PHP / OOP方法覆盖DRY方式

时间:2011-09-12 22:56:25

标签: php oop


class Foo {
    public function foo() {
        // Foo-specific foo stuff.

class Bar extends Foo {
    public function foo() {
        // Bar-specific foo stuff.

class Baz extends Bar {
    public function foo() {
        // Baz-specific foo stuff.

$boz = new Foo();
$boz->foo(); // should do the stuff in Foo::foo()

$biz = new Bar();
$biz->foo(); // should do the stuff in Bar::foo() and Foo::foo()

$buz = new Baz();
$buz->foo(); // should do the stuff in Baz::foo(), Bar::foo(), and Foo::foo()

// etc...




所以我的问题是 - 是否有更好的设计可以实现相同的行为,或者某种方式在父/子类之间强制实施这种“契约”?



// Vehicle
class Vehicle {
    public function start() {
        // Vehicle engines are on when you start them.
        // Unless they belong to me, that is :-(

// Vehicle > Automobile
class Automobile extends Vehicle {
    public function start() {
        // Automobile engines are on when you start them.

        // Automobiles idle when you start them.

// Vehicle > Airplane
class Airplane extends Vehicle {
    public function start() {
        // Airplane engines are on when you start them.

        // Airplanes also have radios that need to be turned on when started.

// Vehicle > Automobile > Car
class Car extends Automobile {
    public function start() {
        // Cars engines are on and idle when you start them.

        // Cars also have dashboard lights that turn on when started.

// Vehicle > Airplane > Jet
class Jet extends Airplane {
    public function start() {
        // Jet engines and radios are on when you start them.

        // Jets also arm their weapons when started.

// Vehicle > Automobile > BobsSuperAwesomeCustomTruck
class BobsSuperAwesomeCustomTruck extends Automobile {
    public function start() {
        // Uh-oh... Bob didn't call parent::start() in his class, so his trucks
        // don't work, with no errors or exceptions to help him figure out why.

        // Bob's trucks also need to reset their pinball machine highscores when started.

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


class abstract Foo {
    public function foo() {
        // Foo-specific foo stuff.

    // Might be abstract, might be an empty implementation
    protected abstract function _foo();

class Bar extends Foo {
    protected function _foo() {
        // Bar-specific foo stuff.


答案 1 :(得分:3)

只要你在子类中覆盖你的方法,我所知道的任何语言都无法强制执行父方法的行为。如果您只是为您的应用编写代码,您应该能够信任自己的代码来调用parent :: foo()。但是,如果您正在编写其他人将构建的库,框架或API,那么您的想法就有价值。 Ruby on Rails使用回调充分利用了这种行为。

好的,所以不要定义任何 foo方法。相反,使用__call和一组闭包作为回调。我的PHP真的很生疏,所以我忘记了一些细节。

class Foo {
  // I forget how to make a class variable in PHP, but this should be one.
  // You could define as many callback chains as you like.
  $callbacks = array('foo_callback_chain' => []);

  // This should be a class function. Again, forget how.
  function add_callback($name, $callback) {
    $callbacks[$name.'_callback_chain'][] = $callback;

  // Add your first callback
  add_callback('foo', function() {
    // do foo stuff

  def method__call($method, $args) {
    // Actually, you might want to call them in reverse order, as that would be more similar
    foreach ( $callbacks[$method_name.'_callback_chain'] as $method ) {


答案 2 :(得分:2)


class A {
    // Chain caller helpers, defined in base class only 
    // (single point of maintenance)

    protected $_chain_params; 

    final public function chain_call($method_name, $params){
        $class = get_class($this);  // get last child classname
        $chain = array($class);

        while ($class !== 'A'){    // get all parents classname
            $class = get_parent_class($class);
            $chain[] = $class;

            // Call reversed chain
        $this->_chain_params = $params;
        for ($k = count($chain) - 1; $k >= 0; $k--){
            $class = $chain[$k];
            $refl = new \ReflectionMethod($class, $method_name);
            if ($refl->class === $class)
                $ret = call_user_func_array(array($this, 
        return $ret;

    final protected function chain_modify_params($params){
        $this->_chain_params = $params;

    // Methods overrided by child classes:
    public function foo($a, $b){
        echo "A foo fired with params a=$a b=$b <br>";

    protected function bar($a, &$b){
        echo "A bar fired with params a=$a b=$b <br>";
        return 1000;

 // Child classes extending base class. NOTE: no need to smell the code!

class B extends A {
    public function foo($a, $b){
        echo "B foo fired with params a=$a b=$b <br>";

    protected function bar($a, &$b){
        echo "B bar fired with params a=$a b=$b <br>";
        return 2000;

class C extends B {
    public function foo($a, $b){
        echo "C foo fired with params a=$a b=$b <br>";

    protected function bar($a, &$b){
        echo "C bar fired with params a=$a b=$b <br>";

        $a++;  // override param value
        $b++;  // override referenced param value
        echo " - C modify => a=$a b=$b <br>";

        // reflect changed parameters to the next child class in chain ;)
        $this->chain_modify_params(array($a, &$b));

        return 3000;

class D extends C {
    public function foo($a, $b){
        echo "D foo fired with params a=$a b=$b <br>";

    protected function bar($a, &$b){
        echo "D bar fired with params a=$a b=$b <br>";
        return 4000;

$d = new D();

echo 'Call "foo" directly... <br>';
$d->foo(10, 20);

echo '<br> Call "foo" in chain mode... <br>';
$d->chain_call('foo', array(10, 20));

echo '<br> More complex example: call "bar" in chain mode,'.
     'passing $k by reference, '.
     'and getting last method result... <br><br>';

$k = 40;
$ret = $d->chain_call('bar', array(30, &$k));

echo "<br> D->bar() return: " . $ret;
echo "<br>k = $k";


Call "foo" directly... 
D foo fired with params a=10 b=20 

Call "foo" in chain mode... 
A foo fired with params a=10 b=20 
B foo fired with params a=10 b=20 
C foo fired with params a=10 b=20 
D foo fired with params a=10 b=20 

More complex example: call "bar" in chain mode, 
passing $k by reference, and getting last method result... 

A bar fired with params a=30 b=40 
B bar fired with params a=30 b=40 
C bar fired with params a=30 b=40 
 - C modify => a=31 b=41 
D bar fired with params a=31 b=41 

D->bar() return: 4000
k = 41

答案 3 :(得分:1)


但是,如果Foo :: foo必须始终在任何子类:: foo之前执行,并且您不关心结果;也许这些方法的实际内容设计得很糟糕。



class Foo {

  function doFoo() {

    // the code that 'must always run' goes here
    // and now we're calling the 'overridden' method.


  protected function foo() {
     // move along, nothing to see here


class Bar extends Foo {

  protected function foo() {
     // Bar-specific foo stuff. 


class Baz extends Foo {

  protected function foo() {
     // Baz-specific foo stuff. 



