为什么这个多线程VB.NET(2010 Express Edition)程序不能正常工作?

时间:2011-09-11 05:19:25

标签: vb.net multithreading debugging vb.net-2010


感谢您对此事的任何建议。 - 亚伦

Imports System.Threading

Public Class frmMain

    ''' <summary>Initializes the multithreaded form</summary>

    Private Sub Initialize() Handles MyBase.Load

        AddThread(AddressOf Update_UI)

        running = True

        For Each Thread In ThreadPool

            Thread.IsBackground = True



    End Sub

    ''' <summary>Terminates the multithreaded form</summary>

    Protected Overrides Sub Finalize() Handles MyBase.FormClosing

        running = False

        For Each Thread In ThreadPool


            Thread = Nothing


    End Sub

    ''' <summary>Adds a worker thread to the ThreadPool</summary>

    ''' <param name="pointer">The AddressOf the function to run on a new thread.</param>

    Private Sub AddThread(ByRef pointer As System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart)

        Dim newthread As Integer

        If ThreadPool Is Nothing Then newthread = 0 Else newthread = ThreadPool.GetUpperBound(0) + 1

        ReDim Preserve ThreadPool(newthread)

        ThreadPool(newthread) = New Thread(pointer)

    End Sub

    ''' <summary>Updates the User Interface</summary>

    Private Sub Update_UI()

        'HELP: The commented out lines in this subroutine make the program work incorrectly when uncommented.

        'HELP: It should echo 'output' to the titlebar of frmMain, but it also makes the form unresponsive.
        'HELP: When I force the form to quit, the 'termination alert' does not trigger, instead the application hangs completely on Thread.Join (see above).
        'HELP: If I remove DoEvents(), the form is unable to be closed...it simply goes unresponsive.  Shouldn't the multithreading keep us from needing DoEvents()?

        'If Me.InvokeRequired Then

        '    Me.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(AddressOf Update_UI))


            While running
                Dim output As String = System.DateTime.Now + " :: Update_UI() is active!"


                'Me.Text = output

            End While

            Debug.Print(System.DateTime.Now + " :: Termination signal recieved...")

        'End If

    End Sub

    Delegate Sub dlgUpdate_UI()

    Private ThreadPool() As Thread

    Private running As Boolean

End Class

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  • 您的Invoke()调用使整个方法在主线程上运行。它将开始执行循环并永不退出。你的表格变得紧张,因为它不再做任何其他事情,比如重新绘制标题栏以显示更改的文本或回应用户输入
  • DoEvents调用使表单恢复活动但现在您遇到了一个新问题:用户可以关闭窗口并且代码保持运行。 运行标志永远不会设置为false,因此程序不会停止。用户界面已经消失了。代码通常会在ObjectDisposedException上炸弹,但在特定情况下不会,Text属性存储在私有变量中
  • 您可以更改代码,以便只在主线程上运行Me.Text分配。但是现在你遇到了一个新问题:主线程将受到调用请求的攻击,并且不再需要执行常规(低优先级)任务。它变得紧张。基本问题是您尝试更快地更新标题栏方式。没有意义,用户无法快速阅读。每秒更新20次就足够了,人眼看起来很顺利
  • 不要对此类任务使用Finalize()方法,代码可以轻松触发2秒终结器线程超时,轰炸您的程序。


答案 1 :(得分:1)

这是do while循环,它会消耗你所有的循环,所以无论你使用多少线程,你都会失去战斗并保持处理器忙。以下内容将更适合您要实现的目标。

Imports System.Threading

Public Class Form1

    Private t As New Timer(AddressOf DoTimer, Nothing, 1000, 1000)

    Private Sub DoTimer(ByVal state As Object)
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>Updates the User Interface</summary>
    Private Sub UpdateUi()
        If InvokeRequired Then
            Invoke(New DlgUpdateUi(AddressOf UpdateUi))
            Dim output As String = DateTime.Now & " :: Update_UI() is active!"
            Text = output
        End If
    End Sub

    Delegate Sub DlgUpdateUi()

    Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
    End Sub
End Class

答案 2 :(得分:0)


而是将您分配给output的状态文本发布到可以通过UI线程访问的变量中。然后使用System.Windows.Forms.Timer以更合理的速率定期轮询其值...可能每1秒钟左右。 Tick事件已在UI线程上运行,因此您可以立即开始使用此值通过操作各种UI控件向最终用户显示。
