我有一个VM集群(所有Windows 7),我试图用它来运行Jenkins的持续集成。测试是用Java和我的本地环境(Windows 7)编写的。我可以远程连接到VM并运行我的测试而没有任何问题。
[testng] Usage: <main class> [options]
[testng] The XML suite files to run
[testng] Unknown option: -sourcedir
[testng] Options:
[testng] -configfailurepolicy Configuration failure policy (skip or
[testng] continue)
[testng] -d Output directory
[testng] -dataproviderthreadcount Number of threads to use when running
[testng] data providers
[testng] -excludegroups Comma-separated list of group names to
[testng] exclude
[testng] -groups Comma-separated list of group names to be
[testng] run
[testng] -junit JUnit mode
[testng] Default: false
[testng] -listener List of .class files or list of class
[testng] names implementing ITestListener or
[testng] ISuiteListener
[testng] -methods Comma separated of test methods
[testng] Default: []
[testng] -methodselectors List of .class files or list of class
[testng] names implementing IMethodSelector
[testng] -objectfactory List of .class files or list of class
[testng] names implementing ITestRunnerFactory
[testng] -parallel Parallel mode (methods, tests or classes)
[testng] -port The port
[testng] -reporter Extended configuration for custom report
[testng] listener
[testng] -suitename Default name of test suite, if not
[testng] specified in suite definition file or
[testng] source code
[testng] -suitethreadpoolsize Size of the thread pool to use to run
[testng] suites
[testng] Default: 1
[testng] -testclass The list of test classes
[testng] -testjar A jar file containing the tests
[testng] -testname Default name of test, if not specified in
[testng] suitedefinition file or source code
[testng] -testnames The list of test names to run
[testng] -testrunfactory, -testRunFactory The factory used to create tests
[testng] -threadcount Number of threads to use when running
[testng] tests in parallel
[testng] -usedefaultlisteners Whether to use the default listeners
[testng] Default: true
[testng] -log, -verbose Level of verbosity
停止服务器: [selenium-shutdown]获取:http://localhost:4444/selenium-server/driver/?cmd=shutDown [selenium-shutdown]收件人:/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/HomePage/workspace/result.txt [selenium-shutdown]预计关机期间的DGF错误
我的Jenkins实例在另一个盒子(ubuntu)上运行。我刚刚在那个盒子上升级到Ant 1.8.2。这可能是一个问题吗?我已经看到这个问题有几个地方,但还没有具体的答案,感谢任何帮助,谢谢。
答案 0 :(得分:1)