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正如其他答案所解释的那样,C ++中根本没有可用的机制可以一般地处理序列化和反序列化程序的状态/变量。所有方法都涉及手写代码以明确处理此类功能。
void MainWindow::saveStateToSettings() // QMainWindow already has method saveState() to store dockwidgets and toolbars locations and visibility, so don't use that function name for this
QSettings settings; // the QSettings default constructor can be made to have default parameters like shown in the main() function code below
settings.setValue("mywindowgeometry",saveGeometry()); // QWidget::saveGeometry is the recommended way to serialize the position, size and monitor number etc of QWidget
settings.setValue("myvariable1",m_myVariable1); // m_myVariable1 could be any of various basic C++ or Qt value datatypes, like int, float, QString, QRect, QByteArray etc, let's assume here it is a double floating point number. DON'T store pointers using this, serializing pointers is almost always useless and/or dangerous
settings.setValue("checkbox1checked",ui->checkBox->isChecked()); // store a bool
settings.setValue("plaintextedit1text",ui->plainTextEdit->toPlainText()); // store a QString
// write similar code as above to save all other needed state
// that's all there is to it to save the state!
void MainWindow::loadStateFromSettings()
QSettings settings;
restoreGeometry(settings.value("mywindowgeometry").toByteArray()); // QWidget::restoreGeometry restores the widget geometry from data that was generated previously with QWidget::saveGeometry
m_myVariable1=settings.value("myvariable1",0.5).toDouble(); // the 0.5 sets a default value if the QSettings instance is missing the variable or there's some other problem with the QSettings instance
ui->checkBox->setChecked(settings.value("checkbox1checked",true).toBool()); // again, the "true" value will be used in case of problem with QSettings
ui->plainTextEdit->setPlainText(settings.value("plaintextedit1text").toString()); // no value as the default value "magically" gives an empty QString
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QSettings::setDefaultFormat(QSettings::IniFormat); // now QSettings default constructor anywhere in the program code creates a QSettings object that uses ini-files. Note that on Windows you could use the registry and on Mac plist-files. Read the QSettings documentation for more on this
QApplication::setApplicationName("MyApplication"); // you should set this for your app object so QSettings can store the settings for your app in a location that can be identified by that name
QApplication::setOrganizationName("MyName"); // you should set this for your app object, the organization name is effectively your "company" name, and it makes QSettings store the settings for your app(s) in a location that can be identified by that name
MainWindow w;
return a.exec();
答案 3 :(得分:-1)