", function() {
    var myHtml =  number + "";
    map.openInfoWindowHtml(latlng, myHtml);
  return marker;

// Add 5 markers to the map at random locations
// Note that we don't add the secret message to the marker's instance data
var bounds = map.getBounds();
for (index in markers){
var n=markers[index];
  var latlng = new GLatLng(n.lat,n.lng);
map.addOverlay(createMarker(latlng, n.name));


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见demo:login to see demo