
时间:2011-09-08 20:19:14

标签: vba logic

问题描述: 抬起一堆硬币。翻转最顶部的硬币,然后继续:将前2个硬币和上翻作为单个堆叠(尾部,头部朝上翻转并放回堆叠尾部,头部(两个硬币翻转就好像粘在一起))。现在以相同的方式翻转前3个硬币并放回堆叠(你得到:尾巴,尾巴,头部(如果有4个硬币,那将是尾巴,尾巴,尾巴,头部)。当你翻转整个堆叠用第一枚硬币再次开始。继续,直到你回到所有抬头的堆叠。



我在电子表格上放了一个按钮,然后调用FlippingCoins ......

Sub FlippingCoins()
Call theStackOfCoins
Call theFlipping
End Sub

Sub theStackOfCoins()
Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(1, 3).Select

Dim StackOfCoins As Integer
    StackOfCoins = Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(1, 3).Value

Dim row As Integer
    row = 0

For theStack = 1 To StackOfCoins
    Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(row + theStack, 1).Value = True
Next theStack

End Sub

Sub theFlipping()

Dim middleCoin As Integer
    middleCoin = 0
Dim passes As Integer
    passes = 0
Dim Fst As Integer
    Fst = 0
Dim Lst As Integer
    Lst = 0

Dim stack As Integer
    stack = Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(1, 3).Value

Dim Flip_x_coins As Integer
    Flip_x_coins = 0

Dim count As Integer
    count = 0

Dim Finished As Boolean
    Finished = False

    Flip_x_coins = 1
For Flip_x_coins = 1 To stack
    Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(1, 4).Value = Flip_x_coins
    count = count + 1
    If Flip_x_coins = 1 Then
        Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(1, 1).Value = Not (Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(1, 1).Value)
        passes = Int(Flip_x_coins) / 2
        Fst = 1
        Lst = Flip_x_coins
        For pass = 1 To passes
            If Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(Fst, 1).Value = Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(Lst, 1).Value Then
                    Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(Fst, 1).Value = Not (Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(Fst, 1).Value)
                    Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(Lst, 1).Value = Not (Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(Lst, 1).Value)
            End If
            Fst = Fst + 1
            Lst = Flip_x_coins - 1
        Next pass
        If Flip_x_coins Mod 2 > 0 Then
            middleCoin = (Flip_x_coins + 1) / 2
            Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(middleCoin, 1).Value = Not (Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(middleCoin, 1).Value)
        End If
    End If
    For testComplete = 1 To stack
        If Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(testComplete, 1).Value = False Then
            Finished = False
            Exit For
            Finished = True
        End If
    Next testComplete
    Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(1, 2).Value = count
If Finished = True Then
    Exit For
End If
    MsgBox "Next."
    If Flip_x_coins = stack Then
        GoTo Reset
    End If
Next Flip_x_coins

End Sub



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

For pass = 1 To passes循环中,Lst = Flip_x_coins - 1错误。

应该是:Lst = Lst - 1



  • 没有Option Explicit。这允许您使用三个尚未声明的变量 - theStackpasstestComplete
  • 不正确的舍入。鉴于Flip_x_coins属于Integer类型,passes = Int(Flip_x_coins) / 2是无意义的。请尝试使用passes = Int(Flip_x_coins / 2)
  • 使用Goto通常是一个坏主意。它在VBA中用于错误处理,但在这种情况下,您可以轻松地使用Do Until finished ... Loop构造

答案 1 :(得分:0)

Sub Flip()

    Dim rw As Range
    Dim numCoins As Integer
    Dim iCoins As Integer, iCoin As Integer, flipCoins As Integer
    Dim v
    numCoins = 6

    Set rw = Sheet1.Range("B2").Resize(1, numCoins) 'all start as "TRUE"
    rw.Value = True

        For flipCoins = 1 To numCoins
            For iCoin = 1 To numCoins
                If iCoin <= flipCoins Then
                    v = Not rw.Cells(flipCoins - (iCoin - 1)).Value
                    v = rw.Cells(iCoin).Value
                End If
                rw.Offset(1, 0).Cells(iCoin).Value = v
            Next iCoin
            Set rw = rw.Offset(1, 0)
            rw.EntireRow.Cells(1).Value = "Flipped " & flipCoins

            If Application.CountIf(rw, "FALSE") = 0 Then
                Debug.Print "All Heads at row " & rw.Row
                Exit Do
            End If
       Next flipCoins
   Loop While rw.Row < 1000 'don't go on for ever...
End Sub

答案 2 :(得分:0)


            Fst = Fst + 1
            Lst = Flip_x_coins - 1
        Next pass


            Fst = Fst + 1
            Lst = Lst - 1
        Next pass